Nearly 400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in canadian child porn Ring

from the article

Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents, she said.

Houston, public education has a problem
Catholic school teachers?

Most likely public (progressive) school teachers, perhaps you should get informed and the comment to me, this daily ringing your bell is getting is your inane comments and ankle snapping. In short? You're a troll, you offer nothing, you're ignorant and you're a liar....we'll leave your sock accounts for another time...pete, err bode....errrr...
maybe this will help

I have renewed my committment to putting trolls on ignore. They are kept on the site because they generate clicks. If I don't see them, I don't click on them. If everybody did the same, they would eventually get banned.
I have renewed my committment to putting trolls on ignore. They are kept on the site because they generate clicks. If I don't see them, I don't click on them. If everybody did the same, they would eventually get banned.

Yeah but it's funny when idiots like Gooono post a link trying to point the finger at religion...and misses the elephant in the room.
I have renewed my committment to putting trolls on ignore. They are kept on the site because they generate clicks. If I don't see them, I don't click on them. If everybody did the same, they would eventually get banned.

Yeah but it's funny when idiots like Gooono post a link trying to point the finger at religion...and misses the elephant in the room.
It's not funny, however, when the entire site is skewed to accommodate those loons (like starkey) while those of us who are rational and sane get the poker.

And that is exactly what happens.
from the article

Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents, she said.

Houston, public education has a problem
Catholic school teachers?

Most likely public (progressive) school teachers, perhaps you should get informed and the comment to me, this daily ringing your bell is getting is your inane comments and ankle snapping. In short? You're a troll, you offer nothing, you're ignorant and you're a liar....we'll leave your sock accounts for another time...pete, err bode....errrr...
Catholic church hides and moves their pedophiles. The public schools fire theirs. Believe it or not, that's a difference. This isn't about me.....your attempts to make it so are a obvious smokescreen for your defense of the Catholic Hierarchy's protection of pedophiles.
from the article

Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents, she said.

Houston, public education has a problem
Catholic school teachers?

Most likely public (progressive) school teachers, perhaps you should get informed and the comment to me, this daily ringing your bell is getting is your inane comments and ankle snapping. In short? You're a troll, you offer nothing, you're ignorant and you're a liar....we'll leave your sock accounts for another time...pete, err bode....errrr...
Catholic church hides and moves their pedophiles. The public schools fire theirs. Believe it or not, that's a difference. This isn't about me.....your attempts to make it so are a obvious smokescreen for your defense of the Catholic Hierarchy's protection of pedophiles.

What part of your inane comments don't matter to me are you not grasping? Statistically the percentage of Catholic priests that are pedophiles is lower than that of the general population....true story and easy to verify, do that and cease snapping at my ankles. Understand....pete....errr bode...or whoever you're pretending to be today.

This is fun :)
Houston, public education has a problem
Catholic school teachers?

Most likely public (progressive) school teachers, perhaps you should get informed and the comment to me, this daily ringing your bell is getting is your inane comments and ankle snapping. In short? You're a troll, you offer nothing, you're ignorant and you're a liar....we'll leave your sock accounts for another time...pete, err bode....errrr...
Catholic church hides and moves their pedophiles. The public schools fire theirs. Believe it or not, that's a difference. This isn't about me.....your attempts to make it so are a obvious smokescreen for your defense of the Catholic Hierarchy's protection of pedophiles.

What part of your inane comments don't matter to me are you not grasping? Statistically the percentage of Catholic priests that are pedophiles is lower than that of the general population....true story and easy to verify, do that and cease snapping at my ankles. Understand....pete....errr bode...or whoever you're pretending to be today.

This is fun :)
and you are supporting them by giving them money
The Catholic Church is using South America to hide their pedophile priests

What Pope Benedict Knew About Abuse in the Catholic Church - The New Yorker
Oh dear...facts and now BoPete and Goono will be flummoxed

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”

That conclusion drawn from a study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education:

Titled, “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature,” the report says the mistreatment of students ranges from sexual comments to rape.

In fact, says the studies author, Carol Shakeshaft, professor of educational administration at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, the scope of the school sex problem appears to far exceed the clergy abuse scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

Comparing the incidence of sexual misconduct in schools with the Catholic Church scandal, Shakeshift notes that a study by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that 10,667 young people were sexually mistreated by priests between 1950 and 2002.

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”
Oh dear...facts and now BoPete and Goono will be flummoxed

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”

That conclusion drawn from a study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education:

Titled, “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature,” the report says the mistreatment of students ranges from sexual comments to rape.

In fact, says the studies author, Carol Shakeshaft, professor of educational administration at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, the scope of the school sex problem appears to far exceed the clergy abuse scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

Comparing the incidence of sexual misconduct in schools with the Catholic Church scandal, Shakeshift notes that a study by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that 10,667 young people were sexually mistreated by priests between 1950 and 2002.

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”
when pedos are found in public schools they are removed and arrested, in the catholic church they are shuffled around to a new church so they can hide them an get new kiddie meat
Houston, public education has a problem
Catholic school teachers?

Most likely public (progressive) school teachers, perhaps you should get informed and the comment to me, this daily ringing your bell is getting is your inane comments and ankle snapping. In short? You're a troll, you offer nothing, you're ignorant and you're a liar....we'll leave your sock accounts for another time...pete, err bode....errrr...
Catholic church hides and moves their pedophiles. The public schools fire theirs. Believe it or not, that's a difference. This isn't about me.....your attempts to make it so are a obvious smokescreen for your defense of the Catholic Hierarchy's protection of pedophiles.

What part of your inane comments don't matter to me are you not grasping? Statistically the percentage of Catholic priests that are pedophiles is lower than that of the general population....true story and easy to verify, do that and cease snapping at my ankles. Understand....pete....errr bode...or whoever you're pretending to be today.

This is fun :)
You are a supporter of a Catholic Hierarchy that has a LOOOONG history of protecting pedophile priests, moving them to unsuspecting parishes so they can prey on more children. It's only the secular law that has brought this to light and has fought against it continuing. But keep being a cheerleader....:spinner:
Oh dear...facts and now BoPete and Goono will be flummoxed

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”

That conclusion drawn from a study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education:

Titled, “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature,” the report says the mistreatment of students ranges from sexual comments to rape.

In fact, says the studies author, Carol Shakeshaft, professor of educational administration at Hofstra University, in Hempstead, New York, the scope of the school sex problem appears to far exceed the clergy abuse scandal that has rocked the Roman Catholic Church.

Comparing the incidence of sexual misconduct in schools with the Catholic Church scandal, Shakeshift notes that a study by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that 10,667 young people were sexually mistreated by priests between 1950 and 2002.

“Sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests”
"Wizbang"....what an appropriate source for you to glean from.
There is a "no-place" just as there is a "no-time." Any perpetrator-psychopath can dream up fresh molestations from almost any source from any time. That is why Madeleine McCann-Podesta is current with the Clinton-Abedin pathology: the news-making is always in process whether or not the FBI or Scotland Yard has quit the investigation.

Who would have thought there would have been thought about Sandy Hook yesterday?
Why are fundie nuts allowed to post fact free and misleading OPs ?

What does it add to the board other than give the grown ups a laugh ?

What was misleading about my post's title?

I said I realized too late that the article was old, but that does nothing to remove the facts in the Article.
I am not sure Marty. I made that reply to another thread set up by that loony woman. Have they merged the threads ?
Our government has been "complacent" in so many fucking pedo rings it's disgusting when you dig into it - and it's why I'm having such a hard time dismissing #PizzaGate.

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