NBC poll: 71% of millennials want a 3rd political party


Insofar that the democrats and republicans are completely corrupt, I've voted for Jill Stein twice. I will never again vote for either party. I want to see both parties neutralized.

Trump is not a RINO or an R.

He is a fix-it manager type guy......smart enough to pick a side he could win on. Jill Stein? Hillary blamed her too. God we dodged a bullet!
this should be fun:

I can do a man in the street interview of any group you care to name, and edit the video to make that group look like the biggest crop of retards in human history.

These videos are confirmation bias theater for the rubes.

Rubes gonna rube. It's always the same muppets who post these types of videos over and over, thinking they're making some sort of profound statement about groups of people.
You should ask them what kind of 3rd party they want. You'll get at least 10 different party ideas.

Some will want a communist party. Some will want a Nazi party. Some will want a socialist party. Some will want a libertarian party.

Guess what. We already have them!

MOST don't have a clue as to the difference. Just so they get what they want when they want it and someone else pays for it!
Rubes gonna rube. It's always the same muppets who post these types of videos over and over, thinking they're making some sort of profound statement about groups of people.

But they're TRUE!

I already found a perfect mascot for the Moderates

I do too but as long as we have an entrenched Duopoly protected by the WTA-EC, not to mention Presidential debates controlled by a collusion of the Demoblican/Republicrat machine --- no third party will ever be allowed in. How many pop votes did Ross Perot get, versus how many EVs?
Casting a 3P vote preserves personal integrity but in the RW it doesn't even make a blip as long as the Duopoly have their sheep with them. It's a protest but it's a drop in the bucket. Get 40% of the turnout to go along with you and you'll have a meaningful event but without that all you have is the peace of mind that you personally are not part of the problem. I've done that; it's unsatisfying.

I'm not naive to the monumental task of building a viable third party nor am I sold on the idea that the Green Party and Jill Stein are the answer to that. I can say that in 2016, Stein got 1,207,141 votes, which is 1 percent of the popular vote. She did not get any electoral votes. She did significantly better than 2012, when she brought in 469,501 votes (or .36 percent of the vote.). Small growth but it is significant. Such things take time, decades in fact, but given the current political unrest, it provides a breeding ground for vast potential growth.

Outside of the mindless party thralls on both sides, voter unrest is ripe for change.
Alaska Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates

It is possible, Alaska's voted in independents a number of times in the past and we oft vote in third party for local elections. (At 5% the third party gets funding for the next election.)

We need to get the financial bullshit out of their way though; a third party needs like 3 times the sigs and two to three times the money to even try to run. It's pretty disgusting that the R's and D's got together to agree upon that bullshit rule but they can't fucking get their shit together to do more than piss in a bucket for the good of the people.
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all the old bastards whining about socialism for no damn reason will get a socialist government shoved up their rusty ass if they live long enough.

times are a'changin' ..
And some commie motherfuckers are likely to get 175 grains of lead shoved up their pinko asses if they fucking try that shit. I am to the point where I believe there is no compromise with commies (socialists) retards. The only solution to them is a FINAL solution!!!

I really do want to pave the streets with socialist carrion.

We need a fucking war.
Bullshit, no need to change the voting system, just have to change enough of the idiot voters false idea that voting for third party is a vote against their closest aligned party (R or D as the case may be) A tactic started by the R's and D's and still working fabulously to this day.
It'll only change if you change the voting system

Right, Progs want a direct voting system and do away with the electoral college.

The Founding Fathers were wary of a democracy, hence they created a Republic and the electoral system.

Naturally, Progs oppose them at every turn. Progs would rather have the population heavy states of California and New York run the lives of everyone else in the country.
It'll only change if you change the voting system

Right, Progs want a direct voting system and do away with the electoral college.

The Founding Fathers were wary of a democracy, hence they created a Republic and the electoral system.

Naturally, Progs oppose them at every turn. Progs would rather have the population heavy states of California and New York run the lives of everyone else in the country.

Actually it was a way to rig POTUS elections in favor of the slave states, which is why four of our first five Presidents were slaveholders from the South, specifically Virginia, the largest EC state. You know, the kind y'all revisionists like to pretend "run the lives of everyone else in the country". That was no coincidence They were able to do that by counting their slaves as 3/5 of a person each for the purpose of apportionment while allowing them 0/5 of a vote. Consequently nothing got done to address slavery for generations, at the same time Britain and France and Spain were abandoning it.

Once states started snowballing that WTA bullshit, the EC's main architect James Madison called for a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting that practice. Even though he too was from Virginia.
Bullshit, no need to change the voting system, just have to change enough of the idiot voters false idea that voting for third party is a vote against their closest aligned party (R or D as the case may be) A tactic started by the R's and D's and still working fabulously to this day.

That only works on paper. Because due to the absurd WTA system every voter either lives in a "red" state, a "blue" state or a "swing" state, three illegitimate concepts which would not exist without WTA. Red and Blue states' voters are effectively disenfranchised altogether --- regardless what an individual voter does, for, against, 3P or no vote at all, that state is voting Red or Blue unanimously and there's not a damn thing he or she can do about it.

That's most of the country right there, and in the remaining "swing" states where WTA also makes us all unnecessarily dependent on polls, nobody knows whether the state is going Red or going Blue but everybody knows it's one of the two, therefore if you don't want the Red your only choice is to vote Blue to block (and vice versa) in what is in effect a grand game of Tic Tac Toe. That's exactly why most of us end up voting not for somebody but against the alternative. It's also why our turnout rate is abysmal (55% in the last round).

No 3P candidate has drawn enough EC votes to even impact the Duopoly in 105 years (the aforementioned Roosevelt)., which allowed Woodrow Wilson entry to the WH with around a blistering 42% of the vote. The Duopoly has made sure even that level of threat didn't happen again. The WTA-EC is a crucial player in preserving that Duopoly. It effectively shuts out any third party from ever threatening it.
all the old bastards whining about socialism for no damn reason will get a socialist government shoved up their rusty ass if they live long enough.

times are a'changin' ..
And some commie motherfuckers are likely to get 175 grains of lead shoved up their pinko asses if they fucking try that shit. I am to the point where I believe there is no compromise with commies (socialists) retards. The only solution to them is a FINAL solution!!!

I really do want to pave the streets with socialist carrion.

We need a fucking war.

You need a psychiatrist, fucking or celibate.
Alaska Election Results 2016: President Live Map by County, Real-Time Voting Updates

It is possible, Alaska's voted in independents a number of times in the past and we oft vote in third party for local elections. (At 5% the third party gets funding for the next election.)

We need to get the financial bullshit out of their way though; a third party needs like 3 times the sigs and two to three times the money to even try to run. It's pretty disgusting that the R's and D's got together to agree upon that bullshit rule but they can't fucking get their shit together to do more than piss in a bucket for the good of the people.

They've also commandeered the debates, subsumed under a Duopoly collusion called the Commission on Presidential Debates to control who gets in and what the topics will be. Not long ago it was the nonpartisan League of Women Voters who set those up, but no more.

The only thing positive about the CPD is that it demonstrates how the two party (singular is intentional) can cooperate smoothly on a common goal, that being "no one will challenge our power".
It'll only change if you change the voting system

Right, Progs want a direct voting system and do away with the electoral college.

The Founding Fathers were wary of a democracy, hence they created a Republic and the electoral system.

Naturally, Progs oppose them at every turn. Progs would rather have the population heavy states of California and New York run the lives of everyone else in the country.

Nope. MMP is the way to go. Just like home...
It'll only change if you change the voting system

How is your idea, of having only a dozen of the largest cities and their states make all the decisions for the country a good thing?

What about the other 40 states? Are they to just bow down to you?

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