Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

I think it's best to ignore him
Go ahead be my guest. Won't stink up the threads I start with bullshit.
Please show me one thing that I have said that is "anti-white"?

Or are you just making up bullshit like Matthew does?

I said the usual.Not everyone. Jake,OldSchool etc. There are more they just ain't made their way here yet.

Well your racism is clearly on display.

Reality must be racism now a days. Oh well.
And that word is all that matters to a shallow piece of shit like you. You don't care that a boy that was nearly killed by this monster.

Fuck you.:mad:

Nearly killed? His nose was dislocated. That is not as difficult as it sounds. It has more to do with the angle of the blow. And there is no bone in the nose, just cartilage.

I've had my nose broken twice. It hurts like hell, but it is not life threatening.

Calm the drama down if you want any semblance of rational discussion.
Didnt Kanyes mom die from complications during a nose job? There is the potential of this being a life threatening injury.

She died from complications of coronary artery disease and postoperative complications. Nothing related to a nose job.
Negro? Seriously?

And that word is all that matters to a shallow piece of shit like you. You don't care that a boy that was nearly killed by this monster.

Fuck you.:mad:

Hey, Matthew? You're a fucking psycho. THAT was a savage beating? Are you fucking kidding me? He punched him twice. Two fucking punches does not make a "savage beating."

And the boy that got punched twice, why did he get punched? What's the rest of the story? Did he actually steal the other kid's shoes? You know those shoes can be very expensive.

I'm more offended by O.R.I.O.N. using the word "negro" than I am by one kid punching another kid for stealing his shoes or whatever.
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I am sure by now Matthew knows my view of it. Fact remains most of you are ignoring it simply because its another black on white BRUTAL assault completely unprovoked. This is what happens when you take a race that is more fit for African jungles and put them in a civilized society.

Unlike you, I choose to judge each individual, not by any standard but their own behavior.

Your words show what your behavior would be (or is). I find you unfit for civilized society. The kid who beat up the other kid is also unfit for civilized society.

The two of you are more alike than you are different.

How long do you plan on doing that until you realize there is a systematic war being waged against white folks? Innocent just walking down the street minding their own business white folks attacked for no reason at all.The head needs cut off before there are none of us left...if you haven't seen the news the next generation will be more than 50% non white...we are dying quickly and a few hundred thousand of us can't do it all. I may have 4 kids and that replaces me,my wife and 1 set of grandparents so we are double the norm in White America but its not enough.

Why are you worried about a single race when the dangers are against everyone?

It will really bother you that the next generation will not be mostly white, doesn't it? Sorry, that does not bother me at all.

I worry about the violence, the economy, the environment, and plenty of other things. But the color of skin of this person or that is not a worry.
You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

I think it's best to ignore him
Go ahead be my guest. Won't stink up the threads I start with bullshit.
I said the usual.Not everyone. Jake,OldSchool etc. There are more they just ain't made their way here yet.

Well your racism is clearly on display.

Reality must be racism now a days. Oh well.

What you spew is not reality. The reality is that the majority of all of the races are decent people.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.

They are only scary in groups or when they sneak up behind you. They rarely stand up to anyone one on one.
All schools have fights between boys, and sometimes girls. All schools have stealing and bullying issues. The fact is, we don't know all the details here. We have the story from a parent's perspective, and that, of course, is going to be on the side of the kid who was injured. Was his kid a thief? Was there some kind of on-going issue between these two students? It seems unlikely one kid just attacked another kid out of the clear blue sky. That this has anything to do with racism: there is absolutely no evidence of that. The OP is trying to make an issue here regarding race that doesn't, as far as any information implicit in the article, have anying to do with this.
You, like all racist monsters, you support the OP and link it to a particular group, then you deny you are a racist. Typical Neanderthal thinking on your part. Yup, you are no better than the clan.

Don't talk about blacks as a societal problem somehow independent of what happened sixty years ago.

Explain how events 60 years ago makes it ok for children today to assault and kill people today. If you cant do that, what the fuck would you even mention it for? This world will be a much more violent place if we start attacking strangers, based on shit that happened before we were born, to people we never even met. Should I cave in the head of the next Japanese person I see because they bombed Pearl Harbor?

We can't live in the past. But we also can't ignore what happened there.

Things that happened 50 years ago happened to these kids parents and grandparents. That still effects lives.

It in now way excuses what happened in that school, but it cannot be ignored.

"It cannot be ignored" What does that mean? Explain to me how events 50 years ago have something to do with this poor kid being sucker punched. Are you saying black parents teach their children to hate and hurt white people? My father was murdered by a black man when I was 5. Should my mom have taught me to be mad at black people?

Black people don't get a pass for their bad behavior just because some bad shit happened 50 years ago to some people they knew. That's fucking garbage man. Quit making excuses and minimizing violent behavior.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.

They are only scary in groups or when they sneak up behind you. They rarely stand up to anyone one on one.

Are you talking about these black mobs? As worthless as ORION is, I see no evidence that he is sneaking up behind people and attacking them.
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All schools have fights between boys, and sometimes girls. All schools have stealing and bullying issues. The fact is, we don't know all the details here. We have the story from a parent's perspective, and that, of course, is going to be on the side of the kid who was injured. Was his kid a thief? Was there some kind of on-going issue between these two students? It seems unlikely one kid just attacked another kid out of the clear blue sky. That this has anything to do with racism: there is absolutely no evidence of that. The OP is trying to make an issue here regarding race that doesn't, as far as any information implicit in the article, have anying to do with this.

How out of touch are you? There must be a million videos on youtube of black mobs doing exactly that to white people. Apparently violent racism is perfectly acceptable in 2014.
No one cares. My faith in humanity ever having a reasonable honest discussion and WORKING TOGETHER to end the hate is probably never going to happen. I believe that blacks need to come forwards and condemn such violence as it takes two sides...

How sad...I'd never ever use violence against someone for their race or creed. I am 25% native American so how could I hate my self?
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Explain how events 60 years ago makes it ok for children today to assault and kill people today. If you cant do that, what the fuck would you even mention it for? This world will be a much more violent place if we start attacking strangers, based on shit that happened before we were born, to people we never even met. Should I cave in the head of the next Japanese person I see because they bombed Pearl Harbor?

We can't live in the past. But we also can't ignore what happened there.

Things that happened 50 years ago happened to these kids parents and grandparents. That still effects lives.

It in now way excuses what happened in that school, but it cannot be ignored.

"It cannot be ignored" What does that mean? Explain to me how events 50 years ago have something to do with this poor kid being sucker punched. Are you saying black parents teach their children to hate and hurt white people? My father was murdered by a black man when I was 5. Should my mom have taught me to be mad at black people?

Black people don't get a pass for their bad behavior just because some bad shit happened 50 years ago to some people they knew. That's fucking garbage man. Quit making excuses and minimizing violent behavior.

Well, the truth maybe hard to handle. :doubt: Of course this quarter breed native is a pyscho for wanting people to see evil as evil.
Negro? Seriously?

And that word is all that matters to a shallow piece of shit like you. You don't care that a boy that was nearly killed by this monster.

Fuck you.:mad:

I believe that he's a "negro" is all that matters to O.R.I.O.N. who would NEVER have posted this had the races been reversed. And with your history on here I can see why you choose to overlook that.


And they all also chose to overlook the crackers who were cheering and not helping.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.

NEVER, but I don't know about you. :( I am just trying to point out the wrongs in our society and I get nothing but hate for it.

It is hopeless.
All schools have fights between boys, and sometimes girls. All schools have stealing and bullying issues. The fact is, we don't know all the details here. We have the story from a parent's perspective, and that, of course, is going to be on the side of the kid who was injured. Was his kid a thief? Was there some kind of on-going issue between these two students? It seems unlikely one kid just attacked another kid out of the clear blue sky. That this has anything to do with racism: there is absolutely no evidence of that. The OP is trying to make an issue here regarding race that doesn't, as far as any information implicit in the article, have anying to do with this.

How out of touch are you? There must be a million videos on youtube of black mobs doing exactly that to white people. Apparently violent racism is perfectly acceptable in 2014.

A million? You are using extreme hyperbole. No such thing is the fact, is the reality. In schools, if there are racial divides, there could be incidents like this based on past history between blacks and whites, on-going issues. It does not happen out of the clear blue sky. And incidents of blacks attacking whites just for kicks happen and have happened as often as whites attacking blacks for no reason, either in the recent past or currently. Your racison skews your vision of reality. You are the one who is out of touch with reality. In many cities in America, it is just as unsafe for a single or a couple of black people to walk in certain white neighborhoods as it is for a single or a couple of white people to walk in certain black neighborhoods.
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A thief was nabbed by his victim, who went on to hit the thief twice and managed to break his nose.
"Detached from his skull" = Broken nose.

The attack was probably justified and, hopefully, the thief will learn his lesson.

The ****** haters on here just can't stand the idea of a black lad giving a white thief a bit of stick.
Tough fucking shit.
Guilt aside yeah that is fact. A broken nose means broken cartilage = detached from your skull. With that said I can say I have detached several people's noses from their skulls in my life. And I don't regret a single time it happened.

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