Nearly 1 in 5 Obamacare waivers go to restaurants, nightclubs, hotels in Pelosi

So, you're unable or unwilling to admit the fact that Obamacare is simply a bad law.

Are you unable or unwilling to accept the fact that a overhaul of this magnitude can't happen overnight? How fast should health exchanges be set up? In your expert opinion.

Then why write a single law that essentially did just that? Why are you defending something you just admitted is impossible?

Ok, since Daveman failed at proving his BS, it gets to be your turn. Post anything that shows the healthcare legislation was designed to be implemented and fully functioning instantly overnight. Here's your big chance. Don't let this opportunity slip by to show us just how right you are.
LOL, yeah buying votes. :cool: Like I said, this is not some sort of conspiracy.

I wouldn't care if Bush or anyone did this, as I'm not a conspiracy theorist who automatically assume that my own president is out to get me. Give it a rest.

Wtf are you talking about, conspiracy? Is this your dumb shit way of staying out of touch with reality?

You think that Obama is buying votes by granting waivers. That sir is a full blown and ridiculous conspiracy theory.

Somewhere around 25% of the waivers are for unions which represent just 12% of the workers. Now connect the dots.
I am surprised these right wing ideologues would want to post this stuff, because once you get to the bottom of it, you see why this bill was needed. It shines a bright light on the scurrilous insurance cartels who they worship. They will never understand that there is a built in conflict between health care and for profit insurance. Health care will never fit a 'free market' model. The best that can be crafted is laws that limit the cartel's death panels...Insurance cartels are not in the health care business. They are in the profit business, and the best way to increase profit is to collect premiums and find ways NOT to pay claims.

Can you show me in the Constitution where health care is a right? Kthnxbai.
Hey, RDD, I'm logging off now to do some stuff. You make sure you bow up and tell everyone how you scared off the mean ol' conservative. :lol:

And still no proof before you go. Shocking!

And I never said Obamacare would be implemented overnight. No, really! But awesome strawman building on your part.

The law was rushed through. Badly. Pelosi said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Horseshit. We have to debate the bill and understand what's in it BEFORE it becomes law.

Now, thanks to the utter incompetence of Democrats, we have to fix a lot of stuff.
Thanks for posting. Nowhere in there does she even hint that this would be a implemented overnight, like Daveman is suggesting. Hence why he refuses to post any evidence...because it doesn't exist.
Yes, how rude of me to not post evidence of a claim I didn't make.
Hey, RDD, I'm logging off now to do some stuff. You make sure you bow up and tell everyone how you scared off the mean ol' conservative. :lol:

And still no proof before you go. Shocking!

And I never said Obamacare would be implemented overnight. No, really! But awesome strawman building on your part.

The law was rushed through. Badly. Pelosi said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Horseshit. We have to debate the bill and understand what's in it BEFORE it becomes law.

Now, thanks to the utter incompetence of Democrats, we have to fix a lot of stuff.

Fix my ass....... straight up de-funded and repealed I really have no desire to wait for months to go see the Doc when I need one
Are you unable or unwilling to accept the fact that a overhaul of this magnitude can't happen overnight? How fast should health exchanges be set up? In your expert opinion.
Yes, it's impossible for it to happen overnight. So why did Democrats insist it had to?

Democrats screwed up healthcare reform, and you're mad at me. :lol:

They are mad at us because we insist on telling them the truth. I agree with Christie, get mad at the people who lied to you, not the one telling you the truth for the first time in your life.

But they like being lied to. Truth is anathema to them.
And still no proof before you go. Shocking!

And I never said Obamacare would be implemented overnight. No, really! But awesome strawman building on your part.

The law was rushed through. Badly. Pelosi said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Horseshit. We have to debate the bill and understand what's in it BEFORE it becomes law.

Now, thanks to the utter incompetence of Democrats, we have to fix a lot of stuff.

Fix my ass....... straight up de-funded and repealed I really have no desire to wait for months to go see the Doc when I need one
Repeal would be the best fix of all.
Hey, RDD, I'm logging off now to do some stuff. You make sure you bow up and tell everyone how you scared off the mean ol' conservative. :lol:

And still no proof before you go. Shocking!

And I never said Obamacare would be implemented overnight. No, really! But awesome strawman building on your part.

The law was rushed through. Badly. Pelosi said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Horseshit. We have to debate the bill and understand what's in it BEFORE it becomes law.

Now, thanks to the utter incompetence of Democrats, we have to fix a lot of stuff.

Oops, now you're a liar too. Solid back peddle though when you couldn't prove the horse shit you were dishing out.
And still no proof before you go. Shocking!

And I never said Obamacare would be implemented overnight. No, really! But awesome strawman building on your part.

The law was rushed through. Badly. Pelosi said, "“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."

Horseshit. We have to debate the bill and understand what's in it BEFORE it becomes law.

Now, thanks to the utter incompetence of Democrats, we have to fix a lot of stuff.

Oops, now you're a liar too. Solid back peddle though when you couldn't prove the horse shit you were dishing out.

Ooops...forgot about that one.

I was wrong. I apologize.

Okay, now that that is straightened out, are you prepared to admit that passing a law to find out what's in it is an astoundingly poor way to make laws?
I am surprised these right wing ideologues would want to post this stuff, because once you get to the bottom of it, you see why this bill was needed. It shines a bright light on the scurrilous insurance cartels who they worship. They will never understand that there is a built in conflict between health care and for profit insurance. Health care will never fit a 'free market' model. The best that can be crafted is laws that limit the cartel's death panels...Insurance cartels are not in the health care business. They are in the profit business, and the best way to increase profit is to collect premiums and find ways NOT to pay claims.

Who are you trying to kid here. You think Big Government is less corrupt than private money, yet fail to see the connection between the two. Your plan is full of holes. Follow the money. Stop acting like there is anything noble going on here, you are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, creating more layers of administration and bureaucracy, thinking it will cost less. Simplify. That is the last thing this Bill does. How about the consideration of starting at the bottom, with better funding for Clinics and build up from there. Reduce the cost of service through efficiency, building Infrastructure from the ground up. Buy your own Viagra. :lol:
Nearly 1 in 5 Obamacare waivers go to restaurants, nightclubs, hotels in Pelosi

Sorry but that's not even true. Only 38 of 1300 waiver have gone to her district.

White House, Pelosi: Obamacare waivers a regular thing, we The statistic you site was cherry picked from the data.
But, of the 204 waivers the administration approved in April, 38 of them, or about 20 percent, were for businesses in Pelosi’s district.

Over all waivers issued its only 38/1300
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney downplayed the significance of the administration’s approval of Obamacare waivers amid the uproar over 38 Obamacare waivers luxurious hotels, gourmet restaurants, hip nightclubs, day spas and four-star hotels received in April in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s district.

In the Tuesday press briefing, he said the administration has approved more than 1,300 waivers from the health care law’s requirements, and has rejected less than 100 waiver-applications. The total of approved waivers “is not that much,” he said, adding that the temporary waivers were granted to organizations that offer their employees relatively cheap insurance coverage, dubbed “mini-med” insurance.
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Sorry but that's not even true. Only 38 of 1300 waiver have gone to her district.

White House, Pelosi: Obamacare waivers a regular thing, we

Still.....38 in her one district is still incredibly high. Just sayin....

38 out of 1300? No it isn't! Now you're being ridiculous.

It is high, actually.

1300 waivers divided by 435 Representatives = 2.99 waiver per Representative. 38 is an awful lot of apologies for making her district look like buffoons for re-electing her.
Still.....38 in her one district is still incredibly high. Just sayin....

38 out of 1300? No it isn't! Now you're being ridiculous.

It is high, actually.

1300 waivers divided by 435 Representatives = 2.99 waiver per Representative. 38 is an awful lot of apologies for making her district look like buffoons for re-electing her.

This might come as surprise to you, but House districts aren't divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of restaurants, night clubs, and hotels which offer mini-medical plans- they're divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of people.

Not to mention the fact that by law many employers are required to provide some level of health insurance in SF. Should we find it surprising that a place where more employers provide insurance that there would be more employers applying for waivers?

The San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO) requires medium and large-sized employers to spend a minimum amount per hour on healthcare for their employees who work in San Francisco.

If you don't provide health coverage for your employees - you wouldn't be applying for a waiver! duh.

In actuality, Aitken explained, the high percentage of waivers is the byproduct of local law rubbing against the new national legislation. In April 2008, San Francisco passed an ordinance requiring employers to spend a minimum amount per hour on health care for their employees who work in the city. In response, a number of eateries chose to set up Health Reimbursement Arrangements, which are essentially pools of funds set aside by employers to reimburse medical expenses paid by employees...
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38 out of 1300? No it isn't! Now you're being ridiculous.

It is high, actually.

1300 waivers divided by 435 Representatives = 2.99 waiver per Representative. 38 is an awful lot of apologies for making her district look like buffoons for re-electing her.

This might come as surprise to you, but House districts aren't divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of restaurants, night clubs, and hotels which offer mini-medical plans- they're divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of people.

No, no surprise to me. But you don't see even a little bit of shenanigans here? Really?
It is high, actually.

1300 waivers divided by 435 Representatives = 2.99 waiver per Representative. 38 is an awful lot of apologies for making her district look like buffoons for re-electing her.

This might come as surprise to you, but House districts aren't divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of restaurants, night clubs, and hotels which offer mini-medical plans- they're divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of people.

No, no surprise to me. But you don't see even a little bit of shenanigans here? Really?

More employers have to apply for waivers in San Francisco because more employers provide health care to their employees because they are required to by city law. Read above post. There's no Shenanigans, its just more right wing conspiracy nut bullshit.
This might come as surprise to you, but House districts aren't divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of restaurants, night clubs, and hotels which offer mini-medical plans- they're divided into districts having roughly equal numbers of people.

No, no surprise to me. But you don't see even a little bit of shenanigans here? Really?

More employers have to apply for waivers in San Francisco because more employers provide health care to their employees because they are required to by city law. Read above post. There's no Shenanigans, its just more right wing conspiracy nut bullshit.

Maybe Big Nancy should have read the damn law before she voted for it, huh?

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