Neck-Shots: A TrumpUSA Dodgeball


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-critical political cartoon inspired by the film Bulworth.



An evil twin of Donald Trump landed on Earth. He was from Venus and he dressed up as a cowboy and carried two pistols. He called himself 'D.Trump.' D.Trump visited the White House and told First Lady Melania Trump he would roam around America shooting people in the neck with his pistol and then rush them to the hospital to see how fast civil infrastructures could respond to save their lives. Mrs. Trump thought D.Trump was her husband making a cynical obscene joke out of frustration.

However, two months later, news stories around the country emerged of people being shot in the neck and then rushed to a hospital by a man claiming to be President Donald Trump. Apparently, the man (D.Trump!) was dressed as a cowboy and carried two six-shooters! President Trump was shocked and told the press that he knew nothing of this overtly anti-social and obviously terrorism-oriented pedestrian gesture meant to convey a general mistrust towards civil infrastructures (such as hospitals!) in America!

D.Trump finally visited President Trump in the White House again to talk with him about 'deeds' after shooting about 30 people in the neck (usually just grazing them with non-fatal wounds) and saving 25 of them in all. D.Trump was surprised (honestly) that he was able to save 25; he expected more to die!

D.TRUMP: 25 people in all managed to survive with your petty American medical infrastructures...
TRUMP: Why did you shoot these individuals in the neck (and remember, you psycho, 5 people died!)?
D.TRUMP: People guzzle down cheeseburgers and poison their throats with Marlboro (I'm happy 25 lived!).
TRUMP: So what do you want with me, and why do you look so much like me?
D.TRUMP: I'm an alien from Venus (a messenger). I came to warn America of a coming 'wraith.'
TRUMP: What the heck are you talking about?
D.TRUMP: I'm talking about the anvil of darkness descending on America by the gluttony of capitalism.
TRUMP: Hey, don't insult the metallurgy that goes behind the production of anvils with your fanaticism...
D.TRUMP: I'm an alien from Venus and have no 'anti-American' biases. My message is about temperance.
TRUMP: So you plan to 'evangelize' us 'shallow American consumers/capitalists' by shooting us in the neck?
D.TRUMP: Like I said, only 5 people dies, which pales in comparison to the millions killed during WWII.
TRUMP: Are you saying humanity and Western civilization is obsessed with power and fortune?
D.TRUMP: I'm saying that if Americans do not become wary about 'cheeseburger churches,' anvils will rain.
TRUMP: Oh, alright. Anvils will come raining down from heaven, since Americans are Burger King fans...
D.TRUMP: Is it so hard to believe, Trump? Think about how many people 'drool' about the American Dream!
TRUMP: Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty reminds us of the beauty and pageantry of democracy.
D.TRUMP: Think of how many of 'dreaming immigrants' end up working in Chinatown or Burger King...
TRUMP: There's nothing 'dishonorable' about working in Chinatown or Burger King, 'Mr. Alien.'
D.TRUMP: You speak with great bravado, since you're a shrewd capitalism-baron, but you need to pray.
TRUMP: Relax, I've been dealing with street-protesters since my presidential campaign. We need idealism.
D.TRUMP: Protesters are jaded about Wall Street, and you have the power to give voice to social criticism!
TRUMP: Hey, I'm a public servant like any other U.S. President, and I don't like your 'anvil analogy.'
D.TRUMP: Take care not to censor the cries of 'fanatics' who warn America about anti-capitalism wrath...
TRUMP: You're referring to 9/11, and what Americans need more than anything is beauty (so go home!).




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