Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

I believe that he's a "negro" is all that matters to O.R.I.O.N. who would NEVER have posted this had the races been reversed. And with your history on here I can see why you choose to overlook that.

Well, within a perfect world no one would hate others for the color of their skin. We both know that if the shoe was on the other foot the media would be screaming about racial hatred to the wall. So really who's spot lightening race? Not me. Of course Orion maybe motivated by it, as some people do live by it.

Compared to what happened to the kid. A word isn't that serious of a issue.

Yes, you, buddy, you are supporting a guy spotlighting race.

You think you are hidden in the shadows but that big ass is hanging out.

Your side spot lights race all the time in the media and you always point at whites as violent animals. Watch Cnn or Msnbc as the Trayvon circus was going on! Are you blind or something? Talk about racial hate.
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I wonder, if the races were reversed, how many would be cheering the kids for beating up a thief?

Yeah, this is serious for the school. But I don't see it as much more than that.

The white kid is a thief? What proof is there to support that claim? Dont tell me you are stupid enough to trust the paranoid assumptions of a violent criminal.

I did not make any accusations of anyone being a thief. I was simply commenting on the likelihood that positions would be different if the races were reversed.
I wonder, if the races were reversed, how many would be cheering the kids for beating up a thief?

Yeah, this is serious for the school. But I don't see it as much more than that.

The white kid is a thief? What proof is there to support that claim? Dont tell me you are stupid enough to trust the paranoid assumptions of a violent criminal.

I did not make any accusations of anyone being a thief. I was simply commenting on the likelihood that positions would be different if the races were reversed.

And would it make any difference? Looking at msnbc and cnn I'd bet money that it would be called racial hatred if it was a white kid beating a black. The media enjoys spot lighting race and turning people against each other.
And that word is all that matters to a shallow piece of shit like you. You don't care that a boy that was nearly killed by this monster.

Fuck you.:mad:

Nearly killed? His nose was dislocated. That is not as difficult as it sounds. It has more to do with the angle of the blow. And there is no bone in the nose, just cartilage.

I've had my nose broken twice. It hurts like hell, but it is not life threatening.

Calm the drama down if you want any semblance of rational discussion.
Didnt Kanyes mom die from complications during a nose job? There is the potential of this being a life threatening injury.

His mother died of surgical complications. Rather a different situation.
The white kid is a thief? What proof is there to support that claim? Dont tell me you are stupid enough to trust the paranoid assumptions of a violent criminal.

I did not make any accusations of anyone being a thief. I was simply commenting on the likelihood that positions would be different if the races were reversed.

And would it make any difference? Looking at msnbc and cnn I'd bet money that it would be called racial hatred if it was a white kid beating a black. The media enjoys spot lighting race and turning people against each other.

I commented based on what I have seen on this board. If you disagree, that is fine.
Fuck you, Matthew, seriously. You emphasize race as if it were material to the crime. It's not. We all know southern towns where whites attack the minorities.

You talk science and math, but really you are only a Neanderthal afraid of being eaten by a Cro-Magnon.

Fuck you, Jake, you piece of human shit. I never said anything about race in this thread but you sit here making a issue of it to make it seem ok. So you also bring up the minorities being attacked 60 years ago as a excuse for them doing it to whites today. Shame on you pig for being ok with this ever.

People that sit here and make excuses for racial violence are no better then the Klan.

You, like all racist monsters, you support the OP and link it to a particular group, then you deny you are a racist. Typical Neanderthal thinking on your part. Yup, you are no better than the clan.

Don't talk about blacks as a societal problem somehow independent of what happened sixty years ago.

Explain how events 60 years ago makes it ok for children today to assault and kill people today. If you cant do that, what the fuck would you even mention it for? This world will be a much more violent place if we start attacking strangers, based on shit that happened before we were born, to people we never even met. Should I cave in the head of the next Japanese person I see because they bombed Pearl Harbor?

Your position is absurd. If you had courage and credibility, you would take back what you said and youd never say it again.
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Fuck you, Jake, you piece of human shit. I never said anything about race in this thread but you sit here making a issue of it to make it seem ok. So you also bring up the minorities being attacked 60 years ago as a excuse for them doing it to whites today. Shame on you pig for being ok with this ever.

People that sit here and make excuses for racial violence are no better then the Klan.

You, like all racist monsters, you support the OP and link it to a particular group, then you deny you are a racist. Typical Neanderthal thinking on your part. Yup, you are no better than the clan.

Don't talk about blacks as a societal problem somehow independent of what happened sixty years ago.

Explain how events 60 years ago makes it ok for children today to assault and kill people today. If you cant do that, what the fuck would you even mention it for? This world will be a much more violent place if we start attacking strangers, based on shit that happened before we were born, to people we never even met. Should I cave in the head of the next Japanese person I see because they bombed Pearl Harbor?

We can't live in the past. But we also can't ignore what happened there.

Things that happened 50 years ago happened to these kids parents and grandparents. That still effects lives.

It in now way excuses what happened in that school, but it cannot be ignored.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.
I am sure by now Matthew knows my view of it. Fact remains most of you are ignoring it simply because its another black on white BRUTAL assault completely unprovoked. This is what happens when you take a race that is more fit for African jungles and put them in a civilized society.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

Please show me one thing that I have said that is "anti-white"?

Or are you just making up bullshit like Matthew does?
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

You mean the end that recognizes and points out the war being waged against my race you are damn right I am that person and there are millions more like me. You on the other hand have your head buried in your ass and refuse to wake up and smell the coffee and see the blood flowing in the streets you think your multicult utopia will eventually work out if everyone just loves one another...sorry not gonna happen pal. Its a dog eat dog world and right now the white race is losing but they are waking up quite fast. They are getting fed up with the force fed diversity bullshit.
I am sure by now Matthew knows my view of it. Fact remains most of you are ignoring it simply because its another black on white BRUTAL assault completely unprovoked. This is what happens when you take a race that is more fit for African jungles and put them in a civilized society.

Unlike you, I choose to judge each individual, not by any standard but their own behavior.

Your words show what your behavior would be (or is). I find you unfit for civilized society. The kid who beat up the other kid is also unfit for civilized society.

The two of you are more alike than you are different.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

Please show me one thing that I have said that is "anti-white"?

Or are you just making up bullshit like Matthew does?

I said the usual.Not everyone. Jake,OldSchool etc. There are more they just ain't made their way here yet.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

I think it's best to ignore him
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

Please show me one thing that I have said that is "anti-white"?

Or are you just making up bullshit like Matthew does?

I said the usual.Not everyone. Jake,OldSchool etc. There are more they just ain't made their way here yet.

Well your racism is clearly on display.
I am sure by now Matthew knows my view of it. Fact remains most of you are ignoring it simply because its another black on white BRUTAL assault completely unprovoked. This is what happens when you take a race that is more fit for African jungles and put them in a civilized society.

Unlike you, I choose to judge each individual, not by any standard but their own behavior.

Your words show what your behavior would be (or is). I find you unfit for civilized society. The kid who beat up the other kid is also unfit for civilized society.

The two of you are more alike than you are different.

How long do you plan on doing that until you realize there is a systematic war being waged against white folks? Innocent just walking down the street minding their own business white folks attacked for no reason at all.The head needs cut off before there are none of us left...if you haven't seen the news the next generation will be more than 50% non white...we are dying quickly and a few hundred thousand of us can't do it all. I may have 4 kids and that replaces me,my wife and 1 set of grandparents so we are double the norm in White America but its not enough.

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