NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

One or even 1000 blacks making it in America doesn't prove America ISN'T racist. Only a stupid racist would say that.

The U.S. isn't racist. There may be some racist and bigoted people here, just as there are in all parts of the world, but no, this is not a racist country.
Well where it matters we are. In corporate America we are.

You know who I love? Stupid women who argue that we aren't a racist country but then when presented with the facts how women are also treated like second class citizens, all of the sudden they get it.

You don't get it because you are a white man.

I'm a white man?? :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Somebody better tell the U.S. Census bureau and my parents.

Do I look white to you, ass clown (here's a hint, the avatar)?

And far as women being second class citizens, that's another crock of shit. Go spend some time in Saudi Arabia and Iran and then come back and tell me how oppressed women are in this country.

Are you comparing women's rights in America to Saudi Arabia? Really?

Yeah, I really am, tard, and plenty of other places in the world that are still very patriarchal, even if not as extreme as the Middle East
Women still make less don’t have a fraction of women in the boardroom or congress and they benefitted most from affirmative action. And what are you Asian? Mexican? You look like you’ve assimilated into white society.
These people better realize what they are getting themselves into. If they thought there was a great deal of dirt and public details on Trump, can you imagine the dirt that will be drummed up from Oprah after so many decades?

The research and attack posts are already showing up on twitter. Especially in regards to her friendship with Weinstein.
Dirt like what?

And who would be a good candidate that wouldn't have said "dirt?"

Do you even think of what you're saying?
Meryl Streep and Oprah Winfrey both such hypocrites....what scum both. Puke!:puke:
Gary Oldman and his then wife Uma Thurman both knew weinstein was a monster.....Oldman refused to work with him....Uma went on to work with him...if they knew....Oprah knew....

But the little people, the little women don't mean anything to Oprah...
These people better realize what they are getting themselves into. If they thought there was a great deal of dirt and public details on Trump, can you imagine the dirt that will be drummed up from Oprah after so many decades?

The research and attack posts are already showing up on twitter. Especially in regards to her friendship with Weinstein.
Dirt like what?

And who would be a good candidate that wouldn't have said "dirt?"

Do you even think of what you're saying?

Decade long public figures in the entertainment world have the potential to have a great deal more dirt and controversy than even a politician. Remember the Access Hollywood leak? That's the kind of thing I am thinking about.

People coming out of the woodwork and speaking about their experiences behind the scenes. We saw how much came out on Trump with his years in the public eye, she will have a similar battle, I guarantee it.

Now, Trump has a major advantage, he was an outspoken rugged candidate from the start, outright shocking to the point most of us probably had our jaw drop when he came out with his famous Mexican "they're bringing crime..." speech.. He was always swinging back, not caring about feelings, going for the jugular. It's a brand he can work from.

Oprah cannot be like Trump or she will look like a fraud. All these years creating a nice, loving reputation and she is going to try and go toe to toe with Trump? As I said in another thread, I will wait until some of her skeletons come out. Already on twitter I've seen multiple photos of her with Weinstein, a TMZ story that Weinstein contacted them and said that Oprah was going to publicly support him if he defended himself. A video of Oprah suggesting that racism will go away when the old, white people die. Etc etc.

This from just the usual biased Twitter crowd, what do you think will see the light of day when big dollars are behind Trump and getting this dirt? Everyone has dirt. You, me, and especially those in the public eye. Noone is perfect, at this point, Trumps imperfections don't hurt him, hers will hurt more just as Hillary's hurt her more. A bit of a double standard, but its consistent with their persona.
Oprah said she was not running. I guess she didn't like the digging that commenced today and what the results brought forth. Good move, Oprah.
Why would anyone think she would be a good president? Where does she stand on any issues? How can you say a person would be a good president when you don't even know where they stand on important matters? It is just because she is Oprah and she supported Obama, so the dems want an Obama sequel. Surprise!
Trumpettes of USMB, guess who thought Oprah had the chops...

Trump in '99: Would consider Oprah for VP

I'm not saying she couldn't be a good candidate or even a good president. If she follows the Obama policies America will be hurt, but doesn't mean she can't get support. I'm saying she will not have a clear path to the WH, especially if Trump keeps his campaign promises. I keep my finger on the pulse of what is going on and that's my opinion.

Forget the emotional "she seems like she would make a great president", to, "how is she not going to be stigmatized as just any other elitist, globalist, billionaire?".
Someone who loves their country and wants to try to make it what it once was, ChrisL? Just a guess. Personally, its a bitch of a job so someone has to REALLY be determined to take it on and strong enough to do it.
These people better realize what they are getting themselves into. If they thought there was a great deal of dirt and public details on Trump, can you imagine the dirt that will be drummed up from Oprah after so many decades?

The research and attack posts are already showing up on twitter. Especially in regards to her friendship with Weinstein.
Dirt like what?

And who would be a good candidate that wouldn't have said "dirt?"

Do you even think of what you're saying?

Decade long public figures in the entertainment world have the potential to have a great deal more dirt and controversy than even a politician. Remember the Access Hollywood leak? That's the kind of thing I am thinking about.

People coming out of the woodwork and speaking about their experiences behind the scenes. We saw how much came out on Trump with his years in the public eye, she will have a similar battle, I guarantee it.

Now, Trump has a major advantage, he was an outspoken rugged candidate from the start, outright shocking to the point most of us probably had our jaw drop when he came out with his famous Mexican "they're bringing crime..." speech.. He was always swinging back, not caring about feelings, going for the jugular. It's a brand he can work from.

Oprah cannot be like Trump or she will look like a fraud. All these years creating a nice, loving reputation and she is going to try and go toe to toe with Trump? As I said in another thread, I will wait until some of her skeletons come out. Already on twitter I've seen multiple photos of her with Weinstein, a TMZ story that Weinstein contacted them and said that Oprah was going to publicly support him if he defended himself. A video of Oprah suggesting that racism will go away when the old, white people die. Etc etc.

This from just the usual biased Twitter crowd, what do you think will see the light of day when big dollars are behind Trump and getting this dirt? Everyone has dirt. You, me, and especially those in the public eye. Noone is perfect, at this point, Trumps imperfections don't hurt him, hers will hurt more just as Hillary's hurt her more. A bit of a double standard, but its consistent with their persona.
It would be great if she were as well spoken politically as obama and Bill Clinton were. Hillary sucked. I’ll admit it now
Someone who loves their country and wants to try to make it what it once was, ChrisL? Just a guess. Personally, its a bitch of a job so someone has to REALLY be determined to take it on and strong enough to do it.
Yea chrisl
Trumpettes of USMB, guess who thought Oprah had the chops...

Trump in '99: Would consider Oprah for VP

I'm not saying she couldn't be a good candidate or even a good president. If she follows the Obama policies America will be hurt, but doesn't mean she can't get support. I'm saying she will not have a clear path to the WH, especially if Trump keeps his campaign promises. I keep my finger on the pulse of what is going on and that's my opinion.

Forget the emotional "she seems like she would make a great president", to, "how is she not going to be stigmatized as just any other elitist, globalist, billionaire?".

Right? She is one of the RICHEST women in the world. Lol! Aren't the 1%'ers the enemies of the dems? :D
Well, did she lie? But Easy I have concerns about her dedication to all cultures.. so Let's just see where this goes.
I am not even going to address any 'birther' crap...and that is what it is - CRAP. I will say this ONCE and only once - if anyone in the future tries to claim 'Easy believes...' they are full of $hit. - THIS is what I believe:

I do not believe Obama was 'not' an American. That is my personal view. For those who entertain the idea he was not, SO THE HELL WHAT? EVEN if true he was born in Kenya ... or elsewhere ... which again I do not believe...WHAT FRIGGIN' DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE NOW? He was President, he served 8 years, and he is now out of office. MOVE ON. I never hated the MAN for any reason but opposed many of his policies, agenda, crimes, etc....

As far as Winfrey goes, the question of whether she will be dedicated to represent all cultures .. or political parties / members ... I always have that about every candidate.
Is Trump going according to your standard?
Someone who loves their country and wants to try to make it what it once was, ChrisL? Just a guess. Personally, its a bitch of a job so someone has to REALLY be determined to take it on and strong enough to do it.

You also would have to be very, very, very confident in yourself and your abilities.
Right? She is one of the RICHEST women in the world. Lol! Aren't the 1%'ers the enemies of the dems? :D
By that very same premise, shouldn't that make her your top candidate, since the 1% are the friends of cons?

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