NBC poll: 71% of millennials want a 3rd political party

this should be fun:

I can do a man in the street interview of any group you care to name, and edit the video to make that group look like the biggest crop of retards in human history.

These videos are confirmation bias theater for the rubes.
Lemme guess...they want it to be called "The Mommy party".

I wonder how many are willing to form their party and convince people to vote for them. Or maybe, just as with so much else, they really want somebody ELSE to form a party so they can just go vote for it.

You have to be an angel, I would run for senator but heck no with all the skeletons in my closet ..
kids warmed up to bernie pretty damn good - after Trump gets through shitting on their feet its possible they start a movement and kick some R&D ass all over hell and half of Georiga

Insofar that the democrats and republicans are completely corrupt, I've voted for Jill Stein twice. I will never again vote for either party. I want to see both parties neutralized.
kids warmed up to bernie pretty damn good - after Trump gets through shitting on their feet its possible they start a movement and kick some R&D ass all over hell and half of Georiga
Young people don't vote. So no one gives a shit what they think.
``Insofar that the democrats and republicans are completely corrupt, I've voted for Jill Stein twice. I will never again vote for either party. I want to see both parties neutralized.
I'd think a strong and viable third party could do that. It would force both crazed nuthouses back to reality.


Insofar that the democrats and republicans are completely corrupt, I've voted for Jill Stein twice. I will never again vote for either party. I want to see both parties neutralized.

I do too but as long as we have an entrenched Duopoly protected by the WTA-EC, not to mention Presidential debates controlled by a collusion of the Demoblican/Republicrat machine --- no third party will ever be allowed in.

How many pop votes did Ross Perot get, versus how many EVs?

Casting a 3P vote preserves personal integrity but in the RW it doesn't even make a blip as long as the Duopoly have their sheep with them. It's a protest but it's a drop in the bucket. Get 40% of the turnout to go along with you and you'll have a meaningful event but without that all you have is the peace of mind that you personally are not part of the problem. I've done that; it's unsatisfying.
Lemme guess...they want it to be called "The Mommy party".

I wonder how many are willing to form their party and convince people to vote for them. Or maybe, just as with so much else, they really want somebody ELSE to form a party so they can just go vote for it.

You have to be an angel, I would run for senator but heck no with all the skeletons in my closet ..

Or take the other approach, lay out everything you've ever done and dare your opponent to make something of it.
Lemme guess...they want it to be called "The Mommy party".

I wonder how many are willing to form their party and convince people to vote for them. Or maybe, just as with so much else, they really want somebody ELSE to form a party so they can just go vote for it.

You have to be an angel, I would run for senator but heck no with all the skeletons in my closet ..

Or take the other approach, lay out everything you've ever done and dare your opponent to make something of it.

Ya know i was thinking about that approach...

Yes I have been to jail a few times, I talked to people had a smoke with them ..that I would of never met in the real world..

Yes I did more cocaine in my life then you can imagine..so what?

But I know news and politics like I know the back of my my hand , I won't play the Washington game.

I would probably get 2 votes..
I'm not a millennial and I want a 3rd party

It will accomplish nothing.

The issue is the power in the federal government. For too long they have subverted power to the federal government which naturally leads to corruption.

It did not used to be this way. The Progressive movement has subverted the limited government called for by the Founders.

You had me going till you blamed it all on the "Progressive movement", then it became clear you were just another partisan hack. The so called "Conservatives" have grown the government every bit as much as the progressives if not more. The only real difference between the two is that at least the progressive are honest about their intentions while conservatives pretend to be for smaller government till they are elected and then they blow the roof off.

Conservatives don't grow government, fake conservatives do.

I in no way defend the GOP. They lied to us about repealing Obamacare and refuse to do so even though they voted to do it under Obama, knowing he would veto it.

Conservatives have no place in the power hungry behemoth. Reform from within the Federal government is impossible. What is needed is an outside intervention, just like a crack addict. That is what the Article V movement is all about.

BTW, the GOP started the Progressive movement.
We live in a plutocracy now.....its only going to roll more for the wealthy unless people wake up. The truth is the truth.
I'm not a millennial and I want a 3rd party

It will accomplish nothing.

The issue is the power in the federal government. For too long they have subverted power to the federal government which naturally leads to corruption.

It did not used to be this way. The Progressive movement has subverted the limited government called for by the Founders.

You had me going till you blamed it all on the "Progressive movement", then it became clear you were just another partisan hack. The so called "Conservatives" have grown the government every bit as much as the progressives if not more. The only real difference between the two is that at least the progressive are honest about their intentions while conservatives pretend to be for smaller government till they are elected and then they blow the roof off.

Conservatives don't grow government, fake conservatives do.

I in no way defend the GOP. They lied to us about repealing Obamacare and refuse to do so even though they voted to do it under Obama, knowing he would veto it.

Conservatives have no place in the power hungry behemoth. Reform from within the Federal government is impossible. What is needed is an outside intervention, just like a crack addict. That is what the Article V movement is all about.

BTW, the GOP started the Progressive movement.

You mean --- Roosevelt? :dunno:
We live in a plutocracy now.....its only going to roll more for the wealthy unless people wake up. The truth is the truth.

Well the plutocracy needs to be neutered.

Let me give you a little history lesson.

The Founding Fathers wished to have a limited government, hence they passed the Articles of Confederation. Trouble was, it did not grant the federal government enough power. George Washington aptly stated the problem, "No money". They then created the Constitution which made things work just fine.

Then the Progressive era came round. At the turn of the 20th century, they tried creating a federal income tax, only, SCOTUS voted it down as unconstitutional. So then they simply added it to the Constitution and created their own personal bank. They created the problem of "too much money". Ever since then the debt has grown and grown exponentially. Now states have no power and are forced to do what the federal government tells them or be faced with losing that federal money they have come to depend upon.

What is needed is for states to rise up and amend the Constitution to fix what Progs have broken. There needs to be a balanced budget of some kind to stop the federal government from simply throwing monopoly money at every person on the planet to gain influence world wide. Enough!

Term limits are also a must, something that should be evident to everyone now that the sexual scandals are coming out. There is no removing them yet they need to leave.
We live in a plutocracy now.....its only going to roll more for the wealthy unless people wake up. The truth is the truth.

Well the plutocracy needs to be neutered.

Let me give you a little history lesson.

The Founding Fathers wished to have a limited government, hence they passed the Articles of Confederation. Trouble was, it did not grant the federal government enough power. George Washington aptly stated the problem, "No money". They then created the Constitution which made things work just fine.

Then the Progressive era came round. At the turn of the 20th century, they tried creating a federal income tax, only, SCOTUS voted it down as unconstitutional.

Ah, so you meant Lincoln?

That wasn't the Progressive Era.
We live in a plutocracy now.....its only going to roll more for the wealthy unless people wake up. The truth is the truth.

Well the plutocracy needs to be neutered.

Let me give you a little history lesson.

The Founding Fathers wished to have a limited government, hence they passed the Articles of Confederation. Trouble was, it did not grant the federal government enough power. George Washington aptly stated the problem, "No money". They then created the Constitution which made things work just fine.

Then the Progressive era came round. At the turn of the 20th century, they tried creating a federal income tax, only, SCOTUS voted it down as unconstitutional.

Ah, so you meant Lincoln?

That wasn't the Progressive Era.

Arguably he contributed to it.

Lincoln was willing to make slavery a Constitutional right so long as the slave states would return to the union. Then when they refused he unleashed the troops on them and trampled over their right to secede.

The main issue for him was centralized power of the Union with or without slavery

In fact, those who compromised their beliefs on the slavery issue by voting for the Constitution that included the slave states, is what led to the Civil War.

Centralized power is just that addictive it seems.

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