Negro MSNBC Panel Flips Out Over Comedian Tim Allen Defending The Use Of The 'N' Word

There are no words more special than any others. ******, Cracker, ****, Limey, ****, Kraut, Fag, ****, Bitch, Asshole, Dago, etc.

All are fair game, in the appropriate context. I actually get the argument blacks make that they use the word casually, because I often call my friends vile names in jest, but would never walk up to a perfect stranger and call them asshole of ******.

There needs to be unmitigated defense of free speech. This "N-word" shit is for the fucking birds. Say ******, or don't discuss the subject.
Militant anti-White panel full of black racial inflamers go irate over comedian Tim Allen saying that White people should not shy away from using the "N" word.

Another example of black privilege: determining what words White people can say.

Check out the video below

Comedian Tim Allen Defends use of The "N" Word, Drives MSNBC Nuts! ? The White Voice

Better to post the vid directly. I grew up in the hood too and I'm not black

[ame=]Michael Eric Dyson O'Reilly 'Surprised That Black People Don't Throw Bananas' 'Or Swing Fr - YouTube[/ame]
Yet another "Neegro thread" - my day is complete.

Certain language is not permitted in our language. Those words pennywise venerates are among them.

An uncle never got to know our children because of his mouth.

A particular older member remains in a senior center because of his mouth.

Choices have consequences.
What a bunch of dumb people they have on that station

they have nothing better to bitch about?

just petty people who needs something to be upset over
Words have power. In ancient Israel, uttering a name referring to G-d could get you executed. So it's easy to see how certain words today have similar power minus the consequences. On the other hand, if you let words define your emotional state you're only empowering those who'd use them against you. As a Jew, bisexual, and something of a liberal I'm like this big hatred triple coupon. But if I flipped out everytime someone call me fag, ****, or libtard it'd only confirm to those using such epithets it bugs me so to bug me use those words.
Militant anti-White panel full of black racial inflamers go irate over comedian Tim Allen saying that White people should not shy away from using the "N" word.

Another example of black privilege: determining what words White people can say.

Does that bother you, little precious? Are you afraid of losing that 'tingle' you get from typing the word "negro" when you mean 'black' or 'African American'? Are you really as fucking pathetic as you are trying to appear now?

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