NBC's Chuck Todd: Obama Wants To 'Criminalize Journalism'

It like Jehova's right hand reached down and removed the leftist cataracts from Todd's eyes.

It looks more like Todd's tolerance for the sight of blood did not extend to his own ox, if you know the expression.

Well, yeah. MSM didn't really line up behind Assange, though he is a wild and whacky kinda guy.

But here's the rub. The DOJ asserted it had the right because Rosen be "conspiring" with his source to devulge natl secrets. But, of course they'd never prosecute Rosen (not that Obama Holder are above it, they just know they'd never get away with it. And, that's not to say bushii/cheney are not loathsome creatures, too.)

James Rosen Subpoena Doesn't Suggest Charges Against Fox News Reporter, DOJ Says

I just don't see the right v. left stuff that others posted on the thread. Rosen's source, Kim, told him that the admin thought NK would respond to sanctions with more nuke tests. It's a crime to tell a reporter that, but how can it be a crime for Faux to actually report a fact?
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So Bradley Manning can't be guilty of leaking classified documents?

Bradley Manning was not a reporter or journalist. And he was a hacker.

So, I gather you want all reporters/journalists charged with releasing any classified information, even when it is not damaging to national defense, etc. Because, what do you think reports that come through with anonymous sources usually are?

Okay, so Manning is the criminal, Julian Assange is the innocent journalist?

Believe it or not my personal opinion is (the law and courts notwithstanding) that anyone who knowingly makes public classified information has committed a crime, and if they worked with another person to obtain and then release the information, they constitute a criminal conspiracy.

you know what I find interesting, Eric Holder's Justice Dept. has not charged Julian Assange, yet he released thousands of actual classified documents.
I don't know what 'filing' you're referring to, and that Rosen hasn't been charged with a crime is irrelevant.

Chuck Todd's statement is basically hysteria.

and his opinion is different. The filing for Rosen, so they could access his phone records, going so far as to even access his parents, stating he was a co-conspirator in espionage . Yet, he was never charged. And it is relevant. It was the DOJ's way of getting his records. Journalists/reporters are not charged when a government employee leaks information to them. The employee is.

Yesterday, the Washington Post reported that, as part of the investigation of the Kim leak, Obama’s Department of Justice seized e-mails from Rosen’s personal Gmail account. In the search warrant for that request, the government described Rosen as “an aider, and abettor, and / or co-conspirator” in violating the Espionage Act, noting that the crime can be punished by ten years in prison. Rosen was not indicted in the case, but the suggestion in a government document that a reporter could be guilty of espionage for engaging in routine reporting is unprecedented and has alarmed many journalists and civil libertarians.
But e-mail and phone records were not the only information collected about journalists. According to another document in the case, “the United States has also produced a CD containing voluminous [Department of State] badge records for media personnel for the period March 1, 2009, through September 30, 2009.”
The Justice Department and Fox News's Phone Records : The New Yorker

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1971), was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the First Amendment. The ruling made it possible for the New York Times and Washington Post newspapers to publish the then-classified Pentagon Papers without risk of government censorship or punishment.

So Bradley Manning can't be guilty of leaking classified documents?

He isn't charged with leaking anything, he is charged with not being authorized to have the information, and retaining or transferring it. No one really knows what that means, so please don't ask.
Bradley Manning was not a reporter or journalist. And he was a hacker.

So, I gather you want all reporters/journalists charged with releasing any classified information, even when it is not damaging to national defense, etc. Because, what do you think reports that come through with anonymous sources usually are?

Okay, so Manning is the criminal, Julian Assange is the innocent journalist?

Believe it or not my personal opinion is (the law and courts notwithstanding) that anyone who knowingly makes public classified information has committed a crime, and if they worked with another person to obtain and then release the information, they constitute a criminal conspiracy.

you know what I find interesting, Eric Holder's Justice Dept. has not charged Julian Assange, yet he released thousands of actual classified documents.

Well not for lack of desire or effort:

18 votes against
Senator Max Baucus
Senator Mark Begich
Senator Jeff Bingaman
Senator Sherrod Brown
Senator Maria Cantwell
Senator Benjamin Cardin
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Jeff Merkley
Senator Jeanne Shaheen
Senator Jon Tester
Senator Mark Udall
Senator Tom Udall
Senator Ron Wyden
Senator Dean Heller
Senator Mike Lee
Senator Lisa Murkowski
Senator Rand Paul
Senator Bernie Sanders

4 Republicans...

yet 32 Dem Senators voted for its reauthorization and one didn't vote at all.

Bradley Manning was not a reporter or journalist. And he was a hacker.

So, I gather you want all reporters/journalists charged with releasing any classified information, even when it is not damaging to national defense, etc. Because, what do you think reports that come through with anonymous sources usually are?

Okay, so Manning is the criminal, Julian Assange is the innocent journalist?

Believe it or not my personal opinion is (the law and courts notwithstanding) that anyone who knowingly makes public classified information has committed a crime, and if they worked with another person to obtain and then release the information, they constitute a criminal conspiracy.

you know what I find interesting, Eric Holder's Justice Dept. has not charged Julian Assange, yet he released thousands of actual classified documents.

But they did charge Bradley Manning who is the leaker. That's how it works. If there is a leak, it is the government functionary that gets prosecuted for leaking the information, not the journalist who prints it.
Good thing that Obiedoodle vetoed NDAA because it completely makes a mockery of habeus corpus, right to speedy trial and and right to presumption of innocence.

Oh, wait.....

Obama sets a good precedent for Republicans when we win back the White House.

We can use the IRS to shut down Soros & Company, Tides Foundation, the NYTimes, NBC
Obama sets a good precedent for Republicans when we win back the White House.

We can use the IRS to shut down Soros & Company, Tides Foundation, the NYTimes, NBC

Sooo..... A communist/socialist world police state, that's not all right? But a fascist/socialist world police state, well, that's all right?

The way I see it, either way, the populations of the Earth are screwed and the global elite have achieved their goal man. Wake the fuck up. You're just another victim of their divide et impera. He isn't setting any precedents, he is just following Bush's lead.


So stop him...repeal the Patriot Act.
Your party and Dear Leader have kept USAPATRIOT Act in place...And have exploited it to their own political ends.

Too late....Fucking rube.

lol....There isnt many that will go against the Patriot act on either side of the isle. The right has no more justification to whine than the left on this issue.

I would be hard pressed to see someone winning a 1st amendment right case when these issues deal with two attacks on the United states.
Obama sets a good precedent for Republicans when we win back the White House.

We can use the IRS to shut down Soros & Company, Tides Foundation, the NYTimes, NBC
So are you saying that The Right is just as evil as The Left?

You gain wisdom.
So stop him...repeal the Patriot Act.
Your party and Dear Leader have kept USAPATRIOT Act in place...And have exploited it to their own political ends.

Too late....Fucking rube.

lol....There isnt many that will go against the Patriot act on either side of the isle. The right has no more justification to whine than the left on this issue.

I would be hard pressed to see someone winning a 1st amendment right case when these issues deal with two attacks on the United states.
In case you hadn't been paying attention, I've been against the USAPATRIOT Act from day one....And in not only makes a mockery of the 1st Amendment, it also trashes the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments to boot.

But it is nice to see the neocon in you come out.
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Your party and Dear Leader have kept USAPATRIOT Act in place...And have exploited it to their own political ends.

Too late....Fucking rube.

lol....There isnt many that will go against the Patriot act on either side of the isle. The right has no more justification to whine than the left on this issue.

I would be hard pressed to see someone winning a 1st amendment right case when these issues deal with two attacks on the United states.
In case you hadn't been paying attention, I've been against the USAPATRIOT Act from day one....And in not only makes a mockery of the 1st Amendment, it also trashes the 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments to boot.

But it is nice to see the neocon in you come out.

i was making a general statement there skippy, but figures you would think my post was all about you.

Not everything is about you. Try reading it again and giving an answer without the chip on your shoulder.

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