NBC: Oprah is OUR future President

Democrats are so dumb lol. How bout you idiots try to put forth some candidates with ideas & experience rather than focusing on gender & color for a change.

Like Trump? No experience what so ever.

The plus' for Operah

She is clearly an acomplished person
Successfull businesswoman
Articulate, intelligent, and has self control
She is rare on that she is truly a selfmade wealthy woman

The negatives
No experience in politics (but that seems to be a plus these days)
Dont know what her platform would be
Trump had quite a lot of experience with foreign government activities set him forward. Ran for president before. He’s ten times political to her. Got any thing on Russia yet? I do. Peter Steele.

:lmao:....oh he did? Besides Russia I mean? No...he only conducted international business deals and borrowed money. Big difference.

You're trying to morph a man you voted for because he was an outsider with no political experience into someone who magically has political experience just so you can insist he was more experienced then she is.

How many political offices has he held before this one?
I asked you, where’s the Russians? What was the evidence to initiate the special counsel? You got that?

1. I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude - as any rational person should.
2. I asked you - How many political offices has he held before this one? Are you going to continue to try an derail the topic?
That’s not my question lady. I asked what initiated the special counsel . You can’t answer can you?
I agree with Paul Joseph Watson when he says:

Only Meryl Streep can lay claim to being a bigger hypocrite.

Trump supporters suggesting someone should be disqualified from the presidency for associating with a sexual predator?
What about actually being a sexual predator and supporting another one for Congress...or is that different?

This is too funny.
Like Trump? No experience what so ever.

The plus' for Operah

She is clearly an acomplished person
Successfull businesswoman
Articulate, intelligent, and has self control
She is rare on that she is truly a selfmade wealthy woman

The negatives
No experience in politics (but that seems to be a plus these days)
Dont know what her platform would be
Trump had quite a lot of experience with foreign government activities set him forward. Ran for president before. He’s ten times political to her. Got any thing on Russia yet? I do. Peter Steele.

:lmao:....oh he did? Besides Russia I mean? No...he only conducted international business deals and borrowed money. Big difference.

You're trying to morph a man you voted for because he was an outsider with no political experience into someone who magically has political experience just so you can insist he was more experienced then she is.

How many political offices has he held before this one?
I asked you, where’s the Russians? What was the evidence to initiate the special counsel? You got that?

1. I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude - as any rational person should.
2. I asked you - How many political offices has he held before this one? Are you going to continue to try an derail the topic?
That’s not my question lady. I asked what initiated the special counsel . You can’t answer can you?

Then you need to start another thread because it's an entire topic's worth of stuff to rehash and I'm not going to do it. So suit yourself.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.
Sean Spicer Dismisses Oprah Winfrey Presidential Run Because Of Inexperience

Oprah is certainly better qualified than Trump to be president. She has more business savvy and is probably worth much more financially. She didn't inherit her wealth. Forbes list her as the richest American female - at $3.1 billion.
She didn't work for her wealth either.

So how did she get started bird brain..she was poor as a child. She was abused. She is a overcomer .


Unlike Trump - she was born in poverty and truly made her own fortune - every bit of it.

Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia
Personal wealth
Born in rural poverty, and raised by a mother dependent on government welfare payments in a poor urban neighborhood, Winfrey became a millionaire at the age of 32 when her talk show received national syndication. Winfrey negotiated ownership rights to the television program and started her own production company. At the age of 41, Winfrey had a net worth of $340 million and replaced Bill Cosby as the only African American on the Forbes 400.[98] With a 2000 net worth of $800 million, Winfrey is believed to be the richest African American of the 20th century. There has been a course taught at the University of Illinois focusing on Winfrey's business acumen, namely: "History 298: Oprah Winfrey, the Tycoon".[99] Winfrey was the highest paid television entertainer in the United States in 2006, earning an estimated $260 million during the year, five times the sum earned by second-place music executive Simon Cowell.[100] By 2008, her yearly income had increased to $275 million.[101]

Forbes' list of The World's Billionaires has listed Winfrey as the world's only black billionaire from 2004 to 2006 and as the first black woman billionaire in the world that was achieved in 2003.[98] As of 2014, Winfrey has a net worth in excess of 2.9 billion dollars[102] and has overtaken former eBay CEO Meg Whitman as the richest self-made woman in America.[103]
Huh? Trump is president

Black dresses representing 'Silent Protest?' Yeah, just another performance for the cameras. Their 'Silence' is what caused so many innocent women to be raped. Liberal Elites like Winfrey and Streep, knew all along what was going on. So their new-found 'Heroism' is just another phony Hollywood performance. They should never be trusted. Period, end of story.
Sean Spicer Dismisses Oprah Winfrey Presidential Run Because Of Inexperience

Oprah is certainly better qualified than Trump to be president. She has more business savvy and is probably worth much more financially. She didn't inherit her wealth. Forbes list her as the richest American female - at $3.1 billion.
She didn't work for her wealth either.

So how did she get started bird brain..she was poor as a child. She was abused. She is a overcomer .


Unlike Trump - she was born in poverty and truly made her own fortune - every bit of it.

Oprah Winfrey - Wikipedia
Personal wealth
Born in rural poverty, and raised by a mother dependent on government welfare payments in a poor urban neighborhood, Winfrey became a millionaire at the age of 32 when her talk show received national syndication. Winfrey negotiated ownership rights to the television program and started her own production company. At the age of 41, Winfrey had a net worth of $340 million and replaced Bill Cosby as the only African American on the Forbes 400.[98] With a 2000 net worth of $800 million, Winfrey is believed to be the richest African American of the 20th century. There has been a course taught at the University of Illinois focusing on Winfrey's business acumen, namely: "History 298: Oprah Winfrey, the Tycoon".[99] Winfrey was the highest paid television entertainer in the United States in 2006, earning an estimated $260 million during the year, five times the sum earned by second-place music executive Simon Cowell.[100] By 2008, her yearly income had increased to $275 million.[101]

Forbes' list of The World's Billionaires has listed Winfrey as the world's only black billionaire from 2004 to 2006 and as the first black woman billionaire in the world that was achieved in 2003.[98] As of 2014, Winfrey has a net worth in excess of 2.9 billion dollars[102] and has overtaken former eBay CEO Meg Whitman as the richest self-made woman in America.[103]
Huh? Trump is president

He’s won. Who fking cares about ophhhrah
Trump had quite a lot of experience with foreign government activities set him forward. Ran for president before. He’s ten times political to her. Got any thing on Russia yet? I do. Peter Steele.

:lmao:....oh he did? Besides Russia I mean? No...he only conducted international business deals and borrowed money. Big difference.

You're trying to morph a man you voted for because he was an outsider with no political experience into someone who magically has political experience just so you can insist he was more experienced then she is.

How many political offices has he held before this one?
I asked you, where’s the Russians? What was the evidence to initiate the special counsel? You got that?

1. I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude - as any rational person should.
2. I asked you - How many political offices has he held before this one? Are you going to continue to try an derail the topic?
That’s not my question lady. I asked what initiated the special counsel . You can’t answer can you?

Then you need to start another thread because it's an entire topic's worth of stuff to rehash and I'm not going to do it. So suit yourself.
You fking asked whimp
:lmao:....oh he did? Besides Russia I mean? No...he only conducted international business deals and borrowed money. Big difference.

You're trying to morph a man you voted for because he was an outsider with no political experience into someone who magically has political experience just so you can insist he was more experienced then she is.

How many political offices has he held before this one?
I asked you, where’s the Russians? What was the evidence to initiate the special counsel? You got that?

1. I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude - as any rational person should.
2. I asked you - How many political offices has he held before this one? Are you going to continue to try an derail the topic?
That’s not my question lady. I asked what initiated the special counsel . You can’t answer can you?

Then you need to start another thread because it's an entire topic's worth of stuff to rehash and I'm not going to do it. So suit yourself.
You fking asked whimp

No. You did.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.
I asked you, where’s the Russians? What was the evidence to initiate the special counsel? You got that?

1. I'm waiting for the investigation to conclude - as any rational person should.
2. I asked you - How many political offices has he held before this one? Are you going to continue to try an derail the topic?
That’s not my question lady. I asked what initiated the special counsel . You can’t answer can you?

Then you need to start another thread because it's an entire topic's worth of stuff to rehash and I'm not going to do it. So suit yourself.
You fking asked whimp

No. You did.
Just another hypocrite elite fraud. Winfrey was well-aware of Weinstein's crimes all along. Yet she did nothing. Playing the 'caring hero' now, is way too little too late.

It's easy to be SHOCKED AND APPALLED once everyone finds out that you LIKELY KNEW what was going on.

They are fucking frauds. They are not feminists. They are simply elite arrogant smug Democrats.

One of Weinstein’s accusers said that Oprah took her to Weinstein to have sex in exchange for stardom.
It'll be in here somewhere www.infowars.com
That would be entertaining watching the cat fight between Warren and Oprah. :popcorn:

So remind me: which network killed Ronan Farrow's report on Harvey Weinstein?

Oh yeah. NBC.

The same folks who have been moaning about how horrible it is to have a celebrity billionaire in the White House.

NBC on Twitter

Remember, they don’t have standards, beyond “whatever gets us power.”

Oh boy, free cars for everyone. All resource intensive battery power. Guess I better sell my old Chevy's.
What about trump? You get a tax break the rich get a tax break.

But you and I will pay for it
The Trump campaign ad just writes itself....


She knew.....she knew what he was and she didn't care......she knew what bill clinton was, and she didn't care....

She is the worst sort of fraud....
Harvey Weinstein and Oprah Winfrey are good friends, will that hurt her when she runs in 2020
n all likelihood, no.
  1. Has she declared that she's running? AFAIK, she has not.
  2. I think the photo in the OP is from 2014. What makes you certain they ever were or remain anything other than individuals to whom the other is sociably cordial and perhaps able to conduct business? It may be that you are not a frequent recipient of "peck on the cheek" kisses and thus don't realize that's what's depicted in your OP's photo, OP-er.
  3. Have you ever had a close friend whom you discovered had done something reprehensible to others and not to you? If so, how did you handle the friendship? Did you remain true to your friend in their greatest hour of need for friends? Did you drop them like a hot potato? If you did the latter, you were nothing but a "fair weather friend."
    • Does the concept of "fallen from grace" escape you so profoundly that you don't "get" how it would be that among people who never were genuinely close friends or family members of Harvey, whatever they were once willing to forebear they may well now not be so willing?
    • Is human nature so novel to you that you don't get that amon acquaintances, the name of the game is rarely more than "what have you done for me lately?" It may be that you, like some people, callously use the term "friend" in association with folks whom you merely know and encounter on some temporally regular basis.
  4. I don't even know that Oprah knew of Harvey's abusive behavior. Do you know she was, at the time of the photo, aware of it?
  5. Is that photo even legit? I have looked for it and I can't find any credible publication that ran it. All I can find is instances of hoi polloi posting it in various forums.

Sorry.....Oprah is wired into Hollywood....everyone knew about weinstein.....so Oprah knew about him....she did nothing....she said nothing......

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