Nc's Attorney General Cooper To Counties: Get Ready For Gay Marriage


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
The rightwing bible thumpers are foaming at the mouth here in NC

RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina's top lawyer has advised local officials to prepare for an influx of same-sex couples seeking marriage certificates following a federal judge's ruling expected within days.

Attorney General Roy Cooper said Tuesday that county registers of deeds should expect a ruling from the federal judge striking down the state's ban on same-sex marriages "relatively soon."

Wake County Register of Deeds Laura Riddick called on the state Department of Health and Human Services to release a gender-neutral marriage license to counties statewide so that software could be updated and licenses can be issued to same-sex couples as soon as the courts allow gay marriage in North Carolina.

AG Cooper to counties Get ready for gay marriage
The rightwing bible thumpers are foaming at the mouth here in NC

RALEIGH, N.C. — North Carolina's top lawyer has advised local officials to prepare for an influx of same-sex couples seeking marriage certificates following a federal judge's ruling expected within days.

Attorney General Roy Cooper said Tuesday that county registers of deeds should expect a ruling from the federal judge striking down the state's ban on same-sex marriages "relatively soon."

Wake County Register of Deeds Laura Riddick called on the state Department of Health and Human Services to release a gender-neutral marriage license to counties statewide so that software could be updated and licenses can be issued to same-sex couples as soon as the courts allow gay marriage in North Carolina.

AG Cooper to counties Get ready for gay marriage

Kudos to N. Carolina planning ahead. That kind of pro activity is laudable.
I saw this coming back in 2012 when the Marriage Amendment was on the ballot. All the Christian sheeple flocked to the polls at their pastors' urging. "We're voting for the Marriage Amendment," they'd say at the polls. "It's the ONLY WAY to save traditional marriage!"

What complete idiocy. When you give the government the ability to legislate one way on an issue, you give it the ability to legislate in the exact opposite way as well. Conservatards, thankfully for us enlightened lybyryls, failed to see that; they only saw the rotten carrot we dangled before them--use the government to enforce their warped, patriarchal sense of morality onto the masses.

As soon as the result came in that the amendment passed, I knew that the future legalization of gay marriage had been set in stone. The next step is applying the same principle that shut down that anti-gay bakery to every church in the country--if a pastor or religious organization claim that marrying a gay couple in their house of worship is against their religion, slap them with massive fines, revoke their tax exempt status, and pursue other alternative means of corrective punishment until they either capitulate to the demands of the government or are forced to shut down completely.

Don't call it a grave, conservatards, it's the future you chose. And I for one thank you for it. Who'd have thought that hardline Christ-stain conservatards would be the ones responsible for the institution of marriage equality?
Degredation will cover the nation like a noxious blanket. Getting people to voluntarily sniff is another story.
I saw this coming back in 2012 when the Marriage Amendment was on the ballot. All the Christian sheeple flocked to the polls at their pastors' urging. "We're voting for the Marriage Amendment," they'd say at the polls. "It's the ONLY WAY to save traditional marriage!"

What complete idiocy. When you give the government the ability to legislate one way on an issue, you give it the ability to legislate in the exact opposite way as well. Conservatards, thankfully for us enlightened lybyryls, failed to see that; they only saw the rotten carrot we dangled before them--use the government to enforce their warped, patriarchal sense of morality onto the masses.

As soon as the result came in that the amendment passed, I knew that the future legalization of gay marriage had been set in stone. The next step is applying the same principle that shut down that anti-gay bakery to every church in the country--if a pastor or religious organization claim that marrying a gay couple in their house of worship is against their religion, slap them with massive fines, revoke their tax exempt status, and pursue other alternative means of corrective punishment until they either capitulate to the demands of the government or are forced to shut down completely.

Don't call it a grave, conservatards, it's the future you chose. And I for one thank you for it. Who'd have thought that hardline Christ-stain conservatards would be the ones responsible for the institution of marriage equality?
Except any church has the total right to refuse to marry anyone they don't want to....just like the Catholic Church refusing to marry previously divorced people.
Conservative as I am, I see no problem with gay marriage.


So long as they don't figure out a way to reproduce it's a self-limiting issue and, indeed, may prevent some from entering into sham marriages that have a high likelihood of ending in strife or violence.
I saw this coming back in 2012 when the Marriage Amendment was on the ballot. All the Christian sheeple flocked to the polls at their pastors' urging. "We're voting for the Marriage Amendment," they'd say at the polls. "It's the ONLY WAY to save traditional marriage!"

What complete idiocy. When you give the government the ability to legislate one way on an issue, you give it the ability to legislate in the exact opposite way as well. Conservatards, thankfully for us enlightened lybyryls, failed to see that; they only saw the rotten carrot we dangled before them--use the government to enforce their warped, patriarchal sense of morality onto the masses.

As soon as the result came in that the amendment passed, I knew that the future legalization of gay marriage had been set in stone. The next step is applying the same principle that shut down that anti-gay bakery to every church in the country--if a pastor or religious organization claim that marrying a gay couple in their house of worship is against their religion, slap them with massive fines, revoke their tax exempt status, and pursue other alternative means of corrective punishment until they either capitulate to the demands of the government or are forced to shut down completely.

Don't call it a grave, conservatards, it's the future you chose. And I for one thank you for it. Who'd have thought that hardline Christ-stain conservatards would be the ones responsible for the institution of marriage equality?
Except any church has the total right to refuse to marry anyone they don't want to....just like the Catholic Church refusing to marry previously divorced people.

Nonsense. Private businesses, like bakeries, used to claim that same "right". Thankfully, in 2014, we have quashed that pathetic argument.

The government exists to uphold and protect the ryghts of everyone, especially minorities and those being discriminated against. This case is the first stepping stone to total government control over religion.

Fall in line with what our progressive government says is good and just, conservatards, or we will financially cripple your bigoted patriarchal cults and bring your flimsy, warped imitation of culture to ruin.
Degredation will cover the nation like a noxious blanket. Getting people to voluntarily sniff is another story.

Even our right wing governor says he won't fight it , and the thumpers are going wild!!!
I'm less concerned about Ebola than I am about the liberal dementia that has run rampant here'bouts.
Conservative as I am, I see no problem with gay marriage.


So long as they don't figure out a way to reproduce it's a self-limiting issue and, indeed, may prevent some from entering into sham marriages that have a high likelihood of ending in strife or violence.

Yeah, I can't see the downside of gay marriage either. Conservatives are always calling for monogamy and marriage. Well, they've made their argument so well that they've convinced the gays of the value of their reasoning.

If I were a conservative, I'd take the W on making a persuasive argument on the value of marriage and monogamy.
Businesses that choose not to provide services to same sex couples will just not offer those services. Issue settled. Let them wiggle and scream.
I saw this coming back in 2012 when the Marriage Amendment was on the ballot. All the Christian sheeple flocked to the polls at their pastors' urging. "We're voting for the Marriage Amendment," they'd say at the polls. "It's the ONLY WAY to save traditional marriage!"

What complete idiocy. When you give the government the ability to legislate one way on an issue, you give it the ability to legislate in the exact opposite way as well. Conservatards, thankfully for us enlightened lybyryls, failed to see that; they only saw the rotten carrot we dangled before them--use the government to enforce their warped, patriarchal sense of morality onto the masses.

As soon as the result came in that the amendment passed, I knew that the future legalization of gay marriage had been set in stone. The next step is applying the same principle that shut down that anti-gay bakery to every church in the country--if a pastor or religious organization claim that marrying a gay couple in their house of worship is against their religion, slap them with massive fines, revoke their tax exempt status, and pursue other alternative means of corrective punishment until they either capitulate to the demands of the government or are forced to shut down completely.

Don't call it a grave, conservatards, it's the future you chose. And I for one thank you for it. Who'd have thought that hardline Christ-stain conservatards would be the ones responsible for the institution of marriage equality?
Except any church has the total right to refuse to marry anyone they don't want to....just like the Catholic Church refusing to marry previously divorced people.

Nonsense. Private businesses, like bakeries, used to claim that same "right". Thankfully, in 2014, we have quashed that pathetic argument.

The government exists to uphold and protect the ryghts of everyone, especially minorities and those being discriminated against. This case is the first stepping stone to total government control over religion.

Fall in line with what our progressive government says is good and just, conservatards, or we will financially cripple your bigoted patriarchal cults and bring your flimsy, warped imitation of culture to ruin.
First amendment applies. It's not nonsense. Even today, churches can refuse to marry anyone for any reason...inter-racial, inter-faith, non-faith, previously divorced.....totally ok for any church to refuse.
Conservative as I am, I see no problem with gay marriage.


So long as they don't figure out a way to reproduce it's a self-limiting issue and, indeed, may prevent some from entering into sham marriages that have a high likelihood of ending in strife or violence.

Yeah, I can't see the downside of gay marriage either. Conservatives are always calling for monogamy and marriage. Well, they've made their argument so well that they've convinced the gays of the value of their reasoning.

If I were a conservative, I'd take the W on making a persuasive argument on the value of marriage and monogamy.
How long before the Right claims it was their idea all along?
I saw this coming back in 2012 when the Marriage Amendment was on the ballot. All the Christian sheeple flocked to the polls at their pastors' urging. "We're voting for the Marriage Amendment," they'd say at the polls. "It's the ONLY WAY to save traditional marriage!"

What complete idiocy. When you give the government the ability to legislate one way on an issue, you give it the ability to legislate in the exact opposite way as well. Conservatards, thankfully for us enlightened lybyryls, failed to see that; they only saw the rotten carrot we dangled before them--use the government to enforce their warped, patriarchal sense of morality onto the masses.

As soon as the result came in that the amendment passed, I knew that the future legalization of gay marriage had been set in stone. The next step is applying the same principle that shut down that anti-gay bakery to every church in the country--if a pastor or religious organization claim that marrying a gay couple in their house of worship is against their religion, slap them with massive fines, revoke their tax exempt status, and pursue other alternative means of corrective punishment until they either capitulate to the demands of the government or are forced to shut down completely.

Don't call it a grave, conservatards, it's the future you chose. And I for one thank you for it. Who'd have thought that hardline Christ-stain conservatards would be the ones responsible for the institution of marriage equality?
Except any church has the total right to refuse to marry anyone they don't want to....just like the Catholic Church refusing to marry previously divorced people.

Nonsense. Private businesses, like bakeries, used to claim that same "right". Thankfully, in 2014, we have quashed that pathetic argument.

The government exists to uphold and protect the ryghts of everyone, especially minorities and those being discriminated against. This case is the first stepping stone to total government control over religion.

Fall in line with what our progressive government says is good and just, conservatards, or we will financially cripple your bigoted patriarchal cults and bring your flimsy, warped imitation of culture to ruin.
First amendment applies. It's not nonsense. Even today, churches can refuse to marry anyone for any reason...inter-racial, inter-faith, non-faith, previously divorced.....totally ok for any church to refuse.

The First Amendment will be overridden in the case of churches flouting the law like this.

"B-B-BUT, LM!" You're undoubtedly sputtering, "The First Amendment could NEVER be overridden, not for anything ever!"

Not so.

"Freedom of religion means freedom to hold an opinion or belief, but not to take action in violation of social duties or subversive to good order," Chief Justice Waite wrote in Reynolds v. United States (1878). The U.S. Court found that while laws cannot interfere with religious belief and opinions, laws can be made to regulate some religious practices, e.g., human sacrifices, and the Hindu practice of suttee. The Court stated that to rule otherwise, "would be to make the professed doctrines of religious belief superior to the law of the land, and in effect permit every citizen to become a law unto himself. Government would exist only in name under such circumstances."
First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The precedent of the government regulating religious practices and banning discrimination among religious groups goes back to the 1800's, as you can see.

But, let's say you're right. And let's go even further and say that the government wouldn't even want to try to appeal to that precedent. It would, in that case, still have its ability to crush discrimination financially--the tax exempt status of religious organizations is still a big deal, and the headache of IRS agents, audits, investigations, and reviews is something most people would rather avoid--and will avoid by caving in to government demands for marriage equality.

That is literally exactly why we have so many laws; if we can't get someone under one law, our government has a web woven all around the country's entire populace and all of its pastimes so thick that anyone attempting to escape from government control and live in their fantasy Sovereign Citizen "I can do whatever I want with no restrictions" nonsense will inevitably be caught by at least one strand (i.e. law) and punished as severely as possible for their dissent from socially acceptable norms.
The First Amendment died along with the rest of The (former) U.S. Constitution.

You'll get used to it.

Or be punished (re-educated) if you don't.

The prudent are stocking up on the essentials, particularly Vaseline.
The rightwing bible thumpers are foaming at the mouth here in NC

That's not all who are...check out the poll here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
And I think the conservatives on the US Supreme Court could've elected to hear the case except that they knew pissing people off on the right, center right and center left might net a few votes in a couple weeks.

Pop your champagne corks and whoop it up, but keep plenty of kleenex on hand for later...

The real losers in this political kabuiki theater are all the good democratic platforms that are going to get shitcanned because of butt sex wanting a legal loophole to adoption.. Hello republican Congress. Goodbye green energy. Goodbye healthcare. Goodbye fracking and pipeline holds. Goodbye abortion rights. Goodbye living wages.

But don't worry. If you were for any of those, your consolation prize is that the gay guys down the street [you know the 40-something and his 19 year old boyfriend] get to adopt a little boy..
Churches will always have the right to refuse to marry whoever because it is a matter of private association. Liberal Media knows that and is being hysterical to see if the far righties will get hysterical. That's all.

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