Needles in San Francisco?

It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.
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Liberals - being members of the mollusk family - don't have the mental capacity to understand a simple fact: when a city hands out free needles you are going to attract gargantuan numbers of junkies from all points of the compass....and all the property crimes that junkies commit to feed their habit.

Why are liberals so obsessed with keeping junkies alive anyway? Let Darwin's Natural Selection take care of them. Given heroin's horrifying reputation, if a person is dumb enough to try it in the first place that person is too stupid to live, they deserve to be dead.
The weird thing is that even with such things, SF is still 1,000 times more attractive than almost any red state city. When you add in the people in red states it becomes 5,000 times more attractive.

Obviously you've never once been to San Franshitsco in your life, you liar. I was born in that toilet. Among that city's list of cartoonish nightmares, the driving/parking situation alone is a cartoonish horror to behold. Not to mention its record-setting rate of car break-ins (per its junkie & illegal population).

Why do you liberals continue to LIE when you're not even good liars? As someone who has been to downtown SF a gazillion times, you are more full of shit than a goose that's been overfed for foie gras.
How could San Francisco become such a dump? Oh yeah, it was the government.

Those needles littering the streets? The city gave them out

We need to start a recycling program for those needles. Fill them back up, and hand them back out. Won’t take long to clear that shit up.

Hell, they ought to charge 10 cents per needle, see if that curtails the usage.
Wanna start a needle sharpening company .org of course ?
It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.

Oh that’s easy.

They’re miserable people. So you either work hard to become less miserable (change your outlook, change your income, change your whole way of living) or you try to bring everyone and everything else down to your level.

You see this in the President with his juvenile insults.
It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.

/----/ "It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies "

Oh really? You want to bring this misery to every city in America. You pretend your liberalism is Utopia - and we point out San FranSISSYco as a prime example of why you must be defeated at every turn.
It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.

Oh that’s easy.

They’re miserable people. So you either work hard to become less miserable (change your outlook, change your income, change your whole way of living) or you try to bring everyone and everything else down to your level.

You see this in the President with his juvenile insults.

Why don't you OPEN UP YOUR FUCKING EYES and try to DRIVE in San Francisco (as I have MANY times) before you defend this scummy, Fucked-with-a-capital-F city you asshole? SF is filled with signs filled with bizarre conditons like, "No Left Turns...Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on odd-numbered days of the month, during partly cloudy skies, when Jupiter and Saturn are perfectly lined up." THAT is the kind of whacked-out driving conditions that junkie toilet has to offer.

And yet it costs millions of dollars to own the tiniest home in this record-crime-epidemic utter mess of a city!!! Fool.
It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.

Oh that’s easy.

They’re miserable people. So you either work hard to become less miserable (change your outlook, change your income, change your whole way of living) or you try to bring everyone and everything else down to your level.

You see this in the President with his juvenile insults.

Why don't you OPEN UP YOUR FUCKING EYES and try to DRIVE in San Francisco (as I have MANY times) before you defend this scummy, Fucked-with-a-capital-F city you asshole? SF is filled with signs filled with bizarre conditons like, "No Left Turns...Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on odd-numbered days of the month, during partly cloudy skies, when Jupiter and Saturn are perfectly lined up." THAT is the kind of whacked-out driving conditions that junkie toilet has to offer.

And yet it costs millions of dollars to own the tiniest home in this record-crime-epidemic utter mess of a city!!! Fool.

Do you have a picture of that sign?
It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies who post negatively about cities they don't like and couldn't afford to live in anyway. I guess right wingers don't like San Francisco cuz there are no exciting things to do like go to tractor pulls and fart lighting contests like they have in their own crummy towns maybe. Or maybe because they're jealous, unemployed or low wage losers that couldn't afford the rent in San Francisco.

Oh that’s easy.

They’re miserable people. So you either work hard to become less miserable (change your outlook, change your income, change your whole way of living) or you try to bring everyone and everything else down to your level.

You see this in the President with his juvenile insults.

Why don't you OPEN UP YOUR FUCKING EYES and try to DRIVE in San Francisco (as I have MANY times) before you defend this scummy, Fucked-with-a-capital-F city you asshole? SF is filled with signs filled with bizarre conditons like, "No Left Turns...Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on odd-numbered days of the month, during partly cloudy skies, when Jupiter and Saturn are perfectly lined up." THAT is the kind of whacked-out driving conditions that junkie toilet has to offer.

And yet it costs millions of dollars to own the tiniest home in this record-crime-epidemic utter mess of a city!!! Fool.

It cost millions because of demand - the thing that drives price in a market. SF has many problems, attraction is not one of them.
/----/ "It's beyond me why there are so many right wing busy bodies "
Oh really? You want to bring this misery to every city in America. You pretend your liberalism is Utopia - and we point out San FranSISSYco as a prime example of why you must be defeated at every turn.

RE: Wasted away again in LiberalPropagandaville
Searchin' for my lost electoral votes
Some people claim that Hillary's to blame
But I know it's Trump's damn fault

Don't know the reason
Stayed here eight seasons
With nothing to show from the Mueller Report
But Ocasio is a real beauty
A Puerto Rican cutie, how she got here
I haven't a clue

For you Cellblock2429


Hanging out on the West Coast
We got the craziest laws,
Defend Sanctuary Cities,
While we ban plastic straws.

If you ask, you can have one.
If you don't, there's a fine.
Don't you hand out any plastic bags,
That's where we draw the line!

We wanted Hillary Clinton
To be the next President.
We'd secede from the Union,
But we can't pay our debts.

So we keep raising taxes
Putting folks on the streets.
If you don't move to Texas,
You'll be speaking Chinese!

WELCOME! To Liberal California!
...Such a lovely place … can't afford the space...
Just renting a room costs too much if you were born here.
.. But commit a crime ... and live off our dime!


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