Nebraska cop shot twice in the head

I'm glad they arrested this guy. Hopefully the officer is ok. Now, onto the conservative playbook.

Conservative playbook

Black guy does something terrible: "BLM IS TO BLAME!!!"

Hispanic guy does something terrible: "WE NEED TO BUILD THE WALL!!!"

Muslim guy does something terrible: "ISLAM IS THE PROBLEM!!!"

White guy does something terrible: "My friends, now is not the time to politicize this terrible tragedy. This man does not speak for anyone other than himself. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones who are grieving right now."
Fuckin' negro needs to be hanged in the public square...

Should your redneck Trump Humpers who stormed the Capitol injuring 140 police officers be hung right next to him?
Youre comparing illegally entering a building with a guy shooting a cop in the head? :cuckoo:

You do know there was 140+ cops injured that day and 1 died.
The cop that died wasnt a result of that mini riot.

Of course it was, he would not have died that day if not for Trump Humpers raiding the Capitol.

2 charged in assault of Capitol officer who died after riot
2 charged in assault of Capitol officer who died after riot (
That says they were charged with assault, not murder. :laugh:

You said they had nothing to do with his death.
If they had something to do with his death, they wouldnt be charged with assault, genius.

You know dumb ass charges can always be upgraded later. Smfh.
Only if there is evidence to support those charges. Whats your evidence?

I'll let you know when I finish my investigation. Smfh.
If you haven't done an investigation, why are you saying a cop was killed in that riot?

Oh my bad he died from natural causes, it had nothing to do with the events of that day. Smfh.
Well I guess I am right along with the rest of the idiots

You have serious brain damage.

Hmmm, but I am not the one whining about the election was stolen.

You have no cognitive ability nor reason to tell fact from fiction, truth from propaganda. You are a waste of time to try to communicate with. You are just 200 pounds of useless bone and gristle with a mouth.

So explain to me again why every court from Traffic Court to the US Supreme Court says there was no election fraud if there are tons of proof that says there was and don't use the excuse that they just didn't listen to it. Many of these Judges were Trump Humpers, so they wouldn't just not listen to it. The reason they didn't listen to it is because it is ALL bullshit and that isn't anything but chewed up grass.
You have serious brain damage.
Hmmm, but I am not the one whining about the election was stolen.

Non sequitur. You are a mental defect idiot racist troll whom is a waste of everyone's time here. You deny proof you refuse to even look at, cannot disprove, won't even try, then criticize others for plainly stating the obvious you are unwilling to deal with, then ask them to prove it to you all over again while asking circuitous questions already answered ten times which you never examine their proofs. All this after whining like a stuck pig for three YEARS how Russia stole an election with Facebook ads!!! :21:

On top of that, you investigated it to the NINES to the tune of 30 million dollars! And STILL you weren't satisfied.

But . . . nothing to see here. You were calling it baseless THE DAY AFTER the election. Trump got no special counsel, he was afforded no time for that. All he had was a few rushed weeks before Jan 6 and a court system that bowed out clear and wide of the entire matter to save having THEIR homes terrorized and families threatened by the facist commie scum left.

No more time shall I waste on your brand of itinerant idiocy. You can blow your a-hole all you want to someone else willing to put up with your juvenile nonsense. You are now on IGNORE. Bye.
Fuckin' negro needs to be hanged in the public square...

Should your redneck Trump Humpers who stormed the Capitol injuring 140 police officers be hung right next to him?
Youre comparing illegally entering a building with a guy shooting a cop in the head? :cuckoo:

You do know there was 140+ cops injured that day and 1 died.
The cop that died wasnt a result of that mini riot.

Of course it was, he would not have died that day if not for Trump Humpers raiding the Capitol.

2 charged in assault of Capitol officer who died after riot
2 charged in assault of Capitol officer who died after riot (
That says they were charged with assault, not murder. :laugh:

You said they had nothing to do with his death.
If they had something to do with his death, they wouldnt be charged with assault, genius.

You know dumb ass charges can always be upgraded later. Smfh.
Only if there is evidence to support those charges. Whats your evidence?

I'll let you know when I finish my investigation. Smfh.
If you haven't done an investigation, why are you saying a cop was killed in that riot?

Oh my bad he died from natural causes, it had nothing to do with the events of that day. Smfh.
He had a stroke. Why are you pretending like it could only be caused by pepper spray?

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