NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism'

Keep in mind that the press (left right and center) in this story, is an interested party, to use the legal term,

and therefore should not be considered an objective source for how this story is covered.

so tell me who you would consider an objective source?
yep, here is what I have heard -

ABC News President Ben Sherwood Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

CBS News President David Rhodes David Rhodes’ brother Ben is Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication. ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House’s Benghazi talking points last September.

CNN vice president & deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. (he left with Hillary CLinton and went back to Morgan Stanley)
Wow and the liberals complain about Murdock being a right winger...

Talk about nepotism.
Keep in mind that the press (left right and center) in this story, is an interested party, to use the legal term,

and therefore should not be considered an objective source for how this story is covered.

so tell me who you would consider an objective source?

I don't think there can be one. The media is as biased when it comes to their own interests as is the NRA.

Trust the indisputable facts only...

...which isn't a bad policy overall, actually.
Keep in mind that the press (left right and center) in this story, is an interested party, to use the legal term,

and therefore should not be considered an objective source for how this story is covered.

so tell me who you would consider an objective source?

I don't think there can be one. The media is as biased when it comes to their own interests as is the NRA.

Trust the indisputable facts only...

...which isn't a bad policy overall, actually.

would you consider the filing, along with the FACT Rosen was not charged with a crime indisputable?
so tell me who you would consider an objective source?

I don't think there can be one. The media is as biased when it comes to their own interests as is the NRA.

Trust the indisputable facts only...

...which isn't a bad policy overall, actually.

would you consider the filing, along with the FACT Rosen was not charged with a crime indisputable?

I don't know what you're talking about.
yep, here is what I have heard -

ABC News President Ben Sherwood Ben Sherwood’s sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

CBS News President David Rhodes David Rhodes’ brother Ben is Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication. ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House’s Benghazi talking points last September.

CNN vice president & deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources. (he left with Hillary CLinton and went back to Morgan Stanley)
Wow and the liberals complain about Murdock being a right winger...

Talk about nepotism.
at its finest.
I don't think there can be one. The media is as biased when it comes to their own interests as is the NRA.

Trust the indisputable facts only...

...which isn't a bad policy overall, actually.

would you consider the filing, along with the FACT Rosen was not charged with a crime indisputable?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you really that out of touch? If so, then maybe you shouldn't even be waying in on what Chuck Todd stated, then.
would you consider the filing, along with the FACT Rosen was not charged with a crime indisputable?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you really that out of touch? If so, then maybe you shouldn't even be waying in on what Chuck Todd stated, then.

I don't know what 'filing' you're referring to, and that Rosen hasn't been charged with a crime is irrelevant.

Chuck Todd's statement is basically hysteria.
18 votes against
Senator Max Baucus
Senator Mark Begich
Senator Jeff Bingaman
Senator Sherrod Brown
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Benjamin Cardin
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Jeff Merkley
Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Senator Jon Tester
Senator Mark Udall
Senator Tom Udall
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Dean Heller
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Senator Rand Paul
Senator Bernie Sanders

4 Republicans...

Does any of this change the fact that Obama asked for, and signed, the extension? Or are you still going to blame Bush?
would you consider the filing, along with the FACT Rosen was not charged with a crime indisputable?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you really that out of touch? If so, then maybe you shouldn't even be waying in on what Chuck Todd stated, then.

I don't know what filing you're referring to, and whether or not Rosen was charged is irrelevant.

What Chuck Todd said is basically hysteria.
I don't know what you're talking about.

Are you really that out of touch? If so, then maybe you shouldn't even be waying in on what Chuck Todd stated, then.

I don't know what 'filing' you're referring to, and that Rosen hasn't been charged with a crime is irrelevant.

Chuck Todd's statement is basically hysteria.

and his opinion is different. The filing for Rosen, so they could access his phone records, going so far as to even access his parents, stating he was a co-conspirator in espionage . Yet, he was never charged. And it is relevant. It was the DOJ's way of getting his records. Journalists/reporters are not charged when a government employee leaks information to them. The employee is.

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that, as part of the investigation of the Kim leak, Obama’s Department of Justice seized e-mails from Rosen’s personal Gmail account. In the search warrant for that request, the government described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and / or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime can be punished by ten years in prison. Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
But e-mail and phone records were not the only information collected about journalists. According to another document in the case, “the United States has also produced a CD containing voluminous [Department of State] badge records for media personnel for the period March 1, 2009, through September 30, 2009.”

The Justice Department and Fox News's Phone Records : The New Yorker

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1971), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment.
Are you really that out of touch? If so, then maybe you shouldn't even be waying in on what Chuck Todd stated, then.

I don't know what 'filing' you're referring to, and that Rosen hasn't been charged with a crime is irrelevant.

Chuck Todd's statement is basically hysteria.

and his opinion is different. The filing for Rosen, so they could access his phone records, going so far as to even access his parents, stating he was a co-conspirator in espionage . Yet, he was never charged. And it is relevant. It was the DOJ's way of getting his records. Journalists/reporters are not charged when a government employee leaks information to them. The employee is.

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that, as part of the investigation of the Kim leak, Obama’s Department of Justice seized e-mails from Rosen’s personal Gmail account. In the search warrant for that request, the government described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and / or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime can be punished by ten years in prison. Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
But e-mail and phone records were not the only information collected about journalists. According to another document in the case, “the United States has also produced a CD containing voluminous [Department of State] badge records for media personnel for the period March 1, 2009, through September 30, 2009.”

The Justice Department and Fox News's Phone Records : The New Yorker

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1971), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment.

So Bradley Manning can't be guilty of leaking classified documents?
How paranoid is obama? I mean the media is in his back pocket, and he still investegates. What we really need to know is what he is really hiding.
I don't know what 'filing' you're referring to, and that Rosen hasn't been charged with a crime is irrelevant.

Chuck Todd's statement is basically hysteria.

and his opinion is different. The filing for Rosen, so they could access his phone records, going so far as to even access his parents, stating he was a co-conspirator in espionage . Yet, he was never charged. And it is relevant. It was the DOJ's way of getting his records. Journalists/reporters are not charged when a government employee leaks information to them. The employee is.

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that, as part of the investigation of the Kim leak, Obama’s Department of Justice seized e-mails from Rosen’s personal Gmail account. In the search warrant for that request, the government described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and / or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime can be punished by ten years in prison. Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
But e-mail and phone records were not the only information collected about journalists. According to another document in the case, “the United States has also produced a CD containing voluminous [Department of State] badge records for media personnel for the period March 1, 2009, through September 30, 2009.”

The Justice Department and Fox News's Phone Records : The New Yorker

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1971), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment.

So Bradley Manning can't be guilty of leaking classified documents?

Bradley Manning was not a reporter or journalist. And he was a hacker.

So, I gather you want all reporters/journalists charged with releasing any classified information, even when it is not damaging to national defense, etc. Because, what do you think reports that come through with anonymous sources usually are?
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It's bad when the liberal media, those who have worked so hard to make Obama look good, are now turning on him. Will they get over this and go back to protecting him from any bad press or have they seen this administration for what it is?

I think many in the press are hypocrites. They didn't care at all when the administration targeted conservatives, they didn't care what the devastating effects of Obamacare would be and looked the other way with Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Solyndra. But, now that they have been picked on, they are outraged!

NBC’s chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd said Wednesday that the Obama Administration’s seizure of reporters’ emails and phone records is evidence that “they want to criminalize journalism.”

Who is this guy – and what has he done with the real Chuck Todd? Anyway, Todd said that if George Bush and Dick Cheney had engaged in spying on and seizing journalists’ private emails and phone records, “candidate Obama would be unloading.” (Exactly.)

Todd added that people he now talks with are “quite uncomfortable having conversations on the phone. Maybe that’s the intent.” (Ya think?)

NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism'
Stunner! NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism' | Independent Journal Review

One can only hope that Journalism can break free of the hold. ;)

Meanwhile, back on Oz.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYdpOjletnc]Max Headroom, The Best Bits Ever! - YouTube[/ame]
What an Anonymous U.S. Official Says About Iranians in Syria

Obama To Talk About Drones, Guantanamo, Al-Qaeda In Thursday Speech: WH Official
An anonymous White House official ... “He will review the state of the threats we face, particularly as al Qaeda's core has

After nearly two years of (officially) keeping quiet about what the whole world already knew, the Obama administration on Wednesday formally acknowledged that the United States government ... an anonymous White …Mother Jones · 1 day ago

Just when you thought you couldn't possibly get another laugh out of Harry Reid's claim that an anonymous source had told him Mitt Romney hadn't paid a single dime in taxes over the past decade, along comes this …
DAILY KOS · ByJed Lewison · 2 hours ago

I can go on and on.

Are you demanding they all be charged?
It like Jehova's right hand reached down and removed the leftist cataracts from Todd's eyes.
and his opinion is different. The filing for Rosen, so they could access his phone records, going so far as to even access his parents, stating he was a co-conspirator in espionage . Yet, he was never charged. And it is relevant. It was the DOJ's way of getting his records. Journalists/reporters are not charged when a government employee leaks information to them. The employee is.

The Justice Department and Fox News's Phone Records : The New Yorker

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1971), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment.

So Bradley Manning can't be guilty of leaking classified documents?

Bradley Manning was not a reporter or journalist. And he was a hacker.

So, I gather you want all reporters/journalists charged with releasing any classified information, even when it is not damaging to national defense, etc. Because, what do you think reports that come through with anonymous sources usually are?

Okay, so Manning is the criminal, Julian Assange is the innocent journalist?

Believe it or not my personal opinion is (the law and courts notwithstanding) that anyone who knowingly makes public classified information has committed a crime, and if they worked with another person to obtain and then release the information, they constitute a criminal conspiracy.
It like Jehova's right hand reached down and removed the leftist cataracts from Todd's eyes.

It looks more like Todd's tolerance for the sight of blood did not extend to his own ox, if you know the expression.

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