Neither front runner is a Democrat

Yes, but the republicans sold us killing the balance budget amendment, deregulation of the banking industry so they could play the market with our money without interference for a fast buck, and lets not forget the war on Saddam, based on non existent weapon of mass destruction. Witch is worse, a cheap ploy that didn't work? Needlessly killing 4,800+ US Soldiers, totally destabilizing the middle east and getting us in a 20 year war for nothing? how bout wrecking the economy so we had to pay off the stupidity of the big banks and auto industry, and many thousands of Americans lost their homes and jobs?
And has that changed since 2016?
OH, you only want to talk about lies since 2016. Sonny, life and politics did not start when you turned 18 and voted in your first election back in 2016. Besides, who has time to adequately enumerate all of trumps lies? Go to a fact check site.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was being civil, but I don't have to be, son. What my post asked was how did Trump's becoming a republican change anything in the republican party?

The tool of the liberal, like White 6 , is chaos. Its that simple. Trump exposes them.
I can see you're just another blind trump idolater. Good luck with your life. What are you doing here? Out of work again? or using company time to play on the internet?
I have no problem with people who are liberals. I'm not convinced any are running this year. Bernie's a socialist. I'd say Obama was a liberal in the sense that Ted backed him because Obama said he'd embrace universal healthcare, which was Ted's biggest issue.

I really don't think McConnell will ever compromise on using taxes to allow people to purchase healthcare. And Trump was previously for it, but seems happy to give it up to wear the potus hat, which suits Moscow Mitch.
They vilify Trump because he likes women and Bloomberg paid off women and is protected by the NDAs. Again, hypocrisy 101
No, we vilify Impeached Trump because he's an adulterer who bragged about trying to sleep with married women and sexually assaulting others.
Why don't you list off all of your sins here right now? Are you forgiven? Or did you reject Salvation through Christ and are bound to burn eternally in Hell with The AntiChrist, False Prophet, Unrepentant Sinners, and Satan?
Sorry, Stumpy, unlike you, I have not sold my soul to the devil by bowing down to false prophets.
Jesus is a False Prophet according to you?
You cannot see my face; for no man shall see me, and live Exodus 33:20

Who died from hazing upon Jesus' face?

Who died?
They vilify Trump because he likes women and Bloomberg paid off women and is protected by the NDAs. Again, hypocrisy 101
No, we vilify Impeached Trump because he's an adulterer who bragged about trying to sleep with married women and sexually assaulting others.
Why don't you list off all of your sins here right now? Are you forgiven? Or did you reject Salvation through Christ and are bound to burn eternally in Hell with The AntiChrist, False Prophet, Unrepentant Sinners, and Satan?
Sorry, Stumpy, unlike you, I have not sold my soul to the devil by bowing down to false prophets.
Jesus is a False Prophet according to you?
You cannot see my face; for no man shall see me, and live Exodus 33:20

Who died from hazing upon Jesus' face?
Jesus Divested Himself of His Glory and Came in The Form of a Man, as The 2nd Adam. It clearly tells us that He did this. If He did not do this, No one could look on Him. But if He did come as a man in the genetic Line of Both Adam and David, He could then therefore Die in Adam's Place as a payment for sin for ALL MEN, and then Rightfully Inherit The Deed to The Earth, Adam's Crown, and The Throne of David.

The Scroll Jesus, The 2nd Adam opens in The Book of Revelation is The Title Deed to Earth, the 1st Adam Lost to Lucifer. No one can open that but a descendant of Adam, who is a Sinless Man. There is only one Sinless Man who ever walked The Earth, and that was The Man God, Emanuel, Yeshua, The Messiah, The Lord Christ Jesus.

When Revelation does come, The 7 Seals will be broken on The Deed, with it 7 Judgments. Inside the Scroll, there are 14 More Judgments. Only after Jesus reads The Full Scroll and unleashes all 21 Judgments will He come back to End The Tribulation, and Throw The Anti-Christ and all his wicked followers, and the False Prophet in to Hell.

He will claim The Deed and Ownership to The Earth, He will claim The Crown of Adam, and He will Claim The Throne of David as His Birth Right, and He will Rule the Whole World from Jerusalem.

I imagine that you are not a Christian, so you will not be removed from The Earth and protected from all of those Judgments during The Wrath of God and Rule of Satan on The Earth during The Tribulation, so my only advice to you is that as soon as you notice all the little children and babies missing and any Christians you know are gone, fall to you knees and accept Christ, do not Take The Mark of AntiChrist on your forehead or hand, and if they try to force you to accept it, just remember that the moment they behead you, you will be in Heaven with all The Saints, and you will return in Glory at The Battle of Armageddon with The Prince of Peace and His Angels in Victory. You will walk The New Garden of Eden and no sickness, hatred, or death will exist.

Or you can just keep serving Satan until Judgment Day and you are thrown in to Hell with him.

I'm pretty sure, you and I will never meet, unless you have the courage to stand up for Christ, and to accept Him as your Savior.

Revelation 5:1-5

1 Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals.

2 And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?”

3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or look inside it.

4 And I began to weep bitterly, because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or look inside it.

5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed to open the scroll and its seven seals.”

6 Then I saw a Lamb who appeared to have been slain, standing in the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which represent the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth

7 And He came and took the scroll from the right hand of the One seated on the throne

8 When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.

9 And they sang a new song: “Worthy are You to take the scroll and open its seals, because You were slain, and by Your blood You purchased for God those from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.





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Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bernie believes the rich have too much, not unlike another liberal politician who followed a different Republican who thought he could run government like a business.

How did that work out for clueless conservatives in 1932?
And has that changed since 2016?
OH, you only want to talk about lies since 2016. Sonny, life and politics did not start when you turned 18 and voted in your first election back in 2016. Besides, who has time to adequately enumerate all of trumps lies? Go to a fact check site.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was being civil, but I don't have to be, son. What my post asked was how did Trump's becoming a republican change anything in the republican party?

The tool of the liberal, like White 6 , is chaos. Its that simple. Trump exposes them.
I can see you're just another blind trump idolater. Good luck with your life. What are you doing here? Out of work again? or using company time to play on the internet?
I have no problem with people who are liberals. I'm not convinced any are running this year. Bernie's a socialist. I'd say Obama was a liberal in the sense that Ted backed him because Obama said he'd embrace universal healthcare, which was Ted's biggest issue.

I really don't think McConnell will ever compromise on using taxes to allow people to purchase healthcare. And Trump was previously for it, but seems happy to give it up to wear the potus hat, which suits Moscow Mitch.
I too have no problem with liberals in the mix, to a point, but Bernie and Lizzy worry me, especially if congress swings further or heaven forbid they got both houses and the Presidency. I like enough gridlock to keep crap from going completely off the rails for at least the next 20 years.
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Trump = politically amorphous conman.
Do not hijack the thread you piece of filth
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bernie believes the rich have too much, not unlike another liberal politician who followed a different Republican who thought he could run government like a business.

How did that work out for clueless conservatives in 1932?
How much of the “rich” and their hard earned monies and goods are you entitled to?
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bernie believes the rich have too much, not unlike another liberal politician who followed a different Republican who thought he could run government like a business.

How did that work out for clueless conservatives in 1932?
Bernie has three houses. Too much. He should give you one, right?
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bloomberg is a republican? What values does he share with republicans?
The only thing that comes to mind is his misogyny.
Nothing comes to your Leftist troll mind. Don’t hijack my thread you loser.
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.

How is that any different than a NY Dem winning the Repub nomination?
I already answered that question. Trump ran on a Republican platform. Neither Sanders nor Bloomberg are. And the number two behind Trump was Ted Cruz, a true Conservative Republican.
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bernie promises to to turn his third home into a work camp if he's elected president
OH, you only want to talk about lies since 2016. Sonny, life and politics did not start when you turned 18 and voted in your first election back in 2016. Besides, who has time to adequately enumerate all of trumps lies? Go to a fact check site.
What the fuck are you talking about? I was being civil, but I don't have to be, son. What my post asked was how did Trump's becoming a republican change anything in the republican party?

The tool of the liberal, like White 6 , is chaos. Its that simple. Trump exposes them.
I can see you're just another blind trump idolater. Good luck with your life. What are you doing here? Out of work again? or using company time to play on the internet?
I have no problem with people who are liberals. I'm not convinced any are running this year. Bernie's a socialist. I'd say Obama was a liberal in the sense that Ted backed him because Obama said he'd embrace universal healthcare, which was Ted's biggest issue.

I really don't think McConnell will ever compromise on using taxes to allow people to purchase healthcare. And Trump was previously for it, but seems happy to give it up to wear the potus hat, which suits Moscow Mitch.
I too have no problem with liberals in the mix, to a point, but Bernie and Lizzy worry me, especially if congress swings further or heaven forbid they got both houses and the Presidency. I like enough gridlock to keep crap from going completely off the rails for at least the next 20 years.
In a nutshell, imo McConnell's political motives are simply to preserve the plutocracy. He may view progressive ideas like using govt to expand access to healthcare as dangerous to the Republic, but imo that's probably giving him more credit that is due. He's fine with Trump to further that goal, even though Trump's use of exec power to impose tariffs is probably not to McConnell's liking, but McConnell said he could have worked with Hillary as well.

I just think there were compromises that could be had on both how to limit illegal immigration and how more people can have HC coverage, and for less out of their pockets, while biz profits are undoubtedly growing.
But Bernie's nuts. And I'm guessing there are skeletons in his closet that will make John Lennon's Revolution look adult. LOL
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.
Bloomberg is a republican? What values does he share with republicans?
The only thing that comes to mind is his misogyny.
Most crimes on woman come from towns run by democrats, most claims of at work harassment comes from towns run by democrats.. have a good day loser
Sanders = Independent and a Socialist

Bloomberg = Republican Billionaire.

They are #1) and #2)

You cannot make this stuff up. Democrats have given us an option of a Socialist/Communist or a shorter, less charismatic version of DJT, whom they despise?!?!

You honestly cannot make this stuff up.

How is that any different than a NY Dem winning the Repub nomination?
Hey buddy where you been!
What the fuck are you talking about? I was being civil, but I don't have to be, son. What my post asked was how did Trump's becoming a republican change anything in the republican party?

The tool of the liberal, like White 6 , is chaos. Its that simple. Trump exposes them.
I can see you're just another blind trump idolater. Good luck with your life. What are you doing here? Out of work again? or using company time to play on the internet?
I have no problem with people who are liberals. I'm not convinced any are running this year. Bernie's a socialist. I'd say Obama was a liberal in the sense that Ted backed him because Obama said he'd embrace universal healthcare, which was Ted's biggest issue.

I really don't think McConnell will ever compromise on using taxes to allow people to purchase healthcare. And Trump was previously for it, but seems happy to give it up to wear the potus hat, which suits Moscow Mitch.
I too have no problem with liberals in the mix, to a point, but Bernie and Lizzy worry me, especially if congress swings further or heaven forbid they got both houses and the Presidency. I like enough gridlock to keep crap from going completely off the rails for at least the next 20 years.
In a nutshell, imo McConnell's political motives are simply to preserve the plutocracy. He may view progressive ideas like using govt to expand access to healthcare as dangerous to the Republic, but imo that's probably giving him more credit that is due. He's fine with Trump to further that goal, even though Trump's use of exec power to impose tariffs is probably not to McConnell's liking, but McConnell said he could have worked with Hillary as well.

I just think there were compromises that could be had on both how to limit illegal immigration and how more people can have HC coverage, and for less out of their pockets, while biz profits are undoubtedly growing.
But Bernie's nuts. And I'm guessing there are skeletons in his closet that will make John Lennon's Revolution look adult. LOL
I hope everybody's skeletons come out before convention.
Moscow Mitch is just Moscow Mitch. He has no higher goals, just wanting to keep the power he has, which is bad enough. I figure the $280 million dollar plus, Russian aluminum plant in eastern Kentucky is the payoff for his trump support. I don't know if Kentuckians in general can be bought for 150 jobs or not. Nice state. I was born and grew up there.
The tool of the liberal, like White 6 , is chaos. Its that simple. Trump exposes them.
I can see you're just another blind trump idolater. Good luck with your life. What are you doing here? Out of work again? or using company time to play on the internet?
I have no problem with people who are liberals. I'm not convinced any are running this year. Bernie's a socialist. I'd say Obama was a liberal in the sense that Ted backed him because Obama said he'd embrace universal healthcare, which was Ted's biggest issue.

I really don't think McConnell will ever compromise on using taxes to allow people to purchase healthcare. And Trump was previously for it, but seems happy to give it up to wear the potus hat, which suits Moscow Mitch.
I too have no problem with liberals in the mix, to a point, but Bernie and Lizzy worry me, especially if congress swings further or heaven forbid they got both houses and the Presidency. I like enough gridlock to keep crap from going completely off the rails for at least the next 20 years.
In a nutshell, imo McConnell's political motives are simply to preserve the plutocracy. He may view progressive ideas like using govt to expand access to healthcare as dangerous to the Republic, but imo that's probably giving him more credit that is due. He's fine with Trump to further that goal, even though Trump's use of exec power to impose tariffs is probably not to McConnell's liking, but McConnell said he could have worked with Hillary as well.

I just think there were compromises that could be had on both how to limit illegal immigration and how more people can have HC coverage, and for less out of their pockets, while biz profits are undoubtedly growing.
But Bernie's nuts. And I'm guessing there are skeletons in his closet that will make John Lennon's Revolution look adult. LOL
I hope everybody's skeletons come out before convention.
Moscow Mitch is just Moscow Mitch. He has no higher goals, just wanting to keep the power he has, which is bad enough. I figure the $280 million dollar plus, Russian aluminum plant in eastern Kentucky is the payoff for his trump support. I don't know if Kentuckians in general can be bought for 150 jobs or not. Nice state. I was born and grew up there.

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