Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

I thought he was Black?

While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.

The track record of white people say otherwise. Let me know the minute we drop an atomic bomb on Japan or wipe out societies in the name of peace and god (but really in the quest for more land). Once that happens we can start comparing. Its not even close if you actually look at the record and understand history even a little bit.
Just let us know the minute blacks build an atomic bomb, or even a firecracker for that matter. Anyway, blacks do just fine at massacres with sticks and Kalashnikovs in Africa.
While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.

The track record of white people say otherwise. Let me know the minute we drop an atomic bomb on Japan or wipe out societies in the name of peace and god (but really in the quest for more land). Once that happens we can start comparing. Its not even close if you actually look at the record and understand history even a little bit.
Just let us know the minute blacks build an atomic bomb, or even a firecracker for that matter. Anyway, blacks do just fine at massacres with sticks and Kalashnikovs in Africa.

I'll let you know the minute we build things that can destroy the world. Thats what I mean about being violent. You actually are proud of the atomic bomb being built by a white person. Told you.

You should be proud of who you are and not feel guilty over what people did in the past that you as a person had nothing to do with. However, you should realize that some Black people are going to generalize you just like you generalized us.

Too bad that anyone has to generalize anyone. Unfortunately, as long as one "side" generalizes the other then the other will likely generalize back. And so the insanity continues.

Not telling you to make a habit of strolling anywhere at 11 at night but its not because people happen to be Black. Its because criminals in low income areas usually just finished having breakfast and are getting to work. My guess is you would naively feel comfortable hanging out in a lower income white neighborhood after 11pm?

I don't feel comfortable walking around anyone's neighborhood (other than my own) after about 10:00 regardless of income levels but I would probably feel more comfortable walking around a low income white neighborhood rather than a black one because of the potential of someone accosting me simply due to my race. In other words, crime will be higher in either neighborhood but the potential for hate crimes against whites will be higher in the black neighborhood than in the white neighborhood. Hope I'm making sense.

Yeah that does make sense. I feel the same way about being in a white neighborhood as opposed to a black one. I know there is no racial motivation to worry about in a Black neighborhood towards me.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Kind of like cracker is to whites. Maybe we shouldn't use these words, but instead teach our youth to be friendly to each other.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Kind of like cracker is to whites. Maybe we shouldn't use these words, but instead teach our youth to be friendly to each other.

There is no maybe to it. As far as being "friendly" I'm a realist. I have two grandchildren(twins) who are 10 years old. What they have been taught is to be respectful towards everyone first and foremost.

They have also been taught how to finish someone who attacks them physically.
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:
You are such a racist tool.
Coming from a baby murdering POS THANK YOU!

Eh you'll get over it.

Because that single race is the most violent race there is and their handlers have set them loose on civilized nations.

Not hardly. I have never met a negro I want to be around.

Race mixers are sad pathetic bunch. I asked a negro once why he lowered himself so much that he was dating a whorish piece of trash...he didn't think it was too funny neither did his mud shark. Oh and actually my kids have played on playgrounds with half breeds and negro's and mexicans. Just gotta keep a close eye on them. Little bastards are known for violence and thievery.

You must be talking about Negro's. They are a pack animal and they hunt in packs.

Proof that ANY shoes were actually stolen there racist scum...Its scum like you that makes me glad mudslime nations get bombed. Hopefully they will nail your ass with one soon.

LMAO how long are you morons going to spew the same shit? Well they are a dying breed. Uh sherlock I am not even 30 and my wife is younger than me,we will soon have 4 yes FOUR white children who are being raised to be racially aware and DAMN PROUD to be WHITE. You will lose we will when its pretty much that simple. Or as Hitler said
Originally Posted by Adolf Hitler
'We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames.'

Actually the facts dominate the situation but you keep ignoring them if it makes your idea of a multicult utopia feel better in your tiny brain.

Again prove it. I have heard that for MANY years...Its not happening. The election of the magic Negro has done WONDERS for the movement.

You do realize the word cracker came from slaves because the sound of the man with the whip sounded like a crack. :)
That's too complicated for me. I'm sticking with Peckerwood.
Do you even know what a peckerwood is?

At some point, peckerwood evolved into a term used to describe white prison inmates. In prison slang, a peckerwood or "wood" was a white inmate who was willing to fight to avoid being raped or robbed. Over time, white inmates appropriated the term peckerwood and made it a source of pride.

So you a prisoner or ex convict?

The most violent race there is??? LMAO!! You must be avoiding looking at any history at all. If you examined the history of the world you would know that you are a member of the most violent race.

Never met a black you'd want to be around? Either you are blinded by hate or you need to get out more.

And no, I am talking about klan idiots and white supremacy types. I've had a few run-ins with the. Invariably they turn an run, like the cowards they are.

You've had 4 kids? Guess what? Me to! And all of mine despise racist scum like you. So all you are doing is breaking even. And my kids are adults, so I know how they will turn out. You are just hoping to teach yours to hate. And that doesn't always workout so well.
Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:
The most violent race there is??? LMAO!! You must be avoiding looking at any history at all. If you examined the history of the world you would know that you are a member of the most violent race.

Never met a black you'd want to be around? Either you are blinded by hate or you need to get out more.

And no, I am talking about klan idiots and white supremacy types. I've had a few run-ins with the. Invariably they turn an run, like the cowards they are.

You've had 4 kids? Guess what? Me to! And all of mine despise racist scum like you. So all you are doing is breaking even. And my kids are adults, so I know how they will turn out. You are just hoping to teach yours to hate. And that doesn't always workout so well.
Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:

Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:

Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:

Time to do away with race based shit like this and transfer towards a merit system that is color blind.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:

Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:

Right, because the lack of affirmative action is what prevented you from becoming an MD. lol
My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:

Time to do away with race based shit like this and transfer towards a merit system that is color blind.

I have no problem with killing the affirmative action programs.

Oh, and ORION, the Affirmative action prgrams can get someone into medical school (not all do), but it won't get them thru it. Think you could pass medical school?
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:

Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:

Oh, and BTW, I had scholarships when I went to college. Perhaps if you had studied harder you might have made the cut.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:

Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

My kids don't hate any race. They choose to judge people based on the individual. I find it amusing that you think you know my kids based on my posts. I guess that makes it easier to make the claims you do.

My kids do know about honor, integrity and pride. They also know about personal responsibility and the value of the individual, instead of judging someone based solely on the color of their skin.

My doctor is black. He has accomplished more in his life than you have in yours. He does not hate based on trivial facts, but you do. He does not teach hatred, like you try to do. Tell me, which one should our society value more? You, the hate monger, or a doctor who helps people?

The wonders affirmative action,quotas,scholarships based on race can do! Oh damn that's right I am white I don't get any of that....:eusa_silenced:

So since you seem to have no problem denigrating the accomplishments of others, tell what you have accomplished?? Any academic honors?
Professors afraid of being called racist....simple as pie...

A tenured professor at a major medical school is not afraid of flunking anyone who does not cut it. To claim otherwise is to show your own ignorance.
I guess in these days with an affirmative action president, an AA MP is reasonable. I would certainly draw the line at surgeons though, unless I knew a great deal about them as with Ben Carson.
I do not hate people because of the color of their skin...But of the content of their character.

The content of the people defending such violence is very bad.

I'll be calling you out everytime you do.

As a part native American how could I hate myself?

Yes you do. You can rip off other people's stuff all day and it will not change how anyone sees you.
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.
:lol: You being proud of your race. Is that AFTER you get off your knees from kissing every kosher/nonwhite ass and apologizing? :lol:
The most violent race there is??? LMAO!! You must be avoiding looking at any history at all. If you examined the history of the world you would know that you are a member of the most violent race.

Never met a black you'd want to be around? Either you are blinded by hate or you need to get out more.

And no, I am talking about klan idiots and white supremacy types. I've had a few run-ins with the. Invariably they turn an run, like the cowards they are.

You've had 4 kids? Guess what? Me to! And all of mine despise racist scum like you. So all you are doing is breaking even. And my kids are adults, so I know how they will turn out. You are just hoping to teach yours to hate. And that doesn't always workout so well.
Violent race is the negro race. The white race were conquerors and explorers and settlers who colonized and settled savage areas. Their violence was correct and understandable. Negro's go out and attack the first white person they see just because they can. I get out plenty. Every day I go somewhere. I guess its hard to believe that I haven't found a non white I care to spend time with or hang around..I enjoy the company of my own race.Great 4 kids who will hate their own race and won't open their eyes to see that the white race is under attack and has been from the negro's let loose by their masters. Like vicious animals cut loose from their chains. I teach my kids PRIDE and INTEGRITY and HONOR. You should try it. :) They see how the negroids and the mexicans here act. I don't need to say a word.

WTF is a groid It was a 16 year old black kid who fought a 16 year old white kid.

Just another word for a negro. Actually it was an uncivilized animal who was let loose on civilized society thanks to jews and is now allowed to roam hallways and locker rooms and assault innocent white people.

Most of what you stated resembles some of the same rhetoric that I've read and heard before many decades ago, which is actually a good thing, because you are a necessary reminder of what I need to ensure that my grandchildren are aware of that still lurks out there, so for that I am grateful.

The worst thing that can happen to an older person is to become complacent or lazy and therefore loose their protective instinct against societies poison.

Although I have no interest in or time to waste reforming your thought process, you did make a statement that I am just curious about. You mentioned the words "integrity" and "honor".

Realizing that your children will likely be part of a society that is trending towards being more multi racial than white,( that is if you plan on staying in America) how do you envision them modeling those behaviors when they become adults considering that you are teaching them that certain other races collectively are beneath them?

Suppose they end up in a situation where one of the "people" that you fear so much is in a position of authority over them? Speaking for myself, I am not so sure that I could answer to someone who I thought was less than human.

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