Negro Goes To McDonalds, Pulls Gun Saying 'Yo Y'all Hiring?' Demanding Job!

Bad things happen to people when desperate. Maybe he was just fed up trying to survive and snapped. Whatever the least he didn't hurt anyone.
Steve - no one uses the term Negro anymore - it has been out of use for decades.

You're welcome.

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Just doing what the republicans and libertardians are telling them to do. Find work...sad thing is this is the only work available where you get to be treated like a slave for minimum wage and in some cases lower than that.
Steve - no one uses the term Negro anymore - it has been out of use for decades.

You're welcome.

Decades? How do you explain it's use in the census all these decades? Or the 'United Negro College Fund'?

Steve, that organization was named in 1944.

MORE than 35 years after its debut, the slogan for the United Negro College Fund, “A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” remains one of the most recognized in American advertising history.

The years, however, have not been as kind to the organization’s name, which has gradually become a source of alienation to the very people the group aims to serve. And while the fund is not prepared to drop the word “Negro” from its name, it plans to try to shift attention away from it.

A branding effort being introduced Thursday will seek to play down the full name and instead highlight the nonprofit’s initials, U.N.C.F. An updated logo will seek to communicate the changing direction of the group while putting renewed emphasis on the well-known slogan.

“Forty-plus years ago, when I started at Morehouse, I thought of myself as a Negro,” said Michael L. Lomax, U.N.C.F.’s president and chief executive, referring to the historically black college. “By the time I graduated in 1968, I was black. And then in the last 15 to 20 years I’ve become an African-American.”

The nomenclature issue is a decades-old predicament for U.N.C.F., which has long struggled to keep up with younger generations of African-Americans without abandoning nearly 70 years of hard-won brand equity.

“We want to hold on to our heritage, but we also want to find a way to say who we are that speaks directly and positively to a younger generation,” Mr. Lomax said. “I think we’ve found a happy medium.”

Get with the times, bro.
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Just doing what the republicans and libertardians are telling them to do. Find work...sad thing is this is the only work available where you get to be treated like a slave for minimum wage and in some cases lower than that.

Unfucking believable
5 years of obama/ democrat bull shit you continue to blame republicans?
Steve - no one uses the term Negro anymore - it has been out of use for decades.

You're welcome.

Decades? How do you explain it's use in the census all these decades? Or the 'United Negro College Fund'?

Steve, that organization was named in 1944.

MORE than 35 years after its debut, the slogan for the United Negro College Fund, “A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” remains one of the most recognized in American advertising history.

The years, however, have not been as kind to the organization’s name, which has gradually become a source of alienation to the very people the group aims to serve. And while the fund is not prepared to drop the word “Negro” from its name, it plans to try to shift attention away from it.

A branding effort being introduced Thursday will seek to play down the full name and instead highlight the nonprofit’s initials, U.N.C.F. An updated logo will seek to communicate the changing direction of the group while putting renewed emphasis on the well-known slogan.

“Forty-plus years ago, when I started at Morehouse, I thought of myself as a Negro,” said Michael L. Lomax, U.N.C.F.’s president and chief executive, referring to the historically black college. “By the time I graduated in 1968, I was black. And then in the last 15 to 20 years I’ve become an African-American.”

The nomenclature issue is a decades-old predicament for U.N.C.F., which has long struggled to keep up with younger generations of African-Americans without abandoning nearly 70 years of hard-won brand equity.

“We want to hold on to our heritage, but we also want to find a way to say who we are that speaks directly and positively to a younger generation,” Mr. Lomax said. “I think we’ve found a happy medium.”

Get with the times, bro.

Stop this shit please. Think about a man so desperate. My heart breaks for him. Can't we think about the man?
Just doing what the republicans and libertardians are telling them to do. Find work...sad thing is this is the only work available where you get to be treated like a slave for minimum wage and in some cases lower than that.

Unfucking believable
5 years of obama/ democrat bull shit you continue to blame republicans?

Hey,they are the ones trying to cut people off from help,job programs/welfare etc. He went and looked for a job no matter what kind of shit job it was...
Ok look we are all the human race. It's sad the establishment tries to divide us.
I started to post on this topic.

But since it is so blatantly racist and offensive, I was just sure it was gonna moved to Badlands before I could even comment.
Just doing what the republicans and libertardians are telling them to do. Find work...sad thing is this is the only work available where you get to be treated like a slave for minimum wage and in some cases lower than that.

Unfucking believable
5 years of obama/ democrat bull shit you continue to blame republicans?

Hey,they are the ones trying to cut people off from help,job programs/welfare etc. He went and looked for a job no matter what kind of shit job it was...

ok blame the republicans go ahead. It's never going to get any better support the democrat s they don't give a damn about you.
This is a case of somebody who is just too dumb to cope with society. I've tried to apply at McDonalds myself and the last thing I would have done is pull a piece or even show it because I know I'd be doing time if I did.

I have zero sympathy for him.
I started to post on this topic.

But since it is so blatantly racist and offensive, I was just sure it was gonna moved to Badlands before I could even comment.

You just posted anyway it appears......racism not withstanding.

I agree, it is racist.

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