Neil Degrasse Tyson is a joke

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
Mr. "Man of Science" grasps immediately for the hairy-fairy fabled strawman of tyrants everywhere: the mythical "social contract".

Whatta fucking assclown.
I have been bitching a lot about all kinds of stuff here lately. So many things are fucked up.
Plus, Lincoln.
i need to pay attention more. the last time you started a thread, though, it was also about covid and how much of a dick Fauci is

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
I still love STAR TALK and he is a brilliant man. YEs, he is 100 percent woke
The vaccine did help during the first strain and thats it

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
DeGressee is less of an academic and more of a media figure who gets paid to run his mouth

And libs love him

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.

Tyson, like a lot of people at this point, can't admit he was wrong. Guy is talking like it's March 2020. I don't know if he's gaslighting or just an egotistical idiot that cannot admit he fucked up.

At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter the reason he's doing this. Fuck him and everyone like him spouting this bullshit at this point despite overwhelming evidence that their positions are utter bullshit.

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