NC says GFY to 400 jobs over LGBT law

Is all the fuss over which bathroom a person is to use? Really? What problem is there for a Lesbian to use a woman's restroom? I am not sure I understand the bitch here. Is the goal here to make restrooms gender neutral? I guess what they are saying is that I as a man should be able to walk into a ladies room and use the toilet. And they had better not be so bigoted to even ask if I am gay.

So there are two ways to go here. Either set boundaries by a the most logical, gender regardless of sexual preference. Or set the boundary by some non-descript means. Feelings.

Did you read what I just posted?

"PayPal said it had dropped plans to put in global operations center in Charlotte, N.C., because of the state’s recent passage of a law banning anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and requiring transgender people in government buildings and public schools to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates. "

That means, you, as a man, could not use the women's bathroom.


James P Sheffield ‏@JayShef
It's now the law for me to share a restroom with your wife.
#HB2 #trans #NorthCarolina #shameonNC

The only real answer is, if the people of NC agree with their legislature then they need to quit using Paypal.
Yep, the people of NC (or anybody else for that matter) are perfectly within their rights to boycott PayPal over this, although I doubt very much many of them will (even among those that agree with the law).
NC has sent PayPal a message.... isn't THIS of interest...of course you'd be DISRESPECTFUL to muslim because they kill queers, so Pay Pal could have nothing to do with ass!

  • Backlash over PayPal decision to cancel NC expansion [NC Leaders Fighting Back!]
    When PayPal announced plans to expand in Charlotte, it made headlines by promising 400 jobs and millions of dollars in payroll. Now PayPal is making bigger headlines nationwide as it backs out of the deal with Charlotte, citing the recently passed House Bill 2. PayPal said the law violates their values and principles concerning equality... Congressman Robert Pittenger...released a statement saying, “PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal… yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify...
The only real answer is, if the people of NC agree with their legislature then they need to quit using Paypal.
Yep, the people of NC (or anybody else for that matter) are perfectly within their rights to boycott PayPal over this, although I doubt very much many of them will (even among those that agree with the law).

Really, is this whole thing over which rest room to use?
And another voice on the matter...

Franklin Graham statement:

PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award! This company says they’re not coming to North Carolina because the legislators and Gov. Pat McCrory have passed a law to protect women and children against sexual predators by not allowing men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Congressman Robert Pittenger made a great point yesterday: “PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position.” Just last month PayPal announced they would be expanding into Cuba, a country in which homosexuals and transgender people are imprisoned, tortured, and executed. PayPal only agreed to come to Charlotte in the first place after holding out for millions in corporate incentives. And under the current law that they are so strongly protesting, PayPal could have chosen their own corporate bathroom policies.

I’m very proud of NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest who said: "If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it. North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children. They are precious and priceless. If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else." He couldn’t be more right! We need more politicians across the country with this kind of backbone. Pray for the NC governor, lieutenant governor, and legislators that they stand strong against the attacks of this wicked agenda.
Now for paypal to be doing anything other than grandstanding they need to stop taking payments from NC.
What makes you think they are "grandstanding"? seems to me PayPal is carrying out a reasonable act of protest against a law which runs counter to it's prevailing corporate principles. Why should PayPal go against it's self-interest by boycotting their customers in NC? This isn't an act of protest against the people of NC, it's an act of protest against a specific LAW in NC.

So by not giving the jobs to the people of NC is not an act protest against the people of NC. However, not taking money from the people of NC would be an act of protest against the people of NC?

Seems skewed to me, Paypal is free to do what it wants, the people of America are free to boycott Paypal if they want.

But to say taking jobs from NC is an act of protest against the people however to stop taking their money messed up.

The only real answer is, if the people of NC agree with their legislature then they need to quit using Paypal.
Yep...they should. IF they still are using PayPal, that shows they don't agree with their own state legislature.
And another voice on the matter...

Franklin Graham statement:

PayPal gets the hypocrite of the year award! This company says they’re not coming to North Carolina because the legislators and Gov. Pat McCrory have passed a law to protect women and children against sexual predators by not allowing men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Congressman Robert Pittenger made a great point yesterday: “PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in to the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position.” Just last month PayPal announced they would be expanding into Cuba, a country in which homosexuals and transgender people are imprisoned, tortured, and executed. PayPal only agreed to come to Charlotte in the first place after holding out for millions in corporate incentives. And under the current law that they are so strongly protesting, PayPal could have chosen their own corporate bathroom policies.

I’m very proud of NC Lt. Governor Dan Forest who said: "If our action in keeping men out of women's bathrooms and showers protected the life of just one child or one woman from being molested or assaulted, then it was worth it. North Carolina will never put a price tag on the value of our children. They are precious and priceless. If a corporation wanting to do business in North Carolina does not see the worth of our children in the same light, then I wish them well as they do business somewhere else." He couldn’t be more right! We need more politicians across the country with this kind of backbone. Pray for the NC governor, lieutenant governor, and legislators that they stand strong against the attacks of this wicked agenda.
Franklin Graham......:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
we should avoid using pay pal cause of that. Let's all play their game.

Not only that, call them and let them know why you're not using their service.

After boycotting PayPal, don't forget to cut up your credit cards from BofA, Wells Fargo, etc. - oops, there goes the Republicans/rightwingers families secret mail order Birth Control Pills, Viagra, etc...

I wonder where Disney will be moving ESPN-SEC?

Connecticut legislators call on Bank of America to move headquaters to CT

Updated:Apr 05 2016 06:29PM EDT

Tuesday, a bipartisan group of more than 40 Connecticut legislators wrote to Charlotte-based Bank of America inviting the corporation to relocate its corporate headquarters to Connecticut.

The letter follows passage of a new law restricting the rights of LGBT residents of North Carolina.

Bank of America has been particularly outspoken in its opposition to a law that it views as targeting its LGBT workforce and longstanding support for public policies that support nondiscrimination.

North Carolina’s House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, blocks transgendered residents from accessing restrooms and prevents local governments from adopting nondiscrimination ordinances.

The bill has been deemed "the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country."

Bank of America is the biggest of many North Carolina companies to openly oppose the law.


Let the stupid companies spend millions of dollars moving their headquarters, showing their support for making it easier for perverts to prey on their young victims. Hopefully bank of america will close all of their branches in north Carolina, right? To hell with bank of america, when the town of spartanburg lined main street with american flags for a dead soldier from that town. The manager of the bank removed the flags. The hell with america hating things like yourself.
Cool story any proof that really happened?
Google it a soldier that was killed was driven down main street and the manager took the flags up. Made headline news. Your a liberal bot, so when you see the truth you will have to support it. Or you will be a lesbian house nig@er if you don't do as your told.
Sillier comment.
The only real answer is, if the people of NC agree with their legislature then they need to quit using Paypal.
Yep, the people of NC (or anybody else for that matter) are perfectly within their rights to boycott PayPal over this, although I doubt very much many of them will (even among those that agree with the law).
True, as a friend of mine noted:

eBay bought PayPal a while back. PayPal eventually bought VeriSign. they partnered with MasterCard and Discover. they bought Braintree, IronPearl and Zong. a year or two ago they spun off from eBay. they're gonna buy Xoom.

PayPal.Me is gonna allow you or me to send a link (text, etc) to request payment.

They are huge, and it would be hard for many people to not use it.
So by not giving the jobs to the people of NC is not an act protest against the people of NC.
It has nothing to do with "not giving jobs" to anybody, it's the act of not setting up shop in the state of North Carolina, the jobs that those people won't be getting is a side effect of that act of protest by PayPal.

However, not taking money from the people of NC would be an act of protest against the people of NC?
What else would you call refusing to do business with (aka boycotting) people based on the State that they live in?

Seems skewed to me, Paypal is free to do what it wants, the people of America are free to boycott Paypal if they want.
Of course but PayPal is not claiming to have any issues with the people of North Carolina, only with the STATE LAW in question.

But to say taking jobs from NC is an act of protest against the people however to stop taking their money messed up.

They're not TAKING JOBS from anybody, those jobs never belonged to anybody in North Carolina in the first place, you can't take away something from somebody when that somebody never had any claim or ownership of the something in the first place.
The anti-LGBT fascists have been working 24/7/365 to prevent free enterprise from free enterprising.

Sod the fascists.
I'm waiting for the first guy to gal, going into a restroom and raping an unsuspecting woman.... it will happen, perverts can't help themselves!
Hey fucknut, the transexual woman in NC would be required to use the men's bathroom.

Get it?

This person, ex. :

By law - MUST use the men's bathroom.

I'm talking about all the other states that let guy/gals go to the ladies room.... :ahole-1:
we should avoid using pay pal cause of that. Let's all play their game.

Not only that, call them and let them know why you're not using their service.

After boycotting PayPal, don't forget to cut up your credit cards from BofA, Wells Fargo, etc. - oops, there goes the Republicans/rightwingers families secret mail order Birth Control Pills, Viagra, etc...

I wonder where Disney will be moving ESPN-SEC?

Connecticut legislators call on Bank of America to move headquaters to CT

Updated:Apr 05 2016 06:29PM EDT

Tuesday, a bipartisan group of more than 40 Connecticut legislators wrote to Charlotte-based Bank of America inviting the corporation to relocate its corporate headquarters to Connecticut.

The letter follows passage of a new law restricting the rights of LGBT residents of North Carolina.

Bank of America has been particularly outspoken in its opposition to a law that it views as targeting its LGBT workforce and longstanding support for public policies that support nondiscrimination.

North Carolina’s House Bill 2, the Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act, blocks transgendered residents from accessing restrooms and prevents local governments from adopting nondiscrimination ordinances.

The bill has been deemed "the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country."

Bank of America is the biggest of many North Carolina companies to openly oppose the law.


Let the stupid companies spend millions of dollars moving their headquarters, showing their support for making it easier for perverts to prey on their young victims. Hopefully bank of america will close all of their branches in north Carolina, right? To hell with bank of america, when the town of spartanburg lined main street with american flags for a dead soldier from that town. The manager of the bank removed the flags. The hell with america hating things like yourself.
Cool story any proof that really happened?
Google it a soldier that was killed was driven down main street and the manager took the flags up. Made headline news. Your a liberal bot, so when you see the truth you will have to support it. Or you will be a lesbian house nig@er if you don't do as your told. fiction story.

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