NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate heavily damages GOP/Tea Party

John McCain Blames Tea Party For Government Shutdown

Mccain blames the Tea Party for the shutdown

and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.
John McCain Blames Tea Party For Government Shutdown

Mccain blames the Tea Party for the shutdown

and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

I agree with you. But I think any influence the Tea Party has had, was given to them by the GOP. I really want to see a real-life Republican Party again. But there is no denying that the GOP helped create some of the issues that are hurting them today. A failure to recognize that means there is no hope of preventing it in the future.
John McCain Blames Tea Party For Government Shutdown

Mccain blames the Tea Party for the shutdown

and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.
and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.

Some folks can only cope with a world where the choices are easy and do not demand too much from the brain. Everything must be all black or all white, or all good or all evil. Sorting through distictions is just toooo much hard work .... sigh

And anyone who supports those with this disease are in danger of being judged "ignorant by association."

It just makes rebutal too darn easy.
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That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.

Some folks can only cope with a world where the choices are easy and do not demand too much from the brain. Everything must be all black or all white, or all good or all evil. Sorting through distictions is just toooo much hard work .... sigh

And anyone who supports those with this disease are in danger of being judged "ignorant by association."

It just makes rebutal too darn easy.

and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

I agree with you. But I think any influence the Tea Party has had, was given to them by the GOP. I really want to see a real-life Republican Party again. But there is no denying that the GOP helped create some of the issues that are hurting them today. A failure to recognize that means there is no hope of preventing it in the future.

Yes, but that is like saying that the Democrats influenced the Occupy movement. Sure the people there vote Democrat because it is the only party they have to identify with, but if they had the chance they would vote for someone more radical. I want a real Republican party to vote for again too, that is until I hopefully fulfill my dreams of running for office. My generation knows what it wants as far as politics go. Younger people are primed to become good Republicans. We are tired of the fiscal irresponsibility of Democrats, and we have piles of debt to pay off. We want our money and we want to know where the money you are taking from us is going. However, the GOP will never tap into this market if they continue this charade. We need to fix our stances on social issues so that they are not reflective of the 1930's, we need to stop calling those in our party RINO's for believing this. The saddest thing is, is that if Reagan or Eisenhower were placed in a current GOP debate they would be laughed of the stage and called Democrats. It is so annoying to have to listen to.
and the Republicans who aren't brave enough to tell them to get lost

That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.

Anyone who feels the need to add the Hussein to President Obama's name is just telling others to not take what they have to say seriously. There is a difference between talking about politics and disrespecting the highest office in the world. You wonder why people dont take you seriously.
That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

I agree with you. But I think any influence the Tea Party has had, was given to them by the GOP. I really want to see a real-life Republican Party again. But there is no denying that the GOP helped create some of the issues that are hurting them today. A failure to recognize that means there is no hope of preventing it in the future.

Yes, but that is like saying that the Democrats influenced the Occupy movement. Sure the people there vote Democrat because it is the only party they have to identify with, but if they had the chance they would vote for someone more radical. I want a real Republican party to vote for again too, that is until I hopefully fulfill my dreams of running for office. My generation knows what it wants as far as politics go. Younger people are primed to become good Republicans. We are tired of the fiscal irresponsibility of Democrats, and we have piles of debt to pay off. We want our money and we want to know where the money you are taking from us is going. However, the GOP will never tap into this market if they continue this charade. We need to fix our stances on social issues so that they are not reflective of the 1930's, we need to stop calling those in our party RINO's for believing this. The saddest thing is, is that if Reagan or Eisenhower were placed in a current GOP debate they would be laughed of the stage and called Democrats. It is so annoying to have to listen to.

I applaud you and I wish you well. As a staunch supporter of fiscal responsibility, I'd also urge you to remember that unfunded wars (and tax cuts to go along with them) jack the debt even higher.

It hasn't just been the fiscal irresponsibility of Democrats that have created this mess. The only difference when it comes to spending between the GOP and the Dems (from my perspective) is who the checks are made out to.

I wish you the best of luck. I think your generation might just be the one that can fix the messes my generation is leaving behind for you. I hope so.
I agree with you. But I think any influence the Tea Party has had, was given to them by the GOP. I really want to see a real-life Republican Party again. But there is no denying that the GOP helped create some of the issues that are hurting them today. A failure to recognize that means there is no hope of preventing it in the future.

Yes, but that is like saying that the Democrats influenced the Occupy movement. Sure the people there vote Democrat because it is the only party they have to identify with, but if they had the chance they would vote for someone more radical. I want a real Republican party to vote for again too, that is until I hopefully fulfill my dreams of running for office. My generation knows what it wants as far as politics go. Younger people are primed to become good Republicans. We are tired of the fiscal irresponsibility of Democrats, and we have piles of debt to pay off. We want our money and we want to know where the money you are taking from us is going. However, the GOP will never tap into this market if they continue this charade. We need to fix our stances on social issues so that they are not reflective of the 1930's, we need to stop calling those in our party RINO's for believing this. The saddest thing is, is that if Reagan or Eisenhower were placed in a current GOP debate they would be laughed of the stage and called Democrats. It is so annoying to have to listen to.

I applaud you and I wish you well. As a staunch supporter of fiscal responsibility, I'd also urge you to remember that unfunded wars (and tax cuts to go along with them) jack the debt even higher.

It hasn't just been the fiscal irresponsibility of Democrats that have created this mess. The only difference when it comes to spending between the GOP and the Dems (from my perspective) is who the checks are made out to.

I wish you the best of luck. I think your generation might just be the one that can fix the messes my generation is leaving behind for you. I hope so.

I didn't even want to get into the mess Iraq and Afghanistan has left us with, that is for a totally different conversation. Thank you for your nice words, and I hope that I can fulfil your dreams. This is what working working together looks like. I find it so sad that two people who have never met each other can agree on things and work together, when the people we appoint to office couldn't even shake hands with each other.
That is because John McCain is a real Republican who like the rest of us is really get sick of the bull-shit. At first it was just annoying, and now you see that you won't get another chance in office so you are doing everything in your power to make this one cycle as irresponsible and damaging as possible.

John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.

Anyone who feels the need to add the Hussein to President Obama's name is just telling others to not take what they have to say seriously. There is a difference between talking about politics and disrespecting the highest office in the world. You wonder why people dont take you seriously.

Lol, I don't come here to get my opinions and ideas validated from others. I come here to educate. I cannot force people like you to learn.
John McCain is a progressive. There is not one iota of difference between John McCain and barack hussein obama. That's why the left likes him so much.

Anyone who feels the need to add the Hussein to President Obama's name is just telling others to not take what they have to say seriously. There is a difference between talking about politics and disrespecting the highest office in the world. You wonder why people dont take you seriously.

Lol, I don't come here to get my opinions and ideas validated from others. I come here to educate. I cannot force people like you to learn.

Educate? LOL that is a good one. You aren't educating anyone about anything. All your doing is perpetuating all of the negative connotations that come with the Tea Party.
I really only want to know one thing. In 2016 what do you Tea Party members intend to do? Who do you intend to elect for the primaries or general election? What happens you see the Gallup polls and he or she is so far behind the Democratic nominee that there is no way they can be elected? What then?
Poll, after poll, after poll... well, you get the drift, the GOP/Tea Party sucks big time.

GOP popularity plummets to striking low, poll shows

NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP - First Read

The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party’s popularity declining to its lowest level.

By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96.

Just 24 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion about the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable view of the Tea Party, which are both at all-time lows in the history of poll.
Ha! The wing nuts claim that this is Obama's shutdown but look who gets the blame... that's right... the good ole GOP! :lol: Gotta love it!
Poll, after poll, after poll... well, you get the drift, the GOP/Tea Party sucks big time.

GOP popularity plummets to striking low, poll shows

NBC/WSJ poll: Shutdown debate damages GOP - First Read

The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party’s popularity declining to its lowest level.

By a 22-point margin (53 percent to 31 percent), the public blames the Republican Party more for the shutdown than President Barack Obama – a wider margin of blame for the GOP than the party received during the poll during the last shutdown in 1995-96.

Just 24 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion about the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable view of the Tea Party, which are both at all-time lows in the history of poll.

And I'm lovin' it. I hope the Koch brothers et al. have lost a LOT of money over this. Well, they have, it's not a matter of me hoping. It's reality.
The pollsters used are Hart Research.

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