NBC Poll: Clinton Would Trounce Trump But Lose to Rubio

No fucking way Hillary Clinton loses to #NoShowRubio. We're not turning the country over to an empty suit.
Don't want to turn to over to an empty head (Hillary) either. So says Vladimir Putin (and millions of others) Also don't want to turn it over to a killer of 4 good men in Benghazi, and somebody with a longtime Muslim Brotherhood operative as her longtime close aide. (Huma).
There are three tracks right now: Trump; Carson, Cruz; Christie, Bush, Kasich, Rubio. None of the tracks individually can come up with a majority of the delegates.

When Carson completely falters, almost every last one of his supporters will go to the evangelical, Cruz, even if they do have to hold their noses.

I think Rubio will take the three subgroups of voters when their champions falter.

Trump's people, I think, want to win. The majority of them will go with him on a third party. The remainder will split between Cruz and Rubio. There still will not be enough for victory before the convention.

The convention will select Rubio and, probably, Rubio will select Kasich.
Trump has HAD the nomination since last June, when he declared himself a candidate. The Republicans must nominate him or they split the Republican vote and lose in November. Trump's money makes him an automatic nominee. No one else could do that.
They will lose with Trump or they lose with a third party. Better to throw him out to a third party, run an IR, and throw away the far right freaks. True conservatives will return.,
here is what you get by voting for the Progressive/dem party Hispanic/Latinos.

so go for it. We don't care anymore about your bitch bitch bitch. Go vote for the party of destruction and violence. they attacked HIS HOME

Progressives Today@ProgsToday

Angry leftist mob attacks home of Hispanic Alderman in order to protest...violence ==>

Angry leftists with rocks, wood chunks and torches attacked a Chicago alderman’s home this weekend.

NBC Chicago

http://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20151214/little-village/torch-toting-mob-throws-rocks-at-home-owned-by-ald-george-cardenas …

DNAinfo.com Chicago
Torch-Toting Mob Throws Rocks At Home Owned by Ald. George Cardenas
Protesters peppered the house with rocks and pieces of wood, but there was no major damage, he said.
The media want to choose the GOP nominee again....I wonder if they have any ulterior motives?

I remember all of the media polls in 2008 that showed how McCain was the only candidate who could beat Obama.

How'd that work out?

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