Negative Reputation


Thanks for explaining to me yet another intricacy of the reputation feature. I am glad the potential for harm is negligible at this stage. I just felt bad about giving negative reputation to someone inadvertently.

I appreciate the info also. I don't believe I have ever negative repped anyone but if I did I didn't realize what I was doing. I am only now starting to use thumbs up rep for people because someone told me about it.
I am still in the process of learning features of this board. If anyone received negative reputation from me, please let me know and I will rectify it. I do not think anyone on this forum has pissed me off to the degree to warrant negative reputation from me.

I concur. I am a bit sloppy on my book keeping as well.

I spend a little bit of time here a while, not a fanatic or anything, but there are somethings I just don't get, like these auto-replies to rep. So for people that give me positive rep. I do appreciate it greatly, I am just really busy. That's weak I know, who isn't? So I guess I am just really lame. :tongue:

Other sites I have been to, haven't had "rep." systems, so I found this system rather, well, silly. I have ignored it for the most part. But it seems that people do take it seriously up to a point. So, it has been a little game to me, to try to keep it at least on the positive side.

Personally, I agree with Pop23. If you have been neg-ed, or you do post something that pisses people off, good for you! Change, real change doesn't come by making people complacent and comfortable.

It is a challenge and hard work for me to make people laugh and smile and keep my rep. up, because I piss off a lot of people. In the short time I have been here I have had some of the same people give me neg. rep and pos. rep. :tongue:


You deserve a positive rep for this one! :clap2:
The rep system is an interesting thing in this forum. Just have fun with it and you'll do fine. And it obvious that you are a nice enough person, you won't go into the red no matter what you say. Enjoy some green and have a great day :)
I think I have neg'd twice. Once because I was not expecting one and it was a knee jerk reaction...the other time was our local Tranny Hater that makes me bugshit...and that was just to blow off some steam cuz he is ridiculous.

LOL One time I positive rep'd someone I meant to negative rep. :redface: I've pretty much given up on neg reps. I can't stand meatball, but he's right, it's kinda childish.

Lol! I've done the same thing. Just has i click to send it i'll notice what i did and go "oh shit!"... :lol:
Welcome Vikrant!
You'll learn quickly that whenever you get negged, it's almost always from the same posters....the ones that have no sense of humor or hate if someone disagree's with them. Most here aren't like that, we just have the few that are just here to stir things up!

Have a rep from me too!! :)
^ Forgiveness is the greatest virtue. It requires courage. It requires ability to love and all that stuff. I want to pos you for that but the system says that I have given too much reps in past 24 hours and I must wait before I can give more reps.

I wanted to pos so many of the folks but I guess I have to wait. Good thing is that there is no limitation on handing out thanks.
^ Forgiveness is the greatest virtue. It requires courage. It requires ability to love and all that stuff. I want to pos you for that but the system says that I have given too much reps in past 24 hours and I must wait before I can give more reps.

I wanted to pos so many of the folks but I guess I have to wait. Good thing is that there is no limitation on handing out thanks.

did you read the link i posted for you?
I think I would only neg rep someone if they made fun of beer

That would be incredibly rude!

I don't usually drink alcohol, spiced rum & coke, a glass of wine or an occasional beer if its ultra cold but I do like the songs..

[ame=]Clancy Brothers - Beer, beer, beer - YouTube[/ame]
Neg reps are for punks. If you've got a problem with someone just confront them and don't be a pussy!

'Negs' are for intellectual cowards. They don't have a place in adult discussion. Positivity encourages ideas, negativity encourages discord.

Small egos need the outlet, however.

At least the premier small ego figured out about whom I was talking.

Have a sunny day, sonny.

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