NC New Welfare Drug Test Law: 1/3rd Tested Positive from Sample.

Should Welfare Applicants be Required to Take a Drug Test?

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Nothing will change
Your "brilliant" ideas are wasted breath.

Better off getting stoned and fucking it all
Yes, it is asking too much. The responsibility associated with freedom is to respect the freedom of others; to ensure your actions don't bring harm to others and accept accounability for it if they do.

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm picking on you personally, because that's not my goal here. I'm simply trying to expose what I consider an unacceptable hypocrisy in modern conservatism, particular as it's implemented by the Republican party. For several decades now, Republicans have courted libertarians with claims that they favor limited government and protection of individual liberty. But the claims don't hold water, and drug prohibition policies are a good example.

Drug and alcohol addiction does a lot of damage to others, not just the person using. That I think is my issue. Addicts will use every means they have to get the next fix, giving them cash or food stamps enables them to keep going. Addiction is a huge issue, it ruins millions of people's lives each year.

You aren't picking on me, we are discussing solutions to social issues. I am not a Republican, I am socially conservative, I don't care what either party thinks, I am thinking of those that have been ravaged by addiction and how to help them gain sobriety. I am also for legalizing drugs, taxing them, using the tax dollars for rehab. Less crap dealers can cut the drugs with. Also. We know who is using and who may need help.

How does giving them more money help them break free of their addiction is my question.

So not only do you want to stretch "presence of a substance" into "therefore money must have been involved" but you also want to stretch "presence of a substance" into "addicts".

Hey if you're just going to make it up as you go, why not dispense with the test altogether? I mean you're ignoring the results anyway, might as well quit pissing money away on it.

Next you could prohibit people from ever being physically present in a place where any crime has taken place. Guilt by geographical association. Or if they ever heard of a criminal, then hey they must be one too. Ass-umptions-R-us.

We're still waiting on the reason why it is ok to take taxpayer assistance because you can't clothe, feed or house yourself and then spend money on illegal drugs.

Personally I'm still waiting for anybody anywhere to demonstrate how a chemical test can determine what you "spent money on". What does it do --- spit out a little debit card receipt?

That question never closes. It's open 24/7, 366.

So, you also have no desire to be logical , honest, and actually work to solve issues eh? No wonder we're in the situation we're in.

What I posted right there above IS the logic. And no one can answer it. That's because it's based on a fallacy. That's what makes the idea fall down, go boom.
that's all just great - nothing will change you are waiting your time an finger engergy

Hey, if you've got a better application for fingers --- I'm all fingers.

You finger me and I'll sever you balls with a dull knife
I'll finger you with a glove and make you lick it. How about that?

Video or it won't happen. :eusa_snooty:

Wow. Bit early in the day for PWI doncha think?
it's all bullshit
wasted breath and nonsense.
no one cares what you think
that's all just great - nothing will change you are waiting your time an finger engergy

Hey, if you've got a better application for fingers --- I'm all fingers.

You finger me and I'll sever you balls with a dull knife
I'll finger you with a glove and make you lick it. How about that?

Video or it won't happen. :eusa_snooty:

I'm a prisoner. Otherwise I would do it. But i'd have be intoxicated with good drugs that you would provide.
Drug and alcohol addiction does a lot of damage to others, not just the person using. That I think is my issue. Addicts will use every means they have to get the next fix, giving them cash or food stamps enables them to keep going. Addiction is a huge issue, it ruins millions of people's lives each year.

You aren't picking on me, we are discussing solutions to social issues. I am not a Republican, I am socially conservative, I don't care what either party thinks, I am thinking of those that have been ravaged by addiction and how to help them gain sobriety. I am also for legalizing drugs, taxing them, using the tax dollars for rehab. Less crap dealers can cut the drugs with. Also. We know who is using and who may need help.

How does giving them more money help them break free of their addiction is my question.

So not only do you want to stretch "presence of a substance" into "therefore money must have been involved" but you also want to stretch "presence of a substance" into "addicts".

Hey if you're just going to make it up as you go, why not dispense with the test altogether? I mean you're ignoring the results anyway, might as well quit pissing money away on it.

Next you could prohibit people from ever being physically present in a place where any crime has taken place. Guilt by geographical association. Or if they ever heard of a criminal, then hey they must be one too. Ass-umptions-R-us.

We're still waiting on the reason why it is ok to take taxpayer assistance because you can't clothe, feed or house yourself and then spend money on illegal drugs.

Personally I'm still waiting for anybody anywhere to demonstrate how a chemical test can determine what you "spent money on". What does it do --- spit out a little debit card receipt?

That question never closes. It's open 24/7, 366.

So, you also have no desire to be logical , honest, and actually work to solve issues eh? No wonder we're in the situation we're in.

What I posted right there above IS the logic. And no one can answer it. That's because it's based on a fallacy. That's what makes the idea fall down, go boom.

The presumption that someone who has illicit drugs in their system paid for those drugs is NOT a fallacy.
Let's switch gears.

Right now and currently if you have $X worth the assets, you will not qualify for welfare. Why ? I mean just because you own the assets doesn't mean you PAID for them. Perhaps they were a gift....

Are you for changing THAT requirement also?

By the way, you've already demonstrated that you are an ideologue so no real need to answer.
Near every citizen should be drug tested because they most ALL receive something from the federal gvt...

the guy who owns a home and pays a mortgage gets a tax break and money that the guy making the same amount of money as he, who only rents, gets nothing so the guy with the mortgage should be drug tested.

anyone getting their insurance through their employer who gets a tax break for the benefit, and also gets to write off his share on his taxes should all be drug tested, while the guy who has no insurance making the same money as the guy with insurance pays more in taxes to cover the guy's tax break and employer's tax break for health insurance...the guy with insurance should have to be drug tested cuz he is getting 'something' from the gvt the other guy isn't, right?

anyone paying for college for their kids who earns the same money as the single guy pays less in taxes than the guy with no kids and the single guy has to pay MORE in taxes though making the same income to help pay for the guy with kids college....the guy paying for college getting the tax money for it should be drug tested...

I can go on and on and on....most ALL OF YOU should be drug tested.because you are "getting something" from the gvt that others are not...

The presumption that someone who has illicit drugs in their system paid for those drugs is NOT a fallacy.
Let's switch gears.

Oh yes it absolutely IS. Which is why you immediately want to dance away from it and move the goalposts --- you KNOW it doesn't work. That's why I point it out in the first place.

Prove me wrong. Demonstrate how a chemical test comes with a purchase receipt and a time stamp. Prove the negative that the only way to acquire a substance -- or to acquire anything ---- is by "purchasing" it.

Right now and currently if you have $X worth the assets, you will not qualify for welfare. Why ? I mean just because you own the assets doesn't mean you PAID for them. Perhaps they were a gift....

Are you for changing THAT requirement also?

Where do you want this thing?


Clearly this isn't part of the question. I don't know these arcane guidelines but presumably if you own X amount of assets, they can be liquefied for your needs, therefore you're not broke.

But again, that's not where the goalpost is. You're moving it to avoid the fact that the glaring fallacy above is just that.

By the way, you've already demonstrated that you are an ideologue so no real need to answer.

I just did. You're the one moving the goalposts, so you've exposed yourself as blatantly dishonest.

Stripping people of their rights in exchange for government services is a very bad precedent. This is just resentful conservatives trying to attach a poison pill to welfare programs they don't think should exist in the first place.
Boo hoo.
Near every citizen should be drug tested because they most ALL receive something from the federal gvt...

the guy who owns a home and pays a mortgage gets a tax break and money that the guy making the same amount of money as he, who only rents, gets nothing so the guy with the mortgage should be drug tested.

anyone getting their insurance through their employer who gets a tax break for the benefit, and also gets to write off his share on his taxes should all be drug tested, while the guy who has no insurance making the same money as the guy with insurance pays more in taxes to cover the guy's tax break and employer's tax break for health insurance...the guy with insurance should have to be drug tested cuz he is getting 'something' from the gvt the other guy isn't, right?

anyone paying for college for their kids who earns the same money as the single guy pays less in taxes than the guy with no kids and the single guy has to pay MORE in taxes though making the same income to help pay for the guy with kids college....the guy paying for college getting the tax money for it should be drug tested...

I can go on and on and on....most ALL OF YOU should be drug tested.because you are "getting something" from the gvt that others are not...

Which is why people need to stop taking government bribes.

BTW, I don't depend on the government for anything. I can't tell you how nice it is. You wouldn't understand.
it's all bullshit
wasted breath and nonsense.
no one cares what you think

You realize you posted that Note to Self on the internets, right?

Absolutely. But at least I speak reality.
Of course, no one wants to hear reality. It's why our country is fucked.
Surely you can't be serious, as your reality has been compromised since you first came here.

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