Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

I really don't enjoy violence and don't want to cause or witness a "race war." However, I'm completely disgusted by the fact that the mainstream media picks and chooses what stories become headline news. The media is totally biased where criminal activity is concerned. When a white person perpetrates a crime against a non-white every mainstream news source puts the story front and center. However, when a similar crime is committed by a non-white person against a white then the story is either stuffed into the "round file" or gets honorable mention on the last page.

Here's an example. Did anyone not living in Tennessee ever see this story?:

[ame=""]The Torture Murder of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom - Part 1.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Google or Bing "Channon Christian and Chris Newsom" for a lot more information. One of the most gruesome crimes of the century yet it got very little media coverage.

For the record, I don't hate people because of their race. I would MUCH prefer that everyone live in peace but having reached the ripe age of 53 and having witnessed this ongoing friction between the various races I'm simply skeptical that that we're ever going to see a real resolution. I've literally known and worked with and gone to school with non-whites that were really cool people and we got along great but I also witnessed (first hand) the "Rodney King" riots in L.A. in the mid 90s. I was approached and accosted by a young Hispanic who tried to assault me while calling me every hate title (mentioned earlier) that he could think of. I guess he thought that since I was 50 and he was 20 that he was going to win that fight but I flattened him with one punch to his eye socket (true story).

So all I am left with is my personal history and personal perspective. I wish I was wrong but I can't help but be on the defensive.
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Wow. It's really getting bad. I'm afraid the hatred against white folks isn't going away any time soon. It's really a sad state of affairs. I've spent years telling other whites that hatred and bigotry is wrong but it's only been in recent years that I've come to realize that white folks are the most hated group of people on the planet (especially white males).

I don't think hatred serves a good purpose. It harms the person harboring it more than anyone else. However, I also believe in self preservation and personal protection. I would advise white parents to carefully consider where they live and where their kids are going to school. I might suggest that they start homeschooling (along with other parents who are concerned about the safety of their kids) or putting their kids in private schools or moving to a safer area.

If I were a parent of a child who was the focus of racial hatred just because he had white skin I might even consider removing him from school altogether if it meant protecting him from violent harm. But that's just me. I hate to say it but at some point a man (or boy) has to learn to protect himself from the dangers that lurk right outside their door and in their seemingly "safe" neighborhood.

I hope the perpetrator in this case is prosecuted to the max and the school officials are punished as well.

Common sense alert. If you don't act like a racist, Black people are not going to be angry with you. If a criminal attacks you for no other reason than that they hate white people that doesn't make all Black people the same. I live in a pretty diverse city and there are quite a few white people that go to school with my kids and have no issues. Matter of fact my daughters have their white friends over all the time.

I agree that it's wrong to judge or tag all folks of a particular race due to the actions of one or two but I still see a trend these days (regardless of my personal wishes). Last month America celebrated "black history month" but I'm not too sure I've ever seen an "Asian history month" or a "white history month." There does seem to be a trend of reverse discrimination.

I saw these two videos recently that left me shaking my head but also recognizing that there's an underlying sentiment that I wasn't aware of:

[ame=""]The New Black Panther.avi - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Exterminate White People - YouTube[/ame]

What am I supposed to think?

Don't you find it interesting that a handful of white slave owners more than 100 years ago have defined the entire white race today?

At least you recognize there is an underlying sentiment. Some Black people think the world would be more peaceful if white people simply did not exist. Looking at the horrors in history I can see why they think that. Looking at the cluelessness of some white people I can also see how their attitudes can be taken as a confirmation of that sentiment. I am constantly amazed at how far apart the different perspectives are on racial issues. Luckily for me I have met white people that at least somewhat get what I and other Black people go through or have gone through even in this modern time.

What are you supposed to think? I wouldn't worry about it. I would just try and understand why people act the way they do without judging.

It was not the slave owners that defined it. It was history starting with the popes decree to go out and conquer the savages. All in the name of God of course.
I really don't enjoy violence and don't want to cause or witness a "race war." However, I'm completely disgusted by the fact that the mainstream media picks and chooses what stories become headline news. The media is totally biased where criminal activity is concerned. When a white person perpetrates a crime against a non-whites every mainstream news source puts the story front and center. However, when a similar crimes is committed by a non-white person against a white then the story is either stuffed into the "round file" or gets honorable mention on the last page.

Here's an example. Did anyone not living in Tennessee ever see this story?:

The Torture Murder of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom - Part 1.wmv - YouTube

Google or Bing "Channon Christian and Chris Newsom" for a lot more information. One of the most gruesome crimes of the century yet it got very little media coverage.

For the record, I don't hate people because of their race. I would MUCH prefer that everyone live in peace but having reached the ripe age of 53 and having witnessed this ongoing friction between the various races I'm simply skeptical that that we're ever going to see a real resolution. I've literally known and worked with and gone to school with non-whites that were really cool people and we got along great but I also witnessed (first hand) the "Rodney King" riots in L.A. in the mid 90s. I was approached and accosted by a young Hispanic who tried to assault me while calling me every hate title (mentioned earlier) that he could think of. I guess he thought that since I was 50 and he was 20 that he was going to win that fight but I flattened him with one punch to his eye socket (true story).

So all I am left with is my personal history and personal perspective. I wish I was wrong but I can't help but be on the defensive.

I heard about it. Sick fuckers. There is always an agenda at play in reporting. Its what keeps people emotional and committed to their "team". Read between the lines. Someone wants you defensive for a reason.
Coming from a baby murdering POS THANK YOU!
Negro? Seriously?

And that word is all that matters to a shallow piece of shit like you. You don't care that a boy that was nearly killed by this monster.

Fuck you.:mad:

Hey, Matthew? You're a fucking psycho. THAT was a savage beating? Are you fucking kidding me? He punched him twice. Two fucking punches does not make a "savage beating."

And the boy that got punched twice, why did he get punched? What's the rest of the story? Did he actually steal the other kid's shoes? You know those shoes can be very expensive.

I'm more offended by O.R.I.O.N. using the word "negro" than I am by one kid punching another kid for stealing his shoes or whatever.
Eh you'll get over it.

Unlike you, I choose to judge each individual, not by any standard but their own behavior.

Your words show what your behavior would be (or is). I find you unfit for civilized society. The kid who beat up the other kid is also unfit for civilized society.

The two of you are more alike than you are different.

How long do you plan on doing that until you realize there is a systematic war being waged against white folks? Innocent just walking down the street minding their own business white folks attacked for no reason at all.The head needs cut off before there are none of us left...if you haven't seen the news the next generation will be more than 50% non white...we are dying quickly and a few hundred thousand of us can't do it all. I may have 4 kids and that replaces me,my wife and 1 set of grandparents so we are double the norm in White America but its not enough.

Why are you worried about a single race when the dangers are against everyone?

It will really bother you that the next generation will not be mostly white, doesn't it? Sorry, that does not bother me at all.

I worry about the violence, the economy, the environment, and plenty of other things. But the color of skin of this person or that is not a worry.
Because that single race is the most violent race there is and their handlers have set them loose on civilized nations.
I think it's best to ignore him
Go ahead be my guest. Won't stink up the threads I start with bullshit.
Well your racism is clearly on display.

Reality must be racism now a days. Oh well.

What you spew is not reality. The reality is that the majority of all of the races are decent people.
Not hardly. I have never met a negro I want to be around.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.
Race mixers are sad pathetic bunch. I asked a negro once why he lowered himself so much that he was dating a whorish piece of trash...he didn't think it was too funny neither did his mud shark. Oh and actually my kids have played on playgrounds with half breeds and negro's and mexicans. Just gotta keep a close eye on them. Little bastards are known for violence and thievery.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.

They are only scary in groups or when they sneak up behind you. They rarely stand up to anyone one on one.
You must be talking about Negro's. They are a pack animal and they hunt in packs.

A thief was nabbed by his victim, who went on to hit the thief twice and managed to break his nose.
"Detached from his skull" = Broken nose.

The attack was probably justified and, hopefully, the thief will learn his lesson.

The ****** haters on here just can't stand the idea of a black lad giving a white thief a bit of stick.
Tough fucking shit.
Proof that ANY shoes were actually stolen there racist scum...Its scum like you that makes me glad mudslime nations get bombed. Hopefully they will nail your ass with one soon.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

You mean the end that recognizes and points out the war being waged against my race you are damn right I am that person and there are millions more like me. You on the other hand have your head buried in your ass and refuse to wake up and smell the coffee and see the blood flowing in the streets you think your multicult utopia will eventually work out if everyone just loves one another...sorry not gonna happen pal. Its a dog eat dog world and right now the white race is losing but they are waking up quite fast. They are getting fed up with the force fed diversity bullshit.

There are very few of you in term of import and impact.

No one is losing except race supremacists such as you and the lickspittle lackeys such as Matthew.

Most importantly, the millenials overwhelmingly despise your philosophy, and if you guys rise up, they will take care of that nonsense without even calling in LEO.
LMAO how long are you morons going to spew the same shit? Well they are a dying breed. Uh sherlock I am not even 30 and my wife is younger than me,we will soon have 4 yes FOUR white children who are being raised to be racially aware and DAMN PROUD to be WHITE. You will lose we will when its pretty much that simple. Or as Hitler said
Originally Posted by Adolf Hitler
'We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames.'
O.R.I.O.N. is as wack as a birfer.
His wants dominate the actual facts.
Actually the facts dominate the situation but you keep ignoring them if it makes your idea of a multicult utopia feel better in your tiny brain.
You mean the end that recognizes and points out the war being waged against my race you are damn right I am that person and there are millions more like me. You on the other hand have your head buried in your ass and refuse to wake up and smell the coffee and see the blood flowing in the streets you think your multicult utopia will eventually work out if everyone just loves one another...sorry not gonna happen pal. Its a dog eat dog world and right now the white race is losing but they are waking up quite fast. They are getting fed up with the force fed diversity bullshit.

There are very few of you in term of import and impact.

No one is losing except race supremacists such as you and the lickspittle lackeys such as Matthew.

Most importantly, the millenials overwhelmingly despise your philosophy, and if you guys rise up, they will take care of that nonsense without even calling in LEO.

The tolerance for people like this is shrinking more and more.
Again prove it. I have heard that for MANY years...Its not happening. The election of the magic Negro has done WONDERS for the movement.
The problem is that blacks have a history and the word negro was not complimentary or simply descriptive. There is no denying the negative connotation associated with the word.

I believe people should define themselves, colored was once acceptable but "the colored" didn't like it for similar reasons. I don't personally like African-American and don't usually use it because many or most aren't from Africa. Ancestorally yes but we don't say European-American.

I dated an Asian gal and they do not like being called Orientals. I learned that pretty quick. :D

I don't personally use the term "Negro" because it's simply outdated. Malcom X & MLK used the word "Negro" routinely but that was back in the day.

I guess I just look at things from my perspective. The various terms used to describe me have never bothered me at all. I grew up in a pretty racially mixed neighborhood (mostly Hispanics and whites). I've been called "whitey," "cracker," "peckerwood," "white ******," "white trash," and probably a bunch of terms I've forgotten. I've also been called a "Caucasian" or "European." I've just never been bothered by a name or title. If it's derogatory it simply rolls off of me like water on a duck's back.

What I find really interesting is that black, rap artists call themselves "*******" as a matter of routine. It would seem to me that if that particular word was as offensive as they say it is then they wouldn't use it to describe themselves.

When it comes to girlfriends, you better do what they say ... or else! :D

I think I want my race to be known as "Honky-Cracker European American".
You do realize the word cracker came from slaves because the sound of the man with the whip sounded like a crack. :)
I think I want my race to be known as "Honky-Cracker European American".

Hey I like that ... it has a nice ring to it.:lol:
That's too complicated for me. I'm sticking with Peckerwood.
Do you even know what a peckerwood is?

At some point, peckerwood evolved into a term used to describe white prison inmates. In prison slang, a peckerwood or "wood" was a white inmate who was willing to fight to avoid being raped or robbed. Over time, white inmates appropriated the term peckerwood and made it a source of pride.

So you a prisoner or ex convict?
I hate all you monster supporters!

He wasn't "supporting" the monster - he was upset by the fact the OP was using this to PROVE how bad blacks are.

Yes, It's a bad word to use in 2014.

The kid that beat the other kid did it because he was a stupid, dickhead. Not because he had dark skin.
He is a member of the most violent race on earth. Its the way he was born therefore NONE of his race should be allowed into civilized societies. If this had been a decent segregated school the negroid would not have been there to viciously assault the white student.
I hate all you monster supporters!

He wasn't "supporting" the monster - he was upset by the fact the OP was using this to PROVE how bad blacks are.

Yes, It's a bad word to use in 2014.

The kid that beat the other kid did it because he was a stupid, dickhead. Not because he had dark skin.
Then you probably get your ass kicked on a regular bases, and not because of the color of your skin.
We can't live in the past. But we also can't ignore what happened there.

Things that happened 50 years ago happened to these kids parents and grandparents. That still effects lives.

It in now way excuses what happened in that school, but it cannot be ignored.

"It cannot be ignored" What does that mean? Explain to me how events 50 years ago have something to do with this poor kid being sucker punched. Are you saying black parents teach their children to hate and hurt white people? My father was murdered by a black man when I was 5. Should my mom have taught me to be mad at black people?

Black people don't get a pass for their bad behavior just because some bad shit happened 50 years ago to some people they knew. That's fucking garbage man. Quit making excuses and minimizing violent behavior.

I am not making excuses or giving anyone a pass.

But to claim that someone's Dad had dogs unleashed on him by the police, and that it should be forgotten is nuts.

No one gets a pass. If they break the law they should be prosecuted. Period.

But to claim that the door is shut on past abuses is just wishful thinking.

Not forgetting the past is one thing, but why must you do it in a discussion about a kid getting his nose shattered? Your timing is at the very least tasteless. By doing it that way, you are essentially excusing the behavior.
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.
Those of us who are truly proud of being white don't associate with likes of the ORIONs.

The millenials overwhelmingly reject his race stupidity.

The door is no more shut on past abuses than on today's.

Evil is evil, and must always be called what it is: evil.

That's kinda how I see it. I'm not a bit ashamed of being white and am actually proud of the accomplishments of my race. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt over what a small percentage of white people did back in the 1800s. What they did is on them ... not me.

However, I also don't believe in race-baiting and purposely stirring the racial pot. I don't wake up in the morning hating anyone. I do wake up in the morning realizing that whites are under constant, verbal attack so I am somewhat on the defensive, all-too-often. But, I still try to treat everyone (regardless of race) with respect and in the manner that I want to be treated.

I will also state that I have lived in 7 different states and have traveled into the black sides of various cities. I have reached the conclusion that it generally isn't safe for me, a white dude, to hang out in such areas. I don't think there's an honest white guy (regardless of political preference) that would stroll down the street in a black neighborhood at 11:00 at night.
That's kinda how I see it. I'm not a bit ashamed of being white and am actually proud of the accomplishments of my race. I don't feel the slightest bit of guilt over what a small percentage of white people did back in the 1800s. What they did is on them ... not me.


You should be proud of who you are and not feel guilty over what people did in the past that you as a person had nothing to do with. However, you should realize that some Black people are going to generalize you just like you generalized us.

I will also state that I have lived in 7 different states and have traveled into the black sides of various cities. I have reached the conclusion that it generally isn't safe for me, a white dude, to hang out in such areas. I don't think there's an honest white guy (regardless of political preference) that would stroll down the street in a black neighborhood at 11:00 at night.

Not telling you to make a habit of strolling anywhere at 11 at night but its not because people happen to be Black. Its because criminals in low income areas usually just finished having breakfast and are getting to work. My guess is you would naively feel comfortable hanging out in a lower income white neighborhood after 11pm?
Coming from a baby murdering POS THANK YOU!

Eh you'll get over it.

Because that single race is the most violent race there is and their handlers have set them loose on civilized nations.

Not hardly. I have never met a negro I want to be around.

Race mixers are sad pathetic bunch. I asked a negro once why he lowered himself so much that he was dating a whorish piece of trash...he didn't think it was too funny neither did his mud shark. Oh and actually my kids have played on playgrounds with half breeds and negro's and mexicans. Just gotta keep a close eye on them. Little bastards are known for violence and thievery.

You must be talking about Negro's. They are a pack animal and they hunt in packs.

Proof that ANY shoes were actually stolen there racist scum...Its scum like you that makes me glad mudslime nations get bombed. Hopefully they will nail your ass with one soon.

LMAO how long are you morons going to spew the same shit? Well they are a dying breed. Uh sherlock I am not even 30 and my wife is younger than me,we will soon have 4 yes FOUR white children who are being raised to be racially aware and DAMN PROUD to be WHITE. You will lose we will when its pretty much that simple. Or as Hitler said
Originally Posted by Adolf Hitler
'We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames.'

Actually the facts dominate the situation but you keep ignoring them if it makes your idea of a multicult utopia feel better in your tiny brain.

Again prove it. I have heard that for MANY years...Its not happening. The election of the magic Negro has done WONDERS for the movement.

You do realize the word cracker came from slaves because the sound of the man with the whip sounded like a crack. :)
Hey I like that ... it has a nice ring to it.:lol:
That's too complicated for me. I'm sticking with Peckerwood.
Do you even know what a peckerwood is?

At some point, peckerwood evolved into a term used to describe white prison inmates. In prison slang, a peckerwood or "wood" was a white inmate who was willing to fight to avoid being raped or robbed. Over time, white inmates appropriated the term peckerwood and made it a source of pride.

So you a prisoner or ex convict?

The most violent race there is??? LMAO!! You must be avoiding looking at any history at all. If you examined the history of the world you would know that you are a member of the most violent race.

Never met a black you'd want to be around? Either you are blinded by hate or you need to get out more.

And no, I am talking about klan idiots and white supremacy types. I've had a few run-ins with the. Invariably they turn an run, like the cowards they are.

You've had 4 kids? Guess what? Me to! And all of mine despise racist scum like you. So all you are doing is breaking even. And my kids are adults, so I know how they will turn out. You are just hoping to teach yours to hate. And that doesn't always workout so well.
You are such a racist tool.
Coming from a baby murdering POS THANK YOU!

Eh you'll get over it.

Because that single race is the most violent race there is and their handlers have set them loose on civilized nations.

Not hardly. I have never met a negro I want to be around.

Race mixers are sad pathetic bunch. I asked a negro once why he lowered himself so much that he was dating a whorish piece of trash...he didn't think it was too funny neither did his mud shark. Oh and actually my kids have played on playgrounds with half breeds and negro's and mexicans. Just gotta keep a close eye on them. Little bastards are known for violence and thievery.

You must be talking about Negro's. They are a pack animal and they hunt in packs.

Proof that ANY shoes were actually stolen there racist scum...Its scum like you that makes me glad mudslime nations get bombed. Hopefully they will nail your ass with one soon.

LMAO how long are you morons going to spew the same shit? Well they are a dying breed. Uh sherlock I am not even 30 and my wife is younger than me,we will soon have 4 yes FOUR white children who are being raised to be racially aware and DAMN PROUD to be WHITE. You will lose we will when its pretty much that simple. Or as Hitler said
Originally Posted by Adolf Hitler
'We may be destroyed, but if we are, we shall drag a world with us - a world in flames.'

Actually the facts dominate the situation but you keep ignoring them if it makes your idea of a multicult utopia feel better in your tiny brain.

Again prove it. I have heard that for MANY years...Its not happening. The election of the magic Negro has done WONDERS for the movement.

You do realize the word cracker came from slaves because the sound of the man with the whip sounded like a crack. :)
That's too complicated for me. I'm sticking with Peckerwood.
Do you even know what a peckerwood is?

At some point, peckerwood evolved into a term used to describe white prison inmates. In prison slang, a peckerwood or "wood" was a white inmate who was willing to fight to avoid being raped or robbed. Over time, white inmates appropriated the term peckerwood and made it a source of pride.

So you a prisoner or ex convict?

The most violent race there is??? LMAO!! You must be avoiding looking at any history at all. If you examined the history of the world you would know that you are a member of the most violent race.

Never met a black you'd want to be around? Either you are blinded by hate or you need to get out more.

And no, I am talking about klan idiots and white supremacy types. I've had a few run-ins with the. Invariably they turn an run, like the cowards they are.

You've had 4 kids? Guess what? Me to! And all of mine despise racist scum like you. So all you are doing is breaking even. And my kids are adults, so I know how they will turn out. You are just hoping to teach yours to hate. And that doesn't always workout so well.

Retards like him try to avoid looking at the track record. I've met many white women that had fathers that tried to get them to hate Black people. For some odd reason it has the opposite affect.
He is a member of the most violent race on earth. Its the way he was born therefore NONE of his race should be allowed into civilized societies. If this had been a decent segregated school the negroid would not have been there to viciously assault the white student.

I thought he was Black?

While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.
He is a member of the most violent race on earth. Its the way he was born therefore NONE of his race should be allowed into civilized societies. If this had been a decent segregated school the negroid would not have been there to viciously assault the white student.

I thought he was Black?

While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.

The track record of white people say otherwise. Let me know the minute we drop an atomic bomb on Japan or wipe out societies in the name of peace and god (but really in the quest for more land). Once that happens we can start comparing. Its not even close if you actually look at the record and understand history even a little bit.
I do not hate people because of the color of their skin...But of the content of their character.

The content of the people defending such violence is very bad.

I'll be calling you out everytime you do.

As a part native American how could I hate myself?
He is a member of the most violent race on earth. Its the way he was born therefore NONE of his race should be allowed into civilized societies. If this had been a decent segregated school the negroid would not have been there to viciously assault the white student.

I thought he was Black?

While it has nothing to do with skin color, blacks are certainly the most violent race in the US, and no people are more violent today than Africans, but this is because black culture has failed. Skin color does not dictate ones behavior, but bad parenting does.

Yep, MLK was right! Black culture has failed them and their actions have backfired!.

You should be proud of who you are and not feel guilty over what people did in the past that you as a person had nothing to do with. However, you should realize that some Black people are going to generalize you just like you generalized us.

Too bad that anyone has to generalize anyone. Unfortunately, as long as one "side" generalizes the other then the other will likely generalize back. And so the insanity continues.

Not telling you to make a habit of strolling anywhere at 11 at night but its not because people happen to be Black. Its because criminals in low income areas usually just finished having breakfast and are getting to work. My guess is you would naively feel comfortable hanging out in a lower income white neighborhood after 11pm?

I don't feel comfortable walking around anyone's neighborhood (other than my own) after about 10:00 regardless of income levels but I would probably feel more comfortable walking around a low income white neighborhood rather than a black one because of the potential of someone accosting me simply due to my race. In other words, crime will be higher in either neighborhood but the potential for hate crimes against whites will be higher in the black neighborhood than in the white neighborhood. Hope I'm making sense.

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