Negro assaults white kid over stolen shoes

A thief was nabbed by his victim, who went on to hit the thief twice and managed to break his nose.
"Detached from his skull" = Broken nose.

The attack was probably justified and, hopefully, the thief will learn his lesson.

The ****** haters on here just can't stand the idea of a black lad giving a white thief a bit of stick.
Tough fucking shit.
I suppose lynchings were probably justified because the lynchee was probably guilty of a serious crime.

Defending violence is a very slippery slope, especially if you yourself are slimey.
Explain how events 60 years ago makes it ok for children today to assault and kill people today. If you cant do that, what the fuck would you even mention it for? This world will be a much more violent place if we start attacking strangers, based on shit that happened before we were born, to people we never even met. Should I cave in the head of the next Japanese person I see because they bombed Pearl Harbor?

We can't live in the past. But we also can't ignore what happened there.

Things that happened 50 years ago happened to these kids parents and grandparents. That still effects lives.

It in now way excuses what happened in that school, but it cannot be ignored.

"It cannot be ignored" What does that mean? Explain to me how events 50 years ago have something to do with this poor kid being sucker punched. Are you saying black parents teach their children to hate and hurt white people? My father was murdered by a black man when I was 5. Should my mom have taught me to be mad at black people?

Black people don't get a pass for their bad behavior just because some bad shit happened 50 years ago to some people they knew. That's fucking garbage man. Quit making excuses and minimizing violent behavior.

I am not making excuses or giving anyone a pass.

But to claim that someone's Dad had dogs unleashed on him by the police, and that it should be forgotten is nuts.

No one gets a pass. If they break the law they should be prosecuted. Period.

But to claim that the door is shut on past abuses is just wishful thinking.
You know what's scary about racists like O.R.I.O.N. and Matthew? They'll hurt someone of their OWN race for defending someone of another race. Or just for socializing or being friends with people from other races.

They're the kind of guys who think if a white girl goes out with a black guy, she's fair game. Do what you want to her, she deserves it.

I know these kind of people well. They're scary. Very scary.

They are only scary in groups or when they sneak up behind you. They rarely stand up to anyone one on one.

Are you talking about these black mobs? As worthless as ORION is, I see no evidence that he is sneaking up behind people and attacking them.

I see no evidence that he is doing anything but ranting on an internet forum.

I was making an observation about racists in general and white racists in particular. You never see one klansman.
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

You mean the end that recognizes and points out the war being waged against my race you are damn right I am that person and there are millions more like me. You on the other hand have your head buried in your ass and refuse to wake up and smell the coffee and see the blood flowing in the streets you think your multicult utopia will eventually work out if everyone just loves one another...sorry not gonna happen pal. Its a dog eat dog world and right now the white race is losing but they are waking up quite fast. They are getting fed up with the force fed diversity bullshit.

There are very few of you in term of import and impact.

No one is losing except race supremacists such as you and the lickspittle lackeys such as Matthew.

Most importantly, the millenials overwhelmingly despise your philosophy, and if you guys rise up, they will take care of that nonsense without even calling in LEO.
O.R.I.O.N. is as wack as a birfer.

His wants dominate the actual facts.
You are an exemplar of the violent wacko end of our white race, the perversity that the rest of the race is trying to deny that exists.

However, we do recognize you for what you are, which means you are defeated even before you begin.

You mean the end that recognizes and points out the war being waged against my race you are damn right I am that person and there are millions more like me. You on the other hand have your head buried in your ass and refuse to wake up and smell the coffee and see the blood flowing in the streets you think your multicult utopia will eventually work out if everyone just loves one another...sorry not gonna happen pal. Its a dog eat dog world and right now the white race is losing but they are waking up quite fast. They are getting fed up with the force fed diversity bullshit.

There are very few of you in term of import and impact.

No one is losing except race supremacists such as you and the lickspittle lackeys such as Matthew.

Most importantly, the millenials overwhelmingly despise your philosophy, and if you guys rise up, they will take care of that nonsense without even calling in LEO.

The tolerance for people like this is shrinking more and more.

Wow. It's really getting bad. I'm afraid the hatred against white folks isn't going away any time soon. It's really a sad state of affairs. I've spent years telling other whites that hatred and bigotry is wrong but it's only been in recent years that I've come to realize that white folks are the most hated group of people on the planet (especially white males).

I don't think hatred serves a good purpose. It harms the person harboring it more than anyone else. However, I also believe in self preservation and personal protection. I would advise white parents to carefully consider where they live and where their kids are going to school. I might suggest that they start homeschooling (along with other parents who are concerned about the safety of their kids) or putting their kids in private schools or moving to a safer area.

If I were a parent of a child who was the focus of racial hatred just because he had white skin I might even consider removing him from school altogether if it meant protecting him from violent harm. But that's just me. I hate to say it but at some point a man (or boy) has to learn to protect himself from the dangers that lurk right outside their door and in their seemingly "safe" neighborhood.

I hope the perpetrator in this case is prosecuted to the max and the school officials are punished as well.
"I'm afraid the hatred against white folks isn't going away any time soon."

That is as silly as the Christians are under attack although they are overwhelmingly greater in number and percentage.

Folks perceive they will not receive what they perceive as their due because of race or religious privilege.

Those days are disappearing.
A thief was nabbed by his victim, who went on to hit the thief twice and managed to break his nose.
"Detached from his skull" = Broken nose.

The attack was probably justified and, hopefully, the thief will learn his lesson.

The ****** haters on here just can't stand the idea of a black lad giving a white thief a bit of stick.
Tough fucking shit.

Another possible solution would have been to take the shoes back and report the thief to the authorities. I suppose such a nonsensical solution is no longer in vogue these days.

Using your logic, a grocery store clerk has every right to beat a candy thief into a coma for stealing a Snickers? Just wondering.
Negro? Seriously?

Actually, the word "Negro" isn't a bad word. I realize that it may not be politically correct according to CNN, CBS, and the Democrat Party but it's still not a bad or derogatory word. Sometimes white folks are called "Caucasians" and Asian folks are called "Orientals."

If I'm not mistaken I believe the word "Negroid" is still used in forensics when identifying skeletal remains and such.

Not trying to be argumentative. All of us who watch TV or listen to the radio are being programmed as to what words are "acceptable" and which words are not. We're all supposed to cave to political correctness.
Negro? Seriously?

Actually, the word "Negro" isn't a bad word. I realize that it may not be politically correct according to CNN, CBS, and the Democrat Party but it's still not a bad or derogatory word. Sometimes white folks are called "Caucasians" and Asian folks are called "Orientals."

If I'm not mistaken I believe the word "Negroid" is still used in forensics when identifying skeletal remains and such.

Not trying to be argumentative. All of us who watch TV or listen to the radio are being programmed as to what words are "acceptable" and which words are not. We're all supposed to cave to political correctness.
The problem is that blacks have a history and the word negro was not complimentary or simply descriptive. There is no denying the negative connotation associated with the word.

I believe people should define themselves, colored was once acceptable but "the colored" didn't like it for similar reasons. I don't personally like African-American and don't usually use it because many or most aren't from Africa. Ancestorally yes but we don't say European-American.

I dated an Asian gal and they do not like being called Orientals. I learned that pretty quick. :D
The problem is that blacks have a history and the word negro was not complimentary or simply descriptive. There is no denying the negative connotation associated with the word.

I believe people should define themselves, colored was once acceptable but "the colored" didn't like it for similar reasons. I don't personally like African-American and don't usually use it because many or most aren't from Africa. Ancestorally yes but we don't say European-American.

I dated an Asian gal and they do not like being called Orientals. I learned that pretty quick. :D

I don't personally use the term "Negro" because it's simply outdated. Malcom X & MLK used the word "Negro" routinely but that was back in the day.

I guess I just look at things from my perspective. The various terms used to describe me have never bothered me at all. I grew up in a pretty racially mixed neighborhood (mostly Hispanics and whites). I've been called "whitey," "cracker," "peckerwood," "white ******," "white trash," and probably a bunch of terms I've forgotten. I've also been called a "Caucasian" or "European." I've just never been bothered by a name or title. If it's derogatory it simply rolls off of me like water on a duck's back.

What I find really interesting is that black, rap artists call themselves "*******" as a matter of routine. It would seem to me that if that particular word was as offensive as they say it is then they wouldn't use it to describe themselves.

When it comes to girlfriends, you better do what they say ... or else! :D
The problem is that blacks have a history and the word negro was not complimentary or simply descriptive. There is no denying the negative connotation associated with the word.

I believe people should define themselves, colored was once acceptable but "the colored" didn't like it for similar reasons. I don't personally like African-American and don't usually use it because many or most aren't from Africa. Ancestorally yes but we don't say European-American.

I dated an Asian gal and they do not like being called Orientals. I learned that pretty quick. :D

I don't personally use the term "Negro" because it's simply outdated. Malcom X & MLK used the word "Negro" routinely but that was back in the day.

I guess I just look at things from my perspective. The various terms used to describe me have never bothered me at all. I grew up in a pretty racially mixed neighborhood (mostly Hispanics and whites). I've been called "whitey," "cracker," "peckerwood," "white ******," "white trash," and probably a bunch of terms I've forgotten. I've also been called a "Caucasian" or "European." I've just never been bothered by a name or title. If it's derogatory it simply rolls off of me like water on a duck's back.

What I find really interesting is that black, rap artists call themselves "*******" as a matter of routine. It would seem to me that if that particular word was as offensive as they say it is then they wouldn't use it to describe themselves.

When it comes to girlfriends, you better do what they say ... or else! :D

I think I want my race to be known as "Honky-Cracker European American".
Black Rabble Rousers have to constantly add new 'hats' words to the list. As soon as white people stop using one they find a replacement. How long before they run out of new words to call racist? It's already beyond ridiculus!

When I went to school I was taught there are three major Nationalities, Negroid, Caucasian, and Oriental.
Those were the 'good' and 'proper' words. I'll use them til I die. Now, if you start acting niggardly I just may call you a ******, no matter your Race.
The problem is that blacks have a history and the word negro was not complimentary or simply descriptive. There is no denying the negative connotation associated with the word.

I believe people should define themselves, colored was once acceptable but "the colored" didn't like it for similar reasons. I don't personally like African-American and don't usually use it because many or most aren't from Africa. Ancestorally yes but we don't say European-American.

I dated an Asian gal and they do not like being called Orientals. I learned that pretty quick. :D

I don't personally use the term "Negro" because it's simply outdated. Malcom X & MLK used the word "Negro" routinely but that was back in the day.

I guess I just look at things from my perspective. The various terms used to describe me have never bothered me at all. I grew up in a pretty racially mixed neighborhood (mostly Hispanics and whites). I've been called "whitey," "cracker," "peckerwood," "white ******," "white trash," and probably a bunch of terms I've forgotten. I've also been called a "Caucasian" or "European." I've just never been bothered by a name or title. If it's derogatory it simply rolls off of me like water on a duck's back.

What I find really interesting is that black, rap artists call themselves "*******" as a matter of routine. It would seem to me that if that particular word was as offensive as they say it is then they wouldn't use it to describe themselves.

When it comes to girlfriends, you better do what they say ... or else! :D

I think I want my race to be known as "Honky-Cracker European American".

Hey I like that ... it has a nice ring to it.:lol:
The usual anti white racists deflecting and blaming the victim when this is all too common with negro's. They are a violent race who don't belong in a civilized society.

Too bad you cant do anything about it except hide in your bunker. You whine and shriek about every racial incident where a white person is harmed. :lol: Wussy

Wow. It's really getting bad. I'm afraid the hatred against white folks isn't going away any time soon. It's really a sad state of affairs. I've spent years telling other whites that hatred and bigotry is wrong but it's only been in recent years that I've come to realize that white folks are the most hated group of people on the planet (especially white males).

I don't think hatred serves a good purpose. It harms the person harboring it more than anyone else. However, I also believe in self preservation and personal protection. I would advise white parents to carefully consider where they live and where their kids are going to school. I might suggest that they start homeschooling (along with other parents who are concerned about the safety of their kids) or putting their kids in private schools or moving to a safer area.

If I were a parent of a child who was the focus of racial hatred just because he had white skin I might even consider removing him from school altogether if it meant protecting him from violent harm. But that's just me. I hate to say it but at some point a man (or boy) has to learn to protect himself from the dangers that lurk right outside their door and in their seemingly "safe" neighborhood.

I hope the perpetrator in this case is prosecuted to the max and the school officials are punished as well.

Common sense alert. If you don't act like a racist, Black people are not going to be angry with you. If a criminal attacks you for no other reason than that they hate white people that doesn't make all Black people the same. I live in a pretty diverse city and there are quite a few white people that go to school with my kids and have no issues. Matter of fact my daughters have their white friends over all the time.
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Wow. It's really getting bad. I'm afraid the hatred against white folks isn't going away any time soon. It's really a sad state of affairs. I've spent years telling other whites that hatred and bigotry is wrong but it's only been in recent years that I've come to realize that white folks are the most hated group of people on the planet (especially white males).

I don't think hatred serves a good purpose. It harms the person harboring it more than anyone else. However, I also believe in self preservation and personal protection. I would advise white parents to carefully consider where they live and where their kids are going to school. I might suggest that they start homeschooling (along with other parents who are concerned about the safety of their kids) or putting their kids in private schools or moving to a safer area.

If I were a parent of a child who was the focus of racial hatred just because he had white skin I might even consider removing him from school altogether if it meant protecting him from violent harm. But that's just me. I hate to say it but at some point a man (or boy) has to learn to protect himself from the dangers that lurk right outside their door and in their seemingly "safe" neighborhood.

I hope the perpetrator in this case is prosecuted to the max and the school officials are punished as well.

Common sense alert. If you don't act like a racist, Black people are not going to be angry with you. If a criminal attacks you for no other reason than that they hate white people that doesn't make all Black people the same. I live in a pretty diverse city and there are quite a few white people that go to school with my kids and have no issues. Matter of fact my daughters have their white friends over all the time.

I agree that it's wrong to judge or tag all folks of a particular race due to the actions of one or two but I still see a trend these days (regardless of my personal wishes). Last month America celebrated "black history month" but I'm not too sure I've ever seen an "Asian history month" or a "white history month." There does seem to be a trend of reverse discrimination.

I saw these two videos recently that left me shaking my head but also recognizing that there's an underlying sentiment that I wasn't aware of:

[ame=""]The New Black Panther.avi - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Exterminate White People - YouTube[/ame]

What am I supposed to think?

Don't you find it interesting that a handful of white slave owners more than 100 years ago have defined the entire white race today?
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