Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

Yawn...toying with your stupidity is getting boring unkotard...You served your purpose. At least the other guy can hold a conversation without the stupidity even if he is wrong...later. Enjoy ignore! You can keep trolling my threads though..imagine that's how you got that many posts anyways.
I thought he was Black?

While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.

The track record of white people say otherwise. Let me know the minute we drop an atomic bomb on Japan or wipe out societies in the name of peace and god (but really in the quest for more land). Once that happens we can start comparing. Its not even close if you actually look at the record and understand history even a little bit.

White culture didn't order the atomic bomb; the president did. What you don't see in "white culture" is mobs of people regularly running through the streets knocking people out for fun, or a bunch of mother fuckers dismembering defenseless women and children with machetes. Our culture isn't violent like that.
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Yawn...toying with your stupidity is getting boring unkotard...You served your purpose. At least the other guy can hold a conversation without the stupidity even if he is wrong...later. Enjoy ignore! You can keep trolling my threads though..imagine that's how you got that many posts anyways.

And the pussy runs and hides. Predictable for a fucking coward.
Orion is a clown, but he may will kill someone before he goes to jail.

And buddyboy does not realize that if he seriously harms or kills someone, LEO will go through his computer and find his stuff online. No way he can hide it. LEO may already have it.
Interesting this is on theblaze and a few blogs the Atlanta news didn't even cover it! We all know why of course....reverse the races its national news with jesse and al and the NAACP marching down the street in protest.
Interesting this is on theblaze and a few blogs the Atlanta news didn't even cover it! We all know why of course....reverse the races its national news with jesse and al and the NAACP marching down the street in protest.

You have to subscribe to the High School Fight network to get your highschool fight news.. The elitist, racist, corporate media thinks there are more important stories that people want to see. Those damn fascists.
You see it one way I know the can admit it,it won't harm you.
I don't want nor need your idiotic pity you moron. Fuck off already sheesh.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...

Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".
LOL I was born and raised here shit head. Stand Your Ground laws protect me if someone trespasses and I feel in fear of my life.

LOL...trespassing,threatening my life I have every right to defend my home.

Funny thing is my parents aren't racist! Not by your idiotic standard of what a racist is anyways...they are just normal people..never even talked to me about race I learned it the hard way on my own...they don't even care that their 1 kid is a mud shark whore with 2 half breeds! They welcome their dark as night negro son in law into their home! Some real racists there boy!
BuddyBoy's feelings are known in the local community.

If he injures or kills someone, the burden of proof will be inherently on him to prove his innocence.

He is nothing more than a jail bird walking.

I like that he thinks he will know about it long before his kid tries to bring someone home. Like he will know what is going on in the mind of a teenager.

I guess you let your kids run wild eh? I keep tabs on mine as a responsible parent should unless they want their kid to end up in jail,pregnant or dead. So yep. I know who my kids friends are now at their young ages and I will know later as well...because I make it my business to know these things.

You want to use Stand Your Ground laws to cover up the murder of someone your own child INVITED into your home???? And you have the audacity to talk about 'Honor' and 'Integrity'???

And someone outside your family would know there was a romantic interest between the two. So when it went to court, you would force your child to lie under oath???

I never let my children run wild. But I also know that teenagers, especially of an age to date, are not always open & 100% honest to their parents.

Are you saying you never lied to your parents when you were 16?
I don't want nor need your idiotic pity you moron. Fuck off already sheesh.

No, you just need to redefine words, claim your kids will not keep secrets as teens, and be ready to murder someone invited to your house by your kids.

Yep, that sound honorable and full of integrity, doesn't it?
I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".
LOL I was born and raised here shit head. Stand Your Ground laws protect me if someone trespasses and I feel in fear of my life.

LOL...trespassing,threatening my life I have every right to defend my home.

Funny thing is my parents aren't racist! Not by your idiotic standard of what a racist is anyways...they are just normal people..never even talked to me about race I learned it the hard way on my own...they don't even care that their 1 kid is a mud shark whore with 2 half breeds! They welcome their dark as night negro son in law into their home! Some real racists there boy!
I like that he thinks he will know about it long before his kid tries to bring someone home. Like he will know what is going on in the mind of a teenager.

I guess you let your kids run wild eh? I keep tabs on mine as a responsible parent should unless they want their kid to end up in jail,pregnant or dead. So yep. I know who my kids friends are now at their young ages and I will know later as well...because I make it my business to know these things.

You want to use Stand Your Ground laws to cover up the murder of someone your own child INVITED into your home???? And you have the audacity to talk about 'Honor' and 'Integrity'???

And someone outside your family would know there was a romantic interest between the two. So when it went to court, you would force your child to lie under oath???

I never let my children run wild. But I also know that teenagers, especially of an age to date, are not always open & 100% honest to their parents.

Are you saying you never lied to your parents when you were 16?
If I knew they were coming and I said no. Or if they came uninvited and I don't know who they are and I order them off my property and they refuse I feel my life is in danger I will defend myself. This is all hypothetical crap anyways because 1. I am not even sure I will let my kids date. They need to worry about getting good grades and not boys/girls. 2. They will know better than to date a nonwhite. 3. Yes kids lie hell I did but I also did not have facebook and internet then. My kids do have that and I have ALL the passwords and I will use a GPS to track them ESPECIALLY if they are in my car or a car I bought. I am the parent and as the parent am responsible for their actions no matter what they are. I figure raise good respectful kids they should turn out just fine.
LOL I was born and raised here shit head. Stand Your Ground laws protect me if someone trespasses and I feel in fear of my life.

LOL...trespassing,threatening my life I have every right to defend my home.

Funny thing is my parents aren't racist! Not by your idiotic standard of what a racist is anyways...they are just normal people..never even talked to me about race I learned it the hard way on my own...they don't even care that their 1 kid is a mud shark whore with 2 half breeds! They welcome their dark as night negro son in law into their home! Some real racists there boy!

I guess you let your kids run wild eh? I keep tabs on mine as a responsible parent should unless they want their kid to end up in jail,pregnant or dead. So yep. I know who my kids friends are now at their young ages and I will know later as well...because I make it my business to know these things.

You want to use Stand Your Ground laws to cover up the murder of someone your own child INVITED into your home???? And you have the audacity to talk about 'Honor' and 'Integrity'???

And someone outside your family would know there was a romantic interest between the two. So when it went to court, you would force your child to lie under oath???

I never let my children run wild. But I also know that teenagers, especially of an age to date, are not always open & 100% honest to their parents.

Are you saying you never lied to your parents when you were 16?
If I knew they were coming and I said no. Or if they came uninvited and I don't know who they are and I order them off my property and they refuse I feel my life is in danger I will defend myself. This is all hypothetical crap anyways because 1. I am not even sure I will let my kids date. They need to worry about getting good grades and not boys/girls. 2. They will know better than to date a nonwhite. 3. Yes kids lie hell I did but I also did not have facebook and internet then. My kids do have that and I have ALL the passwords and I will use a GPS to track them ESPECIALLY if they are in my car or a car I bought. I am the parent and as the parent am responsible for their actions no matter what they are. I figure raise good respectful kids they should turn out just fine.

Suddenly you added a lot of "Ifs". But you go ahead and try to maintain that iron grip on the races of their friends and who they see. Nothing will do more to guarantee that the rebel than that.
Will do. We shall see about that. Kind of hard to have non white friends when there ain't none around! You think its a mistake or just an accident we live where we do!? Pft. Not hardly.
Will do. We shall see about that. Kind of hard to have non white friends when there ain't none around! You think its a mistake or just an accident we live where we do!? Pft. Not hardly.

I think you think you have far more control than you do. The principal at your kid's school is black, so they are obviously around somewhere.

Now, your comment that "in the south we know how to handle that" shows you think you are living in an old south where white men could shoot blacks and get away with it. Those days are long gone.

As for your "academic honors", apparently you slept thru biology because you seem to think race is the same as species. YOu are absolutely wrong there.

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