NC says GFY to 400 jobs over LGBT law

I'm waiting for the first guy to gal, going into a restroom and raping an unsuspecting woman.... it will happen, perverts can't help themselves!
Yup, that is as sure as Trump's victory last night.

It's as sure as his previous wins, So besides being a lefty, you're a FAGERAL...Learn something new about you every day!


"PayPal said it had dropped plans to put in global operations center in Charlotte, N.C., because of the state’s recent passage of a law banning anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and requiring transgender people in government buildings and public schools to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates. "
Sad that PayPal cares more about discriminating against the religious than expanding their business
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

"PayPal said it had dropped plans to put in global operations center in Charlotte, N.C., because of the state’s recent passage of a law banning anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and requiring transgender people in government buildings and public schools to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates. "
I'm sure he'd agree!

Sad that PayPal cares more about discriminating against the religious than expanding their business
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

You're not getting it. At all.
I'm waiting for the first guy to gal, going into a restroom and raping an unsuspecting woman.... it will happen, perverts can't help themselves!
Hey fucknut, the transexual woman in NC would be required to use the men's bathroom.

Get it?

This person, ex. :

By law - MUST use the men's bathroom.

Yeah and? One X Chromosome, one Y Chromosome; I'm not seeing the problem here...... every other citizen is obliged to use the bathroom of the sex that is listed on their birth certificate, why should certain people be legally granted special privileges that aren't available to anyone else? After all THEY made the choice to change their sexual equipment and CHOICES HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
Sad that PayPal cares more about discriminating against the religious than expanding their business
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

You're not getting it. At all.

No I get it completely. You're a moron
Ah, so that line about letting the free market work doesn't matter anymore?

Or was it just bullshit to begin with?

You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

You're not getting it. At all.

No I get it completely. You're a moron
We'll let the readers be the judge of that.

Meanwhile enjoy the kudo's you got from the biggest Vigilantin moron at USMB
You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

You're not getting it. At all.

No I get it completely. You're a moron
We'll let the readers be the judge of that.

Meanwhile enjoy the kudo's you got from the biggest Vigilantin moron at USMB

Paper Mache has a problem with strong men, i see! We offend her sensibilities!
You're not that smart are you? No one has mentioned that removing the free market. Or punishing PayPal through government force. It's a stupid move to politically involve yourself in a dispute on bathrooms. That's just personal commentary. I have no power to remove them from the free market.
WTF are you on about "removing PP from the free market??"

You've got it backwards. PP is the one voting with it's wallet and choosing to not do business in a state that discriminates.

Boycotts. Get it?

When PA laws and such are discussed as it regards gays and lesbians being served / or even any and all public accommodation laws - cons say "let the free market decide."

That's what is happening! PP and the other 100 companies voting with their feet / wallet is the free market in action. Get it?

And the people pointing out that they are not going to do business with those companies and speaking against them aren't a repudiation of the free market. They are examples of it at work. So your argument that speaking out against PayPal enacting stupid policy is a repudiation of the free market is absolute poppycock. To persist in that ridiculous argument demonstrates you don't understand the free market

You're not getting it. At all.

No I get it completely. You're a moron
We'll let the readers be the judge of that.

Meanwhile enjoy the kudo's you got from the biggest Vigilantin moron at USMB

Doesnt matter what the readers decide. Anyone who thinks criticizing a bad company decision and choosing to boycott them is a criticism of the free market rather than an example of the free market in action is stupid
So by not giving the jobs to the people of NC is not an act protest against the people of NC.
It has nothing to do with "not giving jobs" to anybody, it's the act of not setting up shop in the state of North Carolina, the jobs that those people won't be getting is a side effect of that act of protest by PayPal.

However, not taking money from the people of NC would be an act of protest against the people of NC?
What else would you call refusing to do business with (aka boycotting) people based on the State that they live in?

Seems skewed to me, Paypal is free to do what it wants, the people of America are free to boycott Paypal if they want.
Of course but PayPal is not claiming to have any issues with the people of North Carolina, only with the STATE LAW in question.

But to say taking jobs from NC is an act of protest against the people however to stop taking their money messed up.

They're not TAKING JOBS from anybody, those jobs never belonged to anybody in North Carolina in the first place, you can't take away something from somebody when that somebody never had any claim or ownership of the something in the first place.

You are saying Paypal is not going to punish the people of NC and yet they are.

They said they were going to build and add 400 jobs and now they are not because of the legislature.I don't think it hurts the legislature as bad as people who need jobs. They but they will happily make a profit off the people of NC.

I agree with Paypals right to move anywhere they want, but the way you state it is hypocritical. If you really want to make a stand and slam this law, you stop taking money from NC and let them reel. It may cost you short term but long term its a winner, its not hypocritical and it makes a bigger statement. Not moving your business there is no big deal either way, it doesn't hurt your company at all and you sacrifice nothing. So Paypal is just trying to grab headlines for free.
I'm waiting for the first guy to gal, going into a restroom and raping an unsuspecting woman.... it will happen, perverts can't help themselves!
Hey fucknut, the transexual woman in NC would be required to use the men's bathroom.

Get it?

This person, ex. :

By law - MUST use the men's bathroom.

so? by any measure, except what she wants and looks, she is not woman and should use the men's room..
You are saying Paypal is not going to punish the people of NC and yet they are.

They said they were going to build and add 400 jobs and now they are not because of the legislature.I don't think it hurts the legislature as bad as people who need jobs.
It will, if the people of NC decide to "punish" the members of the legislature by voting for someone else (which is the point of the protest against the State Law in question) or at the very least by lobbying their State Representatives to change the law. Do the voters of NC want their law or do they want those 400 PayPal jobs? Choices...choices ..... .

They but they will happily make a profit off the people of NC.
Why wouldn't they? PayPal is in business to make a profit and again they're not protesting against the people of NC so why would they boycott doing business with those customers? You do understand that PayPal provides VALUE to their customers that is greater (in the minds of the customer) than the VALUE of the price asked, so if they followed your suggestion and boycotted doing business with the people of NC they would in fact be punishing the people directly.
And this person here?

By law in NC -- MUST use the women's bathroom.

That's right ^ He would be required to share a bathroom with your wife.

it is hard to believe, but "he" is a woman.
I'm sure it will go over well when "he" shares the same bathroom as your daughter or wife.

Probably won't go over a bad as those clever 15 year old boys that figure out that they can use the girls bathroom and dress in the girls locker room simply by claiming to be "sexually confused" which is the kind of thing that happens when you completely erase the standards that underpin LONG established societal NORMS.

The majority isn't obliged to alter the standards that their social norms are based on for a tiny minority that decides it wants special treatment because of the choices they made.

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