Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

There are fewer of you every year. The Klan picnics obviously should show that.

And there is less and less tolerance for your hatred. In the past those of your ilk were about to terrorize the people into silence, while you ganged up on helpless families. But now the people refuse to be silent. They refuse to sit idly by while you try to terrorize people.

Yep, fewer and fewer. And of less and less consequence in this world.

Oh, and there are plenty of us who see you for what you are, and we are fit and ready to stand against the hatred and ignorance. I'll see you out there. :D

I am not in the Klan so wouldn't know. See you idiots don't realize is that the groups are losing people but the movement is not. Maybe you don't realize what that means but I do. Look up Lone Wolf. :) I don't belong to any group nor do any of my friends who think just like I do...groups are too easily infiltrated with snitches from the FBI,ATF,HS etc. We hold our beliefs in the open but we refuse to join groups. We are building a society within your society...A LOT homeschool their kids,We know each other through forums and messaging apps and websites just for us..Just on SF alone there over 100k people...I don't know the exact number but we are growing at an astounding rate and when you have regular run of the mill people calling the news people to report the news like they did in this instance then people are waking up...we all knew eventually the jews would push it too far too fast and they have...

And when push comes to shove, I am betting there will damn few willing to stand and fight.

To a man, including onion boy, white racists are punks and sissies that talk big to feel manly. To top it off they are stupid beyond belief too as onion boy has demonstrated.

I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....
There are fewer of you every year. The Klan picnics obviously should show that.

And there is less and less tolerance for your hatred. In the past those of your ilk were about to terrorize the people into silence, while you ganged up on helpless families. But now the people refuse to be silent. They refuse to sit idly by while you try to terrorize people.

Yep, fewer and fewer. And of less and less consequence in this world.

Oh, and there are plenty of us who see you for what you are, and we are fit and ready to stand against the hatred and ignorance. I'll see you out there. :D

I am not in the Klan so wouldn't know. See you idiots don't realize is that the groups are losing people but the movement is not. Maybe you don't realize what that means but I do. Look up Lone Wolf. :) I don't belong to any group nor do any of my friends who think just like I do...groups are too easily infiltrated with snitches from the FBI,ATF,HS etc. We hold our beliefs in the open but we refuse to join groups. We are building a society within your society...A LOT homeschool their kids,We know each other through forums and messaging apps and websites just for us..Just on SF alone there over 100k people...I don't know the exact number but we are growing at an astounding rate and when you have regular run of the mill people calling the news people to report the news like they did in this instance then people are waking up...we all knew eventually the jews would push it too far too fast and they have...

And when push comes to shove, I am betting there will damn few willing to stand and fight.
Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
Nope not my problem. I just use what nature gave me and that's the want and ability to be around my own race.

I didn't lie about anything so keep babbling on,kids have this knack for observing things for themselves and they come to their own conclusions...which so far have been they LOVE where they live because it is white as hell and they are threatened by gangs of negros and mexicans,drugs aren't sold on the street corner and (C)rap isn't blasted from every car we pass.Just to name a few things. The few negro's here for the most part are respectful and decent folks...still doesn't mean I want to be near them at all. Hell the principal at my oldest child's school is a negress. There are mexicans in her class but thankfully no negro's. She watches the news,she is on the computer she sees for her own eyes and hears with her own ears what is going on in society...nothing is hidden from them or lied to them unless its the media telling them lies. They are exceptionally bright kids according to the tests and the teachers and everyone they come in contact with. They aren't taught hatred but as usual that's what 99% of anti white racists think pride in where one comes from and what one is. You think its hate...Well its just tough shit for you. I have heard the BS there are fewer of us every year but could have fooled me. The movement grows and grows and grows..we keep having more kids than the average sheeple white person. We are winning. In the end we may be a trim and fit few but we will be battle hardened and will defend to death the ongoing destruction of our people and the future of our white children.

LMAO isolation..does that include the public school ALL of my kids attend,the girl scouts the oldest is in and the soccer team she plays on? How about the t ball team my son plays on? That isolated enough retard? :lol: What a fucking tool

I wish I could see your face when "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" happens to you. :lol:

I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
I wish I could see your face when "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" happens to you. :lol:

I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

Did he actually use the word "science" in the first part of his post? :lol:

I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
I wish I could see your face when "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" happens to you. :lol:

I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

If you are going to use the word "science", then you should understand the meaning of the word "species".
Negro's aren't the same species as Humans. Sorry. They have never fully evolved from Apes.
Negro's aren't the same species as Humans. Sorry. They have never fully evolved from Apes.

You mean like how you never fully evolved from whatever poor insect experienced the mutation that led to you, Nazi-boy? Like that?

I am gonna buy you a pink cape and mask! Once you can manage to bring an actual reply to the TOPIC then we might have a regular conversation but as usual you just stalk threads and harass those that don't have your deviant mindset.I am gonna go watch some NASCAR now. :)
Negro's aren't the same species as Humans. Sorry. They have never fully evolved from Apes.

Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite the definition of "species".

This does, of course, explain your claims of what science proves. If you cannot understand the basic terminology, you can't possibly understand the actual concepts.

So much for those "academic honors", huh?
"I didn't lie about anything so keep babbling on, kids have this knack for observing things for themselves and they come to their own conclusions...", which is why the millenials overwhelmingly reject your outlook.

Be glad you can live in a country where you can talk like, but not act out, a doofus on these issues.

I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
I wish I could see your face when "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" happens to you. :lol:

I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".
I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".

BuddyBoy's feelings are known in the local community.

If he injures or kills someone, the burden of proof will be inherently on him to prove his innocence.

He is nothing more than a jail bird walking.
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species.

A child raised to be a racist POS like you has not been raised "normally," but rather abusively. Dating outside our species is all but impossible. You don't understand what the word means, of course. You remain nothing more than a stupid, cowardly shit.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...

Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".

BuddyBoy's feelings are known in the local community.

If he injures or kills someone, the burden of proof will be inherently on him to prove his innocence.

He is nothing more than a jail bird walking.

I like that he thinks he will know about it long before his kid tries to bring someone home. Like he will know what is going on in the mind of a teenager.
I have no problem with anyone being proud.

I simply laugh at your attempts to paint blacks as inferior to you. That is where the issue comes in. Someone who is proud of their own race lifts them up. What you do is not lifting whites up, it is denigrating all others in the hopes that by putting them down and blaming them for your own failures, it will make you look better.

It doesn't work. It never has.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...
I'd pay to be a fly on the wall. lmao
Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".
LOL I was born and raised here shit head. Stand Your Ground laws protect me if someone trespasses and I feel in fear of my life.
Science proves negro's are inferior to Asians,Whites and Jews. So....

Well we shall see. If there aren't enough people left of my race to fight back then we deserve to be destroyed...

Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species. IF that does happen I will know long before one of my kids tries bringing some ape or jew or mexican into my home and if they try coming in my home..hey it was trespassing and down here in the south we know how to deal with that shit. :)

I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".

BuddyBoy's feelings are known in the local community.

If he injures or kills someone, the burden of proof will be inherently on him to prove his innocence.

He is nothing more than a jail bird walking.
LOL...trespassing,threatening my life I have every right to defend my home.

Well first off any child raised NORMALLY to preserve their genes and cherish their heritage won't date outside their species.

A child raised to be a racist POS like you has not been raised "normally," but rather abusively. Dating outside our species is all but impossible. You don't understand what the word means, of course. You remain nothing more than a stupid, cowardly shit.
Funny thing is my parents aren't racist! Not by your idiotic standard of what a racist is anyways...they are just normal people..never even talked to me about race I learned it the hard way on my own...they don't even care that their 1 kid is a mud shark whore with 2 half breeds! They welcome their dark as night negro son in law into their home! Some real racists there boy!
I have lived in the south for more than 50 years. I have news for you, Sparky, you will go to prison for the rest of your life. Your idea of the south is as inaccurate as your idea about the definition of "species".

BuddyBoy's feelings are known in the local community.

If he injures or kills someone, the burden of proof will be inherently on him to prove his innocence.

He is nothing more than a jail bird walking.

I like that he thinks he will know about it long before his kid tries to bring someone home. Like he will know what is going on in the mind of a teenager.

I guess you let your kids run wild eh? I keep tabs on mine as a responsible parent should unless they want their kid to end up in jail,pregnant or dead. So yep. I know who my kids friends are now at their young ages and I will know later as well...because I make it my business to know these things.

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