Nearly 70 refugees arrested in the US suspected of involvement in ISIS plots.

So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.

So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants
So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.

So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

So you think they're going to stop if we dont kill em?:lol:
Hate to break it to ya but thats the only thing they understand.
Why the hell would they need to? Do you think we have a shortage of housing here?

Because they (YOU) love them so much.

And you want to get perverted kicks, watching them beat their wives ? (in accordance with Koran 4:34)
Yeah, that's it, I just love all that fuck-ass bullshit called religion, and Christian men had no trouble beating their wives (rule of thumb was how big a stick could be) and continue to: Welcome to CDD

Kinky for Jesus, or they just enjoy beating the wife's ass.
So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.

So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

So you think they're going to stop if we dont kill em?:lol:
Hate to break it to ya but thats the only thing they understand.
Liberalism and capitalism are the only solutions to ISIS, not a holy war which is what they want for fuck's sake!
So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.

So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

LOL...Your link also discusses the flourishing black market for passports in Syria.
What a dumbass....but please,dont stop,I havent laughed at someone so much in a loooooong time!
Why would Obama and the DNC be so anxious to put thousands of Syrian young men in the Southern states? Because he knows the cultural conflict it would cause. Then he can declare martial law and cancel the election and declare himself President for a third term.
Think I'm crazy?
I would have said the same thing a few years ago. Not now. After a couple of decades of dealing with the scum of the earth you can literally smell the evil. My sixth sense is screaming a warning. There is some very very serious bad shit coming around the corner.
It's coming in the form of ISIS infiltrators. Obama has all the DHS briefings. The department has been pleading with Obama to let them do their job. He chooses not to even respond to the head of DHS unless to order him to basically 'stand down'.
DEARBORN! Hundreds of 'peace loving muslims' in Dearborn have been caching weapons and explosives for years waiting to hand them over to ISIS. The DHS knows this and has been ordered by the Obama administration to look the other way for 100% political reasons favoring the DEMs.
Obama will sacrifice hundreds of innocent US legal citizens to advance his Socialist agenda.
This is what happens when a bunch of negroes 'block vote' in the Manchurian Candidate because he has the same skin color and promises the fucking losers "free shit".
Dearborn is the US equivalent of Raqqa. Remember that.
Print out this post and tape it to your fridge door. When Obama shuts down the Internet you'll have something to read.
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Why the hell would they need to? Do you think we have a shortage of housing here?

Because they (YOU) love them so much.

And you want to get perverted kicks, watching them beat their wives ? (in accordance with Koran 4:34)
Yeah, that's it, I just love all that fuck-ass bullshit called religion, and Christian men had no trouble beating their wives (rule of thumb was how big a stick could be) and continue to: Welcome to CDD

Kinky for Jesus, or they just enjoy beating the wife's ass.
When radical Islamist immigrants murder innocent Americans, with a gun.

The gun will be blamed.

So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.

So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

Kill enough of em it will.
So because Obamans opened up the door and let the blood-sucking mosquitos in, we should leave the door open so more can come in, increasing the problem ? Is there a doctor in the house ?
Shutting doors, especially now, doesn't fix this problem, or make you safer.

So killing them is the you're catching on.
Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

So you think they're going to stop if we dont kill em?:lol:
Hate to break it to ya but thats the only thing they understand.
Liberalism and capitalism are the only solutions to ISIS, not a holy war which is what they want for fuck's sake!

Killing men doesn't kill an idea, especially one buried deep with in Islam, Besides, dumbass, they are planning on dying. That's part of the deal to end the world.

What ISIS Really Wants

As I explained to you previously (some people have to be told twice), killing men killed the idea of Nazism > enough that it stopped ruling Germany and other countries. And nice guys that we are, we will help them with their plans to die.
Why would Obama and the DNC be so anxious to put thousands of Syrian young men in the Southern states? Because he knows the cultural conflict it would cause. Then he can declare martial law and cancel the election and declare himself President for a third term.
Think I'm crazy?
Print out this post and tape it to your fridge door.

I'm not so sure it's that so much as he wants muslims to take over the US and kill Americans.
They are radicalizing AFTER they "immigrate" people.

Close the borders. And imprison those

66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees
If it's after then you are already trying to close the barn door after the horses ran away, which is true by the way since ISIS is an idea, not a person, and it has been here as long as Islam has.
Just because you didn't do it soon enough doesn't mean you don't do it.
So slam the door tight, you still won't be able to sleep at night because ISIS is already here, and anywhere that has an Internet connection. This is an Eternal Battle, stop thinking you can keep the bad guys away, and BTW, you are one of them, and just as dangerous to our liberal and secular society.
I sleep just fine at night, traitor. I know who the bad guys are. You're one, for example.

Psst..our society isn't secular. And now that your friends the jihadists have gotten a foothold, it's a whole shitload less secular than it was, scum.
Ah...there it is. Allie equates posters who are not peeing their pants in fear like she is as the "bad guys". Any guesses what she and others like her would do to us "bad guys", if they gained power?

Thank the gods for the U.S. Constitution......pulling the teeth of fascists and theocrats for over 200 years.
More proof that they don't come here to be peaceful. The more of them there are, the more aggressive they become.
Remember the Tsarnaev brothers?
Yep, and how long had they been here?
How does that mean anything?
It means they were here for years before they decided to do what they did.

You ever hear of sleeper cells?
Yeah, meaning they were already here, dumbass, but you're having kittens about the fact there might be, which you don't even fucking know, another bad guy or two in the bunch so you want to deny a safe place for innocent people fleeing a civil war just in case. Meaning, get a fuckin' pair.
Remember the Tsarnaev brothers?
Yep, and how long had they been here?
How does that mean anything?
It means they were here for years before they decided to do what they did.

You ever hear of sleeper cells?
Yeah, meaning they were already here, dumbass, but you're having kittens about the fact there might be, which you don't even fucking know, another bad guy or two in the bunch so you want to deny a safe place for innocent people fleeing a civil war just in case. Meaning, get a fuckin' pair.

They can flee somewhere else.

"America's enemies within: How nearly SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months - including refugees who had been given safe haven but 'turned to terror'."

LINK: 66 arrested in America over ISIS and they include refugees

NOW consider what the Obama administration is doing: In an effort to prevent states from standing up to him and preventing Syrian Refugees from being placed in their states, Obama is using non-government agencies to quietly re-settle these refugees without ever notifying local and state agencies.

After placement the agencies and Obama administration washes their hands of all responsibility for them. The states have no idea who they are, where they are, or even how many of them there are. They are totally blind to any potential threat because they don't even know they are there.

70 have been arrested in the last 18 months, including refugees that were 'settled' and who turned to terrorism!

The Obama administration is NOT thoroughly vetting them, is overwhelming an already past-the-breaking-point stretched FBI, and setting up states and citizens for potential terrorist attacks from threats they don't even know are out there in their midst now.

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