
Those on the far right who claim to be conservatives and call all of us who question their ideology "commies", "Marxists", "Socialists" and "Leftists" (among other pejoratives) need to be called exactly what they are: Neo fascists.

From the Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Neo fascism is a political philosophy and movement that arose in Europe in the decades following World War II. Like earlier fascist movements, neo fascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs. Unlike the fascists, however, neo fascist's placed more blame for their countries’ problems on non-European immigrants than on leftists and Jews"

Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists.

You realize that simply by having a government economic program, you cease to be right wing. The right is pushing to restore power to individuals rather than government.

Opposed individualism? Then why is it we have to keep reminding you we are individuals not classes, races, or any other designation you can come up with to divide us?

The ironic thing about this is your definition describes you far more than it does limited government Conservatives.
Dead on accurate.

I'n sure in your head I'm a neo fascist; that however is not an accurate depiction of reality.
Opposed individualism? Then why is it we have to keep reminding you we are individuals not classes, races, or any other designation you can come up with to divide us?


Classes: We are reminded daily by right wingers that the poor are destroying us with their food stamps.

Races: We are reminded daily by right wingers about the faults of darkies who should be out picking cotton.

Creeds: We are reminded daily by right wingers that Muslims are evil.

We are reminded daily that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim socialist by the right wing.

And remember all the right wingers getting all sweaty about who was or was not wearing a flag pin or holding their hand over their heart during the National Anthem? Remember which party was in power when the DHS was created and given MASSIVE police powers, and the spying on tens of millions of Americans began, and the torturing of prisoners took place, and the imprisoning of American citizens without habaes corpus was happening?

There are some serious totalitarian Nazi tendencies in the right wing these days.

You must be deaf, dumb, and blind.
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"Wry is a moderate, centrist with many good ideas and worth listening to" -- Jake Starkey

Post the link. Is this like LBJ supposedly talking about uppitty blacks with only one source and that uncorroborated?

My Starkey quote could have been true.

LBJ has more racist quotes than you have claims at being a moderate Republican

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Nazism has a large racial component to it. Something the totalitarian nut jobs on the right conveniently overlook in order to convince themselves they aren't the ones acting like little wannabe Nazis.
The truth about fascism is that it's essentially directly related to socialism. Saying that they're opposite ideologies is like saying that the Crips and the Bloods are completely opposite. The only real difference is in their minds and in their rhetoric. Fascism is correctly defined as state management of the economic system, and this is essentially what both political parties are pushing.

There is no direct nexus between fascism and socialism; fascism is despotic and thus business, industry and public transportation are all under the direction of the despotic leader, sometimes as allies for mutual benefit. The trains run on time not because they are owned by the state, but because anyone who reported a late train got shot.

See: Military dictatorship of Chile (1973?90) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On the economical plane the dictatorship implemented long-lasting neoliberal reforms in collaboration with various economists dubbed the "Chicago Boys". The regime did not only re-privatized some previously expropriated property but also privatized part of the education and healthcare system. As of 2014, these economical reforms have been untouched or deepened by all of the subsequent democratic governments. Despite neoliberal reforms mining company Codelco remained under state control providing a substantial part of the state income."

Are they really allies if one side of that equation has no choice in the matter?

Can you give us a definition differentiating between socialism and fascism?

I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)
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There is no direct nexus between fascism and socialism; fascism is despotic and thus business, industry and public transportation are all under the direction of the despotic leader, sometimes as allies for mutual benefit. The trains run on time not because they are owned by the state, but because anyone who reported a late train got shot.

See: Military dictatorship of Chile (1973?90) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On the economical plane the dictatorship implemented long-lasting neoliberal reforms in collaboration with various economists dubbed the "Chicago Boys". The regime did not only re-privatized some previously expropriated property but also privatized part of the education and healthcare system. As of 2014, these economical reforms have been untouched or deepened by all of the subsequent democratic governments. Despite neoliberal reforms mining company Codelco remained under state control providing a substantial part of the state income."

Are they really allies if one side of that equation has no choice in the matter?

Can you give us a definition differentiating between socialism and fascism?

I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)

That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?
If the left does not equally recognize its political "fascism" relative to the right,
then that is what the objection is to.

The SPIRIT of the opposition which is NOT INCLUSION
as the left CLAIMS to respect "diversity and inclusion."

If the left is BULLYING and does not recognize it, but faults only the opposition
THAT is why there is no credibility, but leftists are argued as suffering from
"mental denial and disease" This comes across as projection like any other type of
alcohol or drug addicted person who says "it's not me, I'm a victim of other people."

What you see from your viewpoint, looking at the right from the left,
mirrors what they see happening looking at the left from the right.

If we keep clinging to defenses on one side, the other side clings more in return!

(I call this the "Chinese finger trap syndrome" where both fingers pointing get
stuck in the same trap; and only when we all "push toward each other" can we be freed.
But as long as sides REJECT and pull away, they both remain stuck in the mutual trap.)

First of all I'm not a leftist, though many choose to characterize me in that way.


You leftists kill me.

Few Republicans believe in any of the presidents you list. Indeed, you listed a bunch of true new-fascists - especially Lincoln and TR. Both were a couple of strutting, bellicose tyrants.

A close reading of the definition of Neo fascist, taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica, cannot be separated from the rhetoric of those who claim the mantle of conservatism.

No duh? The commie who invented the term simply took the definition of "conservative" and relabeled it "neo-fascist." It's purely a term of commie propaganda. It has no connection with any kind of objective reality.

It seems you want to hold the middle ground, and place blame for the schism which continues to grow between factions within the former GOP, and those of us who oppose the radicalism which has overtaken the Republican Party, on the two party system. That is not what this thread is about. I'm not defending the Democrats, I'm simply pointing out how extreme the Republican Party has become and the direction they are heading.

What you are doing is engaging in the time worn tradition of sleazy leftist name-calling. There isn't a thing enlightening or honest about your OP. It's the ultimate in big lies.

And yet you cannot post anything to refute the OP and default to name calling and personal attacks.
The truth about fascism is that it's essentially directly related to socialism. Saying that they're opposite ideologies is like saying that the Crips and the Bloods are completely opposite. The only real difference is in their minds and in their rhetoric. Fascism is correctly defined as state management of the economic system, and this is essentially what both political parties are pushing.

There is no direct nexus between fascism and socialism; fascism is despotic and thus business, industry and public transportation are all under the direction of the despotic leader, sometimes as allies for mutual benefit. The trains run on time not because they are owned by the state, but because anyone who reported a late train got shot.

So how is socialism any different?

See: Military dictatorship of Chile (1973?90) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On the economical plane the dictatorship implemented long-lasting neoliberal reforms in collaboration with various economists dubbed the "Chicago Boys". The regime did not only re-privatized some previously expropriated property but also privatized part of the education and healthcare system. As of 2014, these economical reforms have been untouched or deepened by all of the subsequent democratic governments. Despite neoliberal reforms mining company Codelco remained under state control providing a substantial part of the state income."

So what's your point? Neo-fascism is when the government returns property to the people the government stole it from? Private health and education systems are "neo-fascist?" Apparently the United States was "neo-fascist" before WW II. Pinochet was a dictator, but he was the opposite of a fascist. The later group does the opposite of what Pinochet did.

What this makes perfectly clear is that you and the inventor of the term "neo-fascist" are trying to redefine the term to refer to the policy of laizzes faire economics. In other words, exactly the opposite of what it actually means.

That's called "the big lie" technique, and it's typically employed by scumbags.

Maybe you ought to take up a new hobby, one which doesn't require reading comprehension and actual thought.
I wasn't talking about the definition of neo-facism you goddamn retard. Back this up with something other than your own polemic worldview or post where you got it from.

"Why do they hide behind a misnomer label, they're in no way or manner real conservatives? Neo fascists support economic policies which benefit the Corporate America and the power elite. As corporatist's many who support such policies are not in the same class as the rich and powerful; why they do is an interesting question best left to the psychologists."
Anger is a manifestation of cognitive dissonance. I'm not a retard but if it makes you feel better please continue to call me names.
You need to get over yourself. You don't have the power to control or evoke emotions from me. I called you a retard because you thought I was question the definition of neo-fascism when it clearly was about your application of the term. Britannica doesn't make your claim. Either you are playing games or you are very dense.
I am speaking about neo fascism! But I'll respond to your question. I referred to many of those who support the Keystone Pipeline, the Koch Brothers and defend the practices of 'wall street', Big Oil, Big Pharma and Big Farma, who support their engagement in the political process aided by CU v. FEC and MCCUTCHEON v FEC are not conservatives; in fact they are neo fascists or fellow travelers with the neo fascists, as defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica.
You are using the term to attack policies and people you disagree with. There's good reason to build the pipeline, there's nothing fascist about it. And there are a lot of lefties with their hands in the Wall Street/Big business cookie jar.

There are lots of hands in "the Wall Street/Big business cookie jar". Greed is one of the deadly sins and a part of human nature.
Nazism has a large racial component to it. Something the totalitarian nut jobs on the right conveniently overlook in order to convince themselves they aren't the ones acting like little wannabe Nazis.

You mean like Planned Parenthood?
Are they really allies if one side of that equation has no choice in the matter?

Can you give us a definition differentiating between socialism and fascism?

I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)

That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?

The point is Kevin, fascism isn't a cookie cutter ism. Pinochet was a fascist who replaced Allende who was a Marxist.
I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)

That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?

The point is Kevin, fascism isn't a cookie cutter ism. Pinochet was a fascist who replaced Allende who was a Marxist.

You say they're not related to one another at all, and yet you seem unwilling to explain what the difference between the two is.
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If Wry is not a leftie, then Frank and Greenbean Snow are not reactionaries.

Really? What makes me a leftie?

How about the fact that you constantly disparage any person who supports the free market and any attempt to cut government spending or even to slow down the rate at which it increases?

Your attempt to label everyone who supports free enterprise as a "neo fascist" is not the work of a right-winger. It's the work of a no-good lying commie.
I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)

That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?

The point is Kevin, fascism isn't a cookie cutter ism. Pinochet was a fascist who replaced Allende who was a Marxist.

No, actually, Pinochet wasn't a fascist. He de-nationalized businesses and returned them to their former owners. He reduced government control of the economy. He eliminated wage and price controls. He privatized the government pension system. Those actions are all precisely the opposite of what a fascist would do.
That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?

The point is Kevin, fascism isn't a cookie cutter ism. Pinochet was a fascist who replaced Allende who was a Marxist.

You say they're not related to one another at all, and yet you seem unwilling to explain what the difference between the two is.

Whenever you press him on the issue, he gets his nose out of joint and then starts insulting you.
I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)

That's merely a history lesson of what happened in Chile. What is the definitional difference between socialism and fascism? How are they different economically?

The point is Kevin, fascism isn't a cookie cutter ism. Pinochet was a fascist who replaced Allende who was a Marxist.

You mean fascism doesn't have any defining characteristics? How do you know a person is a fascist, if that's the case? How do you distinguish a fascist government from the kind you approve of?
There is no direct nexus between fascism and socialism; fascism is despotic and thus business, industry and public transportation are all under the direction of the despotic leader, sometimes as allies for mutual benefit. The trains run on time not because they are owned by the state, but because anyone who reported a late train got shot.

See: Military dictatorship of Chile (1973?90) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"On the economical plane the dictatorship implemented long-lasting neoliberal reforms in collaboration with various economists dubbed the "Chicago Boys". The regime did not only re-privatized some previously expropriated property but also privatized part of the education and healthcare system. As of 2014, these economical reforms have been untouched or deepened by all of the subsequent democratic governments. Despite neoliberal reforms mining company Codelco remained under state control providing a substantial part of the state income."

Are they really allies if one side of that equation has no choice in the matter?

Can you give us a definition differentiating between socialism and fascism?

I did. See the link on Chile.–90)

"Salvador Guillermo Allende Gossens (Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ aˈʝende ˈɣosens]; 26 June 1908 – 11 September 1973) was a Chilean physician and politician, known as the first Marxist to become president of a Latin American country through open elections.[1]"

Salvador Allende - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction".

"The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of members of Allende's government and civilians including teachers, doctors, academics, trade unionists, musicians and poets to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile. Over-all, the regime left over 3,000 dead or missing[1] and forced 200,000 Chileans into exile.[2] The dictatorship shaped much of modern Chile's political, educational and economic life. In 1980, it replaced the Constitution of 1925 with a a new one crafted by regime collaborators. The constitution was approved in a highly controversial referendum in 1980, but Pinochet's plans to remain in power were thwarted in 1988 when the regime admitted defeat in a referendum that opened the way for democracy to be reestablished in 1990. Before the regime relinquished power, an amnesty law was passed, preventing most members of the military from being prosecuted by the subsequent government."–90)
Yep, ask Henry Kissinger who was Secretary of State. He's the only one left alive that engineered the coup which got rid of Allende to allow Pinochet to take over. Pinochet lived his life as a war criminal.

1973 Chilean coup d'état - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The US could use a Pinochet, a great military man who prevented Chile from becoming a third world communist shithole. They are among the most stable and prosperous nations in South America(a free market democracy) because he was willing to do the dirty work to eliminate the communist scum who threatened freedom and rule of law.

Perhaps a great leader will emerge from our military to remove lawfully the traitors in our government, this clique of ivy league career politicians and corporate/banker parasite scum.
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