Nervous Nancy MIFFED About Trump Tariff Victory

Nancy Pelosi is not so easily duped by Donald Dork's lies and nonsense.
YOU won the colossal SUCKER award.
Pray tell why-I got EXACTLY what I wanted.
That's right, you wanted Tramp to make a SUCKER out of you!
Lets see, money from tax break, money from stock market, jobs for my friends, yeah, I wish Obama made suckers out of us like this!
Stock market has been flat for over a year. You got nothing from those tax breaks.
Wrong again... MY 401K has doubled.... I got a hell of a lot from the stock market. And I am taking home 90.00 more a pay check....

$90 a paycheck more than last year? That sounds less than average. So, you have a shit job where 90 bucks means something to you and somehow in a meh, kind of year you doubled your 401k?

Sounds like bullshit.
She had no credibility in the first place. Doesn't matter to progs, they vote and support her anyway.
Lmao at a tRumpkin accusing some one else of lying.
In Washington, everyone lies-don't be naive.
Lame excuse. While it is true that the job of politician comes with a certain amount of stretching the truth, dOnald tRump isn't simply stretching things, he out and out lies. And then keeps repeating the lie I ER and over in the hope that people will start to believe it.

Sadly, some have.
If you hate Trump so much you can't think straight then say so and I'll answer other posts.
Just read the times article-bullshit. The Mexicans never moved on their promise. Don't worry-YOUR president did you a solid and got them off their fat asses. You can thank him with your 2020 vote
More excuses.
In Washington, everyone lies-don't be naive.
Lame excuse. While it is true that the job of politician comes with a certain amount of stretching the truth, dOnald tRump isn't simply stretching things, he out and out lies. And then keeps repeating the lie I ER and over in the hope that people will start to believe it.

Sadly, some have.
If you hate Trump so much you can't think straight then say so and I'll answer other posts.
Just read the times article-bullshit. The Mexicans never moved on their promise. Don't worry-YOUR president did you a solid and got them off their fat asses. You can thank him with your 2020 vote
More excuses.
In Washington, everyone lies-don't be naive.
Lame excuse. While it is true that the job of politician comes with a certain amount of stretching the truth, dOnald tRump isn't simply stretching things, he out and out lies. And then keeps repeating the lie I ER and over in the hope that people will start to believe it.

Sadly, some have.
If you hate Trump so much you can't think straight then say so and I'll answer other posts.
Just read the times article-bullshit. The Mexicans never moved on their promise. Don't worry-YOUR president did you a solid and got them off their fat asses. You can thank him with your 2020 vote
More excuses.
Excuses for your 2020 vote-don't be shy.

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