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NC says GFY to 400 jobs over LGBT law

This is a dangerous practice of businesses getting involved in politics. These companies are practicing a brand of discrimination on their own. I see no difference between the baker who refuses to bake a cake and paypal who takes 400 jobs away from the people of North Carolina.
Paypal didn't take anything away from the people of North Carolina since those jobs never "belonged" to the people of North Carolina, Paypal management is well within their rights not to setup shop in NC (or anywhere else) for whatever reason they see fit. You may not agree with their reasons (which is fine) but attempting to argue against their right to do it and claiming that Paypal "took something away" from somebody is just irrational.

The cakes never belonged to the same sex couple either. See how that works.
Yeah which probably explains why I don't believe (and never have believed) that government (or anybody else) has the authority to force anyone to provide goods and services to ANYONE against their will (no matter what their reasons for such a denial of service is).

In fact, what PayPal did is worse. But those 400 jobs would go to people to support their families, feed their kids and put them through school.
You seem to have missed that fact that PayPal isn't in business to provide people with a living and it's well within it's rights and the boundaries of proper conduct not to do business in any particular location for whatever reason the management of the company deems appropriate.

This isn't anything new, the vast majority of business operate within a set of established rules of corporate conduct and decorum which (at times) involves assessing the impact of government policies on what they might deem as having an "unseemly" effect on their corporate image or run counter to their corporate principles, PayPal made it's decision based on that and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with them doing it.

It's more of the, "If you don't agree with me I'll take away your ability to make a living".
AGAIN, PayPal didn't "take away" anything since those jobs don't belong to the people of NC. It's no different than you refusing to frequent XYZ establishment because you don't agree with the way it's run, in which case would you say that you are "taking away" the money that you would have spent there from the owners?
Paypal want to work in an environment where all of their staff are treated equally.It probably wasnt a difficult decision.
Maybe the bigot politicians can find 400 jobs from companies that support bigotry ?

They could have easily put unisex bathrooms on their grounds. Problem solved.

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

naaa, they were telling that to people like you and your fascist friends
There is something wrong with a company that wants men in women's restrooms. I want an investigation to see if PayPal provides women's restrooms in their buildings or are they all open to men.
but now it's ok with the left if BIG CORP discriminates against the MAJORITY of the people in a state. ...

Cons have spouted for years and years about letting "the free market decide" when it comes to PA laws /matters such as this - time and again, when "the free market decides" we get this kind of shit: Bully''s! assholes! Corporate blackmailers!

This came out full force too when some of the red states were writing laws /amending constitutions to discriminate against gays...Staph-types were saying things like:

Why couldn't they just settle for civil unions....? Then we saw the NOM folks come out and say fuck you gays. NO ! You can't even have hospital visitation rights. You can't have ANYTHING that looks like a marriage. They fought it tooth and nail.

And we damn well WILL discriminate against you. Because: God

The anti-gay crowd is so full of ****.

Bout time they got taken to the shed.
Sad that PayPal cares more about discriminating against the religious than expanding their business
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market. In fact those who choose not to do business with them are the free market in action.
but now it's ok with the left if BIG CORP discriminates against the MAJORITY of the people in a state. ...

Cons have spouted for years and years about letting "the free market decide" when it comes to PA laws /matters such as this - time and again, when "the free market decides" we get this kind of shit: Bully''s! assholes! Corporate blackmailers!

This came out full force too when some of the red states were writing laws /amending constitutions to discriminate against gays...Staph-types were saying things like:

Why couldn't they just settle for civil unions....? Then we saw the NOM folks come out and say fuck you gays. NO ! You can't even have hospital visitation rights. You can't have ANYTHING that looks like a marriage. They fought it tooth and nail.

And we damn well WILL discriminate against you. Because: God

The anti-gay crowd is so full of ****.

Bout time they got taken to the shed.

You realize the free market is individuals deciding which companies to choose based on their choices right? If individuals choose to boycott a company for its actions it's the free market in action.
This is a dangerous practice of businesses getting involved in politics. These companies are practicing a brand of discrimination on their own. I see no difference between the baker who refuses to bake a cake and paypal who takes 400 jobs away from the people of North Carolina.
Paypal didn't take anything away from the people of North Carolina since those jobs never "belonged" to the people of North Carolina, Paypal management is well within their rights not to setup shop in NC (or anywhere else) for whatever reason they see fit. You may not agree with their reasons (which is fine) but attempting to argue against their right to do it and claiming that Paypal "took something away" from somebody is just irrational.

The cakes never belonged to the same sex couple either. See how that works.
Yeah which probably explains why I don't believe (and never have believed) that government (or anybody else) has the authority to force anyone to provide goods and services to ANYONE against their will (no matter what their reasons for such a denial of service is).

In fact, what PayPal did is worse. But those 400 jobs would go to people to support their families, feed their kids and put them through school.
You seem to have missed that fact that PayPal isn't in business to provide people with a living and it's well within it's rights and the boundaries of proper conduct not to do business in any particular location for whatever reason the management of the company deems appropriate.

This isn't anything new, the vast majority of business operate within a set of established rules of corporate conduct and decorum which (at times) involves assessing the impact of government policies on what they might deem as having an "unseemly" effect on their corporate image or run counter to their corporate principles, PayPal made it's decision based on that and there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with them doing it.

It's more of the, "If you don't agree with me I'll take away your ability to make a living".
AGAIN, PayPal didn't "take away" anything since those jobs don't belong to the people of NC. It's no different than you refusing to frequent XYZ establishment because you don't agree with the way it's run, in which case would you say that you are "taking away" the money that you would have spent there from the owners?

Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC. You know, stop making money from a state that they think is so bigoted. The type of jobs they are providing can be done in India. So I expect that they will now offshore those jobs and blame the NC legislature.

Damn, now I might have to find some other way to buy stuff on ebay.

North Carolina lawmakers think it's more important to discriminate against your neighbor than it is to have a good job - Republicans/conservatives are amazingly stupid...

PayPal cancels North Carolina expansion over LGBT discrimination law

Associated Press
April 5, 2016

PayPal says it's canceling plans to bring 400 jobs to North Carolina after lawmakers passed a law that restricts protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The San Jose-based company said Tuesday it was canceling its planned expansion in Charlotte because of the law, which was signed March 23. Republican Gov. Pat McCrory was on hand to celebrate days earlier when PayPal announced plans to hire about 400 people at a new operation center in Charlotte.

The PayPal announcement is the biggest tangible economic backlash to the state law that more than 100 corporate heads have decried as unfair. They say the law makes it more difficult to attract talent to North Carolina.

Lmao, obama care caused like 2 million jobs from being full time to part time, but that's ok in your world.

aint that the truth
Sad that PayPal cares more about discriminating against the religious than expanding their business
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?
Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC.
What makes you think they are "grandstanding"? seems to me PayPal is carrying out a reasonable act of protest against a law which runs counter to it's prevailing corporate principles. Why should PayPal go against it's self-interest by boycotting their customers in NC? This isn't an act of protest against the people of NC, it's an act of protest against a specific LAW in NC.
but now it's ok with the left if BIG CORP discriminates against the MAJORITY of the people in a state. ...

Cons have spouted for years and years about letting "the free market decide" when it comes to PA laws /matters such as this - time and again, when "the free market decides" we get this kind of shit: Bully''s! assholes! Corporate blackmailers!

This came out full force too when some of the red states were writing laws /amending constitutions to discriminate against gays...Staph-types were saying things like:

Why couldn't they just settle for civil unions....? Then we saw the NOM folks come out and say fuck you gays. NO ! You can't even have hospital visitation rights. You can't have ANYTHING that looks like a marriage. They fought it tooth and nail.

And we damn well WILL discriminate against you. Because: God

The anti-gay crowd is so full of ****.

Bout time they got taken to the shed.

You realize the free market is individuals deciding which companies to choose based on their choices right? If individuals choose to boycott a company for its actions it's the free market in action.
The free market is also the company's(which are made up of individuals) deciding not to do business in locales with bigoted individuals who make bigoted laws.
Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC.
What makes you think they are "grandstanding"? seems to me PayPal is carrying out a reasonable act of protest against a law which runs counter to it's prevailing corporate principles. Why should PayPal go against it's self-interest by boycotting their customers in NC? This isn't an act of protest against the people of NC, it's an act of protest against a specific LAW in NC.

Grandstanding is dong something that doesn't affect the person. In other words, Paypal can do this type of work anywhere. It is not like they are making any kind of sacrifice "for the cause."
"PayPal said it had dropped plans to put in global operations center in Charlotte, N.C., because of the state’s recent passage of a law banning anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and requiring transgender people in government buildings and public schools to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates.

PayPal had pledged to bring 400 jobs and invest $3.6 million in the area by the end of 2017.

The developments in Republican-controlled states reflected growing fissures between business interests and social conservatives, whose alliance has played a central role in the Republican coalition. Similar disputes have erupted in Indiana, Arkansas and other Republican-controlled states since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage last year.

Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina and Mr. Bryant join a list of Republican governors who are being squeezed between the business groups that have formed the core of their support and conservative state lawmakers pushing back against recent gains made by advocates of gay rights and same-sex marriage.

The divide played out with particular force a year ago in Indiana after a national outcry over its adoption of what was billed as a religious liberty bill. After an uproar that included questions about whether Indianapolis should host the men’s Final Four tournament, Indiana weakened the law somewhat. But that dispute and a continuing fight over whether the state should adopt anti-discrimination protections may have cost Indiana a dozen conferences and $60 million, a state visitors bureau estimated.

Continue reading the main story

The dispute was also a wake-up call, said Mark Fisher, the vice president of Indy Chamber, an Indianapolis business coalition. “We had opposed the law, but we didn’t imagine the extent of the outcry,” he said.

In Mississippi, objections have been raised by companies such as Tyson Foods, MGM Resorts International, Nissan and Toyota, all of which are major employers in the state.

But the biggest backlash has come in North Carolina, a deeply divided state with conservative, Republican-dominated rural areas and suburbs vying for influence with tech-savvy, Democratic-leaning urban centers like Charlotte and the Research Triangle area of Durham, Raleigh and Chapel Hill.

With its announcement, PayPal became the first major company to announce it was pulling out of an existing project, saying that “becoming an employer in North Carolina, where members of our teams will not have equal rights under the law, is simply untenable.”

PayPal’s president and chief executive, Dan Schulman, said that if the state repealed the law, “we will reconsider our decision.”

Is all the fuss over which bathroom a person is to use? Really? What problem is there for a Lesbian to use a woman's restroom? I am not sure I understand the bitch here. Is the goal here to make restrooms gender neutral? I guess what they are saying is that I as a man should be able to walk into a ladies room and use the toilet. And they had better not be so bigoted to even ask if I am gay.

So there are two ways to go here. Either set boundaries by a the most logical, gender regardless of sexual preference. Or set the boundary by some non-descript means. Feelings.
Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC.
What makes you think they are "grandstanding"? seems to me PayPal is carrying out a reasonable act of protest against a law which runs counter to it's prevailing corporate principles. Why should PayPal go against it's self-interest by boycotting their customers in NC? This isn't an act of protest against the people of NC, it's an act of protest against a specific LAW in NC.

So by not giving the jobs to the people of NC is not an act protest against the people of NC. However, not taking money from the people of NC would be an act of protest against the people of NC?

Seems skewed to me, Paypal is free to do what it wants, the people of America are free to boycott Paypal if they want.

But to say taking jobs from NC is an act of protest against the people however to stop taking their money is...is messed up.
If the bathrooms are made gender neutral it will be great for mankind. What it will mean is that when a man has to just get away the wife can follow him in and talk to him from the next stall.
Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC.
What makes you think they are "grandstanding"? seems to me PayPal is carrying out a reasonable act of protest against a law which runs counter to it's prevailing corporate principles. Why should PayPal go against it's self-interest by boycotting their customers in NC? This isn't an act of protest against the people of NC, it's an act of protest against a specific LAW in NC.

So by not giving the jobs to the people of NC is not an act protest against the people of NC. However, not taking money from the people of NC would be an act of protest against the people of NC?

Seems skewed to me, Paypal is free to do what it wants, the people of America are free to boycott Paypal if they want.

But to say taking jobs from NC is an act of protest against the people however to stop taking their money is...is messed up.

The only real answer is, if the people of NC agree with their legislature then they need to quit using Paypal.

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