Need the old format back

Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.
Buy a fucking computer !

Yeah no shit; you can get them for half the price of those ridiculous phones people think they have to have now, then surf the innernutz on little 4 inch screens and tiny lil buttons. The current format isn't much different than the old, except slightly faster some of the time.

Or wait for 10" phones to come out.. :2up: THEY WILL !!! Samsung and others are introducing folding phones.. And FLIP phones are even back.. THey're not an answer to the main issues.. Biggest issue is total screen content.. We see folks complaining at USMB about "page formatting" screw-ups all the time.. Turns out they have the TEXT zoomed so high, the mobile formatting goes beserk.. And they looking at a total of maybe 1/16 of a USMB page.. :ack-1:

There used to a science called Man-Machine Interface (MMI) and another called Ergonomics and Human Factors.. The current day mobile phone violates ALL of that scientific work...
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
Last edited:
Or wait for 10" phones to come out.. :2up: THEY WILL !!! Samsung and others are introducing folding phones.. And FLIP phones are even back.. THey're not an answer to the main issues.. Biggest issue is total screen content.. We see folks complaining at USMB about "page formatting" screw-ups all the time.. Turns out they have the TEXT zoomed so high, the mobile formatting goes beserk.. And they looking at a total of maybe 1/16 of a USMB page.. :ack-1:

There used to a science called Man-Machine Interface (MMI) and another called Ergonomics and Human Factors.. The current day mobile phone violates ALL of that scientific work...

Be that as it may, USMB worked much,much,much better on cellphones before the Upgrayedd, than it has since.

Even without using Tapatalk, just using a standard cell-phone-based web browser, it worked much better before the Upgrayedd than after.

Much of the problem seems to be with various scripts that the message editor has running, to f••• with whatever the user is trying to type into it, to make the message editing work the way the authors of this BB software think it should work rather than the way that whatever browser is being used thinks it should work.

This causes minor, annoying, but manageable issues even when using a normal web browser on a full-sized desktop machine, but it causes much bigger problems on any browser I've tried using on my cell phone.
before the Upgrayedd,
before the Upgrayedd than after.
Much of the problem seems to be with various scripts that the message editor has running, to f••• with whatever the user is trying to type into it, to make the message editing work the way the authors of this BB software think it should work rather than the way that whatever browser is being used thinks it should work.

From those first two "spell corrections" for Upgrayedd -- I think the EDITOR on your PHONE is the issue.. LOL. THe post editor in Xenforo merely suggests corrections.. It's the phone designers that pretend they are smarter than you...

I'll just tell ya what the geniuses up in IT/Admin told me... That with the Xenforo upgrade, the mobile experience will improve dramatically.. And that is true in many ways.. It's more tolerant to DISPLAY ISSUES due to zooming in, handles sidebars/ads better, has better scrolling...

You're gonna have to describe this Xenforo/Browser issue a little better.. THere's NOTHING really objectionable about the post editor.. Anything MORE complex would be a negative. And when you say the mobile browser interacts with a simple post editor -- you gotta ask why? And which browser?

The android native browsers stink.. Hope you're on something better..
I'll just tell ya what the geniuses up in IT/Admin told me... That with the Xenforo upgrade, the mobile experience will improve dramatically.. And that is true in many ways.. It's more tolerant to DISPLAY ISSUES due to zooming in, handles sidebars better, has better scrolling...

What mind-destroying drugs do you have to be on, to harbor the insane delusion that since the Upgrayedd, this forum works in any way better on a mobile device than it did before?

In every way, it works worse. Much, much, much worse. The Upgrayedd totally f•••ed up this forum as far as using it from a mobile device.
I'll just tell ya what the geniuses up in IT/Admin told me... That with the Xenforo upgrade, the mobile experience will improve dramatically.. And that is true in many ways.. It's more tolerant to DISPLAY ISSUES due to zooming in, handles sidebars better, has better scrolling...

What mind-destroying drugs do you have to be on, to harbor the insane delusion that since the Upgrayedd, this forum works in any way better on a mobile device than it did before?

In every way, it works worse. Much, much, much worse. The Upgrayedd totally f•••ed up this forum as far as using it from a mobile device.

Take a poll.. There's a lot of folks on mobile not complaining because being on mobile in itself is a compromise.. And if you want me to ping IT/Admin on this -- PM me with a detailed description of the Browser/Editor interaction problem you brought up.. Would be happy to slap them with member complaints at any time..
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.
Buy a fucking computer !

Yeah no shit; you can get them for half the price of those ridiculous phones people think they have to have now, then surf the innernutz on little 4 inch screens and tiny lil buttons. The current format isn't much different than the old, except slightly faster some of the time.

Or wait for 10" phones to come out.. :2up: THEY WILL !!! Samsung and others are introducing folding phones.. And FLIP phones are even back.. THey're not an answer to the main issues.. Biggest issue is total screen content.. We see folks complaining at USMB about "page formatting" screw-ups all the time.. Turns out they have the TEXT zoomed so high, the mobile formatting goes beserk.. And they looking at a total of maybe 1/16 of a USMB page.. :ack-1:

There used to a science called Man-Machine Interface (MMI) and another called Ergonomics and Human Factors.. The current day mobile phone violates ALL of that scientific work...

I don’t know what y’all talking about. :poke:
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
I think as it is with most software the developers are shooting for future machines in order to improve and sustain the marketability of their product. I don't think most cell phones have the RAM necessary to handle the complex new constructs.
I just bought a $1,000 Samsung for my grandson
That has a ridiculous amount of RAM and the site works perfectly on that phone.

The android native browsers stink.. Hope you're on something better..

Quoted for truth. Android is a virus, not an 'operating system'. I tried out my Samsung A6 tablet on my brother's Wifi and had to spend several minutes getting it to load properly, and even then many websites will screw it up with 'non-standard' settings of their own.

I'll try one of the new 10 inchers you mentioned, but I suspect Android will still be mostly blow ware lifted from some Linux code written by a crazed Tibetan monk snorting meth.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

Think it's bad now? I heard they're going back to the old, old ASCII BBS format of the 1990's. You can only access it by way of a 1200 baud modem on a dialup connection, and with a Telnet client running in Windows 95.

Am I the only one old enough to remember that?

That was hi speed compared to what we had in the 60's.

This is one of my ancestors being forced to remove something that did not agree with community standards on rockbook.

Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
I think as it is with most software the developers are shooting for future machines in order to improve and sustain the marketability of their product. I don't think most cell phones have the RAM necessary to handle the complex new constructs.
I just bought a $1,000 Samsung for my grandson
That has a ridiculous amount of RAM and the site works perfectly on that phone.


Yes, that too. But, my next buy I'm still going with a laptop for less money; I like the tablets for carrying a few books and for reading convenience at the dinner table, etc., but I can easily use a $100 tablet for that. I still have a landline, and a small flip phone for travel emergencies or calling from the store asking my wife and friends about stuff on sale they might want me to get while I'm there.
Last edited:
I'll just tell ya what the geniuses up in IT/Admin told me... That with the Xenforo upgrade, the mobile experience will improve dramatically.. And that is true in many ways.. It's more tolerant to DISPLAY ISSUES due to zooming in, handles sidebars better, has better scrolling...

What mind-destroying drugs do you have to be on, to harbor the insane delusion that since the Upgrayedd, this forum works in any way better on a mobile device than it did before?

In every way, it works worse. Much, much, much worse. The Upgrayedd totally f•••ed up this forum as far as using it from a mobile device.

Take a poll.. There's a lot of folks on mobile not complaining because being on mobile in itself is a compromise.. And if you want me to ping IT/Admin on this -- PM me with a detailed description of the Browser/Editor interaction problem you brought up.. Would be happy to slap them with member complaints at any time..
I agree with Blaylock, because before the upgrade my phone worked great using Mozilla firefox as the browser. Once or after the upgrade it's been hell ever since. It seems to be getting worse, but not sure really. Like I said it works better in the AM late than it does in the PM daylight hours. I have the best service money can buy, so if it's my service, then man am I getting screwed.
My tablet came with Google Chrome and its spyware already on it, for what that info is worth. Others here have reported they do fine with Chrome browsers.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
I think as it is with most software the developers are shooting for future machines in order to improve and sustain the marketability of their product. I don't think most cell phones have the RAM necessary to handle the complex new constructs.
I just bought a $1,000 Samsung for my grandson
That has a ridiculous amount of RAM and the site works perfectly on that phone.


Yes, that too. But, my next buy I'm still going with a laptop for less money; I like the tablets for carrying a few books and for reading convenience at the dinner table, etc., but I can easily use a $100 tablet for that. I still have a landline, and a small flip phone for travel emergencies or calling from the store asking my wife and friends about stuff on sale they might want me to get while I'm there.
Oh I absolutely agree....
In have I'm thinking of getting a sim capable tablet and just ditching phones altogether.

Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

Think it's bad now? I heard they're going back to the old, old ASCII BBS format of the 1990's. You can only access it by way of a 1200 baud modem on a dialup connection, and with a Telnet client running in Windows 95.

Am I the only one old enough to remember that?

We upgraded, from Win 3.1 to Win 95, a bunch of donated 486’s with 14.4 modems, 8MB RAM and 1/2 gig HD’s.
The 95 came in a series of 13 A-drive floppies formatted with a slightly higher volume than floppies could hold so no one could copy and pirate the OS.
I was posting responses on discussion sites in mere minutes!
The android native browsers stink.. Hope you're on something better..

Quoted for truth. Android is a virus, not an 'operating system'. I tried out my Samsung A6 tablet on my brother's Wifi and had to spend several minutes getting it to load properly, and even then many websites will screw it up with 'non-standard' settings of their own.

I'll try one of the new 10 inchers you mentioned, but I suspect Android will still be mostly blow ware lifted from some Linux code written by a crazed Tibetan monk snorting meth.

Even worse my electronic product development company TRIED to make simple interfaces to Android. EVERY WEEK the rules and tools changed. We got it done but -- We swore NEVER to think about doing that again..
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
Any way to go back to the old format that was used with tapatalk? This new format is horrible and extremely low functionality on mobile devices.

it's so bad on the phone that it is nearly jumps...changes screens...freezes up....doesn't respond to the correct on and so forth and the text justification often needs ten or fifteen edits so it doesn't look like third grade scribble.
Yep, but here's what I've found.... When get on at say late in the AM, then for some reason it works perfect. So why is that I wonder ? It's like someone is purposely disrupting the site somehow, and once they stop, then the thing works great with the phone. Not sure if someone has found some sort of vulnerability in the site to exploit or it's something else ? I just can't figure how it gets better in the AM, and goes back to crap in the PM.

Ever consider it's just crappy phone service? My TV does the same thing, better late at night than during the day, without touching anything, and same for my innernetz, much better in the early AM than any other time of day. The broadcast bands are crowed with crap, and getting worse by the week. More satellites just make it worse; most of these tech companies also hire mostly 'interns', not experienced pros, to operate their 'high tech hardware' and software maintenance, to boot, which is why so many large companies have such slow crappy dysfunctional websites today, no matter how 'fast' the chips are and how much crap they can kick through per millisecond.

How many times per second do you think the services can drop out and re-connect, but doesn't bother to pick up at the exact line of code it dropped out at? At one point an up link we had would do so 20 to 30 times per second; that's because most of these 'services' don't care if they sell far more connections than they can service with their existing hardware, and there are no regulations forcing them to limit the number of customer accounts they can sell subscriptions to. So, basically then the corp mentality is it's okay to dishonestly sell services you can't deliver on, but laws limiting your sales to what you can actually handle is 'socialist interference in the market place'. No problem, just hire 'customer service reps' and spend a couple of weeks training them to lie to customers about what the real problem is, and keep sending out those bills.
I think as it is with most software the developers are shooting for future machines in order to improve and sustain the marketability of their product. I don't think most cell phones have the RAM necessary to handle the complex new constructs.
I just bought a $1,000 Samsung for my grandson
That has a ridiculous amount of RAM and the site works perfectly on that phone.


Don't want to say it but I will.. Apps just keep getting hoggier on resources and OLDER phones are gonna have issues.. ESPECIALLY because there's no TRUE "file management" on them.. My daughter spent DAYS trying to free up memory on her phone and gave up.. I even TRIED to help.. But under phone OS -- THEY DECIDE what files live where and who gets to touch them.. And unfortunately YOU dont really OWN that phone.. They do...

And THEY DONT CARE if you "run out of processor, battery, resources" -- because customers have just decided the easy cop out is NOT to manage that investment and learn to CLEAN IT -- but to just buy a new one every 2 or 3 years...

Not at a $1000 a pop... Get yourselves a good POWERFUL, LARGE memory notebook or desktop with an HD type display, keyboard and mouse and your at home surfing will be much more "gnarly",..

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