Negros... stop calling C-Span! LOL!!!!


Rebelious Youngin
Oct 16, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - C-SPAN Caller Complains: Too Many Black People Call In[/ame]

You just can't make that foolish shit up.:lol::lol:

Here it comes, "there's just so many of them".

"They're only ten percent of the population, now I don't know what you can do about it..."


The new conspiracy.

We're taking over C-Span.:lol::lol:

I swear I almost had a heart attack watching this video.:eusa_angel:
I loved the deer-in-the-headlights look on the face of the man who was on air. Poor guy. I thought he might cry. Whadda I do Whadda I do Whadda I do!

BTW, this is a caller? Calling in to complain about the appearance of other callers? Phones, right? Then how does he know????????????

Does he also turn up the volume on the TV when he wants to see the crawling scrawl better?

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Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

I actually don't know.:lol:

Just thought it was funny and we can all use a laugh here and there.

So it isn't a 'all republicans are dumb racists' thread? Well, that's ok then. I would have been surprised for you to start one of those.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Fuck off telling me to shut up. You're the dolt who feels the need to scream 'look at me' with her dumbassed blue enlarge fonts. Not me.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Deprived or depraved :eusa_eh:
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Deprived or depraved :eusa_eh:

B. :eusa_whistle:
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

I actually don't know.:lol:

Just thought it was funny and we can all use a laugh here and there.

So it isn't a 'all republicans are dumb racists' thread? Well, that's ok then. I would have been surprised for you to start one of those.

No of course not.

The only dumb racist is the guy on the phone...and he doesn't even specify his party, I don't think I'll have to check again.

We can all use a break from arguing over silly things like race and politics and just focus on the people we can all agree are pretty stupid in an entertaining way.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Fuck off telling me to shut up. You're the dolt who feels the need to scream 'look at me' with her dumbassed blue enlarge fonts. Not me.

****, my font is size four and blue because I have cataracts in both eyes that are not yet serious enough to warrant surgery. I need to enhance visibility for myself.


NO ONE thinks you are driven positively mad by the color blue. We ALL know you are threatened because you disagree with my opinions and fear I will win an open debate with you on the issues. So insterad of discussing the issues or even how angry my opinions make you feel, you do this passive-aggressive mean girls bullshit. Do you really think this is my first rodeo? People like you are all over the 'net. They are the white noise factor.

Do us ALL a favor. Shut your pie hole and open your legs...even YOU will be happier.
I actually don't know.:lol:

Just thought it was funny and we can all use a laugh here and there.

So it isn't a 'all republicans are dumb racists' thread? Well, that's ok then. I would have been surprised for you to start one of those.

No of course not.

The only dumb racist is the guy on the phone...and he doesn't even specify his party, I don't think I'll have to check again.

We can all use a break from arguing over silly things like race and politics and just focus on the people we can all agree are pretty stupid in an entertaining way.

I have to say, from some posters, one assumes a whining thread to beat the GOP... but not you. You're normally one of the more balanced (even almost normal... :lol::lol:) posters on the board. I would have been really disappointed if it was you taking cheap shots.

Whoever he is, that guy is seriously stupid.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

You will see I thanked you for that post. Just to clarify, it's a "Thanks" for making it clear that under certain circumstances you will fly off the handle for very little reason whatsoever.

Had you been drinking when you made that post? Did you just have a fight with someone in the real world and had a load of pent up aggression? I'm sure that you must have some historical animosity towards Cali, but do you consider that sort of reaction reasonable, particularly when it was a comment to someone else?

Good grief!
It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Fuck off telling me to shut up. You're the dolt who feels the need to scream 'look at me' with her dumbassed blue enlarge fonts. Not me.

****, my font is size four and blue because I have cataracts in both eyes that are not yet serious enough to warrant surgery. I need to enhance visibility for myself.


NO ONE thinks you are driven positively mad by the color blue. We ALL know you are threatened because you disagree with my opinions and fear I will win an open debate with you on the issues. So insterad of discussing the issues or even how angry my opinions make you feel, you do this passive-aggressive mean girls bullshit. Do you really think this is my first rodeo? People like you are all over the 'net. They are the white noise factor.

Do us ALL a favor. Shut your pie hole and open your legs...even YOU will be happier.

Fuck off. Thanks.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

You will see I thanked you for that post. Just to clarify, it's a "Thanks" for making it clear that under certain circumstances you will fly off the handle for very little reason whatsoever.

Had you been drinking when you made that post? Did you just have a fight with someone in the real world and had a load of pent up aggression? I'm sure that you must have some historical animosity towards Cali, but do you consider that sort of reaction reasonable, particularly when it was a comment to someone else?

Good grief!

Yes, I was nasty. It my choice after a was a reasoned, reflective decision making process that has been taking place for a long time. I have used all my other means to "nudge" her, and for the life of me I cannot find the Ignore Button that is so famous here.

But I do understand such things are distressing to all readers, not merely the one to whom they are addressed. If I could have handled this privately I would have, but alas, that effort failed as well.

I am sorry you were bothered, when you came here to laugh and deserved to, too. I cannot accept the blame for someone's else's bad choices, Ma'am. But for mine, I certainly do...and I apologise.

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

You will see I thanked you for that post. Just to clarify, it's a "Thanks" for making it clear that under certain circumstances you will fly off the handle for very little reason whatsoever.

Had you been drinking when you made that post? Did you just have a fight with someone in the real world and had a load of pent up aggression? I'm sure that you must have some historical animosity towards Cali, but do you consider that sort of reaction reasonable, particularly when it was a comment to someone else?

Good grief!

Yes, I was nasty. It my choice after a was a reasoned, reflective decision making process that has been taking place for a long time. I have used all my other means to "nudge" her, and for the life of me I cannot find the Ignore Button that is so famous here.

But I do understand such things are distressing to all readers, not merely the one to whom they are addressed. If I could have handled this privately I would have, but alas, that effort failed as well.

I am sorry you were bothered, when you came here to laugh and deserved to, too. I cannot accept the blame for someone's else's bad choices, Ma'am. But for mine, I certainly do...and I apologise.

It didn't bother me in particular. Cali is grown up enough to look after herself. It just seemed incongruous given what had preceded it. No apology needed. If I were in your position I'd feel the need to say sorry to Cali for the unwarranted language, but clearly I see the issue differently. FYI, Cali and I disagree about a number of things, but have always managed to keep our exchanges free from invective.

The ignore button is a figure of speech. I've never found it either.

I seem to have given you the impression I'm a Ma'am. I'm actually a Ma'an, but that's OK.

I'm sorry to hear about the cataracts thing. That sucks.
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Oh Pul-leeze ...
Holy Shit! A stupid person! Wow. That's something you don't see every day.

Is there a point to the thread and, if so, what is it?

It. Is. Fucking. Funny.

You have completely exceed my patience. Ripping the Op because you are too passive-aggressive to try ripping me again, at least for another 12 to 14 hours?

Meet me in the parking lot bitch. I promise, one of us will not be walking back to our homes. Corner of Fifth and Main, noon today, EST.

One of us will be lying on the pavement, broken and bleeding.

Show up...or shut up. This sneaky bullshit of yours is for cowards, and I have NO patience for angry sneaky crazy stupid sexually-deprived cowards on the "net.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

You will see I thanked you for that post. Just to clarify, it's a "Thanks" for making it clear that under certain circumstances you will fly off the handle for very little reason whatsoever.

Had you been drinking when you made that post? Did you just have a fight with someone in the real world and had a load of pent up aggression? I'm sure that you must have some historical animosity towards Cali, but do you consider that sort of reaction reasonable, particularly when it was a comment to someone else?

Good grief!

To the best of my knowledge, I have no history with her..... and if I do, I don't really give a rats ass. I just really dislike hysterical whiners. She is clearly a hysterical whiner.
I seem to have given you the impression I'm a Ma'am. I'm actually a Ma'an, but that's OK.

I'm sorry to hear about the cataracts thing. That sucks.

My apologies for the gender-bender. I cannot tell (mostly) from a nick here, but I could have from yours. I was a tad fast on the reply because I felt bad and did not want to distress any other Dear Reader more'n absolutely necessary.

The cataracts are no biggie. I still read, watach tv, drive etc. Just need to adapt. As they say -- getting old, it's not for pussies. LOL.

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