Nebraska becomes 17th state to pass the convention of states resolution

So...the unborn are citizens with the same rights as a one year old?
He does not believe in the Birth Fairy

You know the Birth Fairy

She waves her magic wand over the infant as it is being born, thus making him human.
Those will not see the light of day. Too much power in D.C. to let that happen as things are now. Lifetime politicians and unelected government people are formidable with many backed by lobbyists and elites. And an endless fiat currency capable of printing what they need until it collapses. The ideas are sound and good. We once were that.
The reason the Founders put the provision for the states to amend the Constitution there in the first place was to give states recourse if the Federal beast became too corrupt.

We be there.

It's time

Time to put on our big boy pants and fight.

And as our lives are made more and more miserable by the Federal cabal, the easier this will be to pass.
He does not believe in the Birth Fairy

You know the Birth Fairy

She waves her magic wand over the infant as it is being born, thus making him human.
You should check with your fellow cult member...

We are half way there! For the first time in US history, states may soon amend the Constitution!!

What amendments do you favor?

As for myself, both these amendments would have close to 80% approval rating among Americans.

1. Term limits for those in Congress

2. A balanced budget of some sort.

I think that is where you start.

Leftists in this forum are to stupid to even understand what this means.

The next GOP president need to make this a priority
I don't know if I want to open the constitution though. Look at the whack jobs that are in power now and you want to open our founding document up to them. It could go either way.
You have the wrong idea. A COS would not be "open" to the Washington swamp. It would be totally under the control of the individual States. All amendments coming from a COS would still need independent approval by 38 of the States.
Why would anyone think amending anything would be any different, nothing changes if the fed is left intact, if the states ever get to an Article V convention, the very first thing done should be the immediate dissolution of the US federal government!
The Constitution worked reasonably well for about 150 years. Of course our Founding fathers could not anticipate the challenges of the 20th century. We have a pretty good idea of how the Constitution was attacked and now we need to learn from history and amend it to meet these challenges.
I know. Let's get rid of the electoral college; enshrine a Right to Privacy; get rid of the "militia" portion of the Second Amendment; and declare Spanish the national language.
You have the wrong idea. A COS would not be "open" to the Washington swamp. It would be totally under the control of the individual States. All amendments coming from a COS would still need independent approval by 38 of the States.
The point I think you are failing to realize is that those swamp critters come from the individual states and at the present time the balance of power favors the liberal/progressive/commie factions. I am opposed to opening the constitution.
The Constitution worked reasonably well for about 150 years. Of course our Founding fathers could not anticipate the challenges of the 20th century. We have a pretty good idea of how the Constitution was attacked and now we need to learn from history and amend it to meet these challenges.
Amendments to the constitution do not need to open the entire document. The constitution has been amended numerous times, twenty-seven to be exact. The latest successful amendment dealt with when congressional pay raises take effect. There have been thirty-three attempts to amend the constitution.
The point I think you are failing to realize is that those swamp critters come from the individual states and at the present time the balance of power favors the liberal/progressive/commie factions. I am opposed to opening the constitution.
Unless you are referring to Congressmen and women, the Swamp are those individuals comprising the Federal Bureaucracy and residing mostly in DC and surrounding States, and to a large degree are graduates of liberal, eastern Ivy League universities.

The balance of power as measured by the number of red and purple States is currently favoring Conservatives.
Unless you are referring to Congressmen and women, the Swamp are those individuals comprising the Federal Bureaucracy and residing mostly in DC and surrounding States, and to a large degree are graduates of liberal, eastern Ivy League universities.

The balance of power as measured by the number of red and purple States is currently favoring Conservatives.
Of course I am talking about congress--they control purse strings and legislation and currently the majority party of both houses and the presidency favors the democrats. As far as the bureaucracy goes--the democrats control that too. Look at Biden's appointments to key positions. SMH
Restore the enumerated powers...............Restore the Senate to the State legislatures and restore that as well.
Of course I am talking about congress--they control purse strings and legislation and currently the majority party of both houses and the presidency favors the democrats. As far as the bureaucracy goes--the democrats control that too. Look at Biden's appointments to key positions. SMH
A COS bypasses Congress, the Bureaucracy and the Swamp. Republicans will regain control of both the House and the Senate in 2022 and will regain POTUS in 2024. But this political change will be no more effective in effecting change than was Reagan and his Republican Congress. A COS is the only path forward with any chance of turning back the leftward tide.
Do you actually believe that the congress exists in a vacuum and just appears. They come from the states. Who do you think put them there.
No and of course Conservative voters put them there. But the Republican Party is slowly undergoing a change and old guard Republicans are slowly being replaced by "tea party patriots".

This group is still conservative but with a more libertarian bent as well. The problem exists that they don't have a full understanding of the path forward that needs to be taken. They have been indoctrinated in Big Government and can't truly comprehend what small government actually entails.

Very few with a national platform are articulating what needs to be done. Mark Levin and Glenn Beck are two who are. So this lack of a full understanding does present a problem with a COS, but it is the only path forward that I see that has any chance of effecting the necessary change.
I am a huge supporter of the Convention of States movement and initiative.
Here are the new amendments that I would like to see approved:

  • Election Reform, only US citizens 18 and older may vote, ID required, mail-in signature matching, mail-in by excuse only.
  • Ensure that apportionment of Representatives be set by counting only US citizens in the census
  • Allow the President a "line item veto" for the US Budget
  • Clarify the 14th Amendment that only US citizens can make a US citizen, otherwise we get "anchor babies from Russia, China, and Mexico.
  • The US Supreme court shall have not more than 9 justices.
  • Immigration reform, no longer admit for fleeing oppression, only merit based immigration as approved.
A few for consideration, but may not be as important:
  • Set mandatory retirement ages for House/Senate/Supreme Court Justices (70?) (or term limits)
  • Balanced Budget required, w/o using SS funds, unless in time of declared war
  • Set term limits in the House and Senate (6 in the House and 2 in the Senate)
  • Make the Senate (60 vote) filibuster part of the Constitution (prevents radical change)
A COS bypasses Congress, the Bureaucracy and the Swamp. Republicans will regain control of both the House and the Senate in 2022 and will regain POTUS in 2024. But this political change will be no more effective in effecting change than was Reagan and his Republican Congress. A COS is the only path forward with any chance of turning back the leftward tide.
Yep. We need to Amend the Constitution to put the US back on the right-track.
Right now 71% of voters think the US is on the wrong track, but have no recourse except to wait for the next election and have the same AHs elected again. The COS is a badly needed course correction. I hope the States accept the responsibility.

Update: SC just passed their resolution, so the official count is 19 states, more than halfway to the 34 needed.
An Ammendment that forbids dual citizenship.

An Ammendment that does away with the current method of bestowed "Birthright citizenship".

An Amendment reaffirming the rights of free citizens. In other words; once a persons term of incarceration has been fulfilled; ALL their rights are restored.
Those are just a few off the top of my head...

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