"Net Neutrality" takes it on the Chin

“Today’s court decision invalidated the prior Commission’s approach to preserving an open internet,” said FCC spokeswoman Jen Howard in a written statement. “But the Court in no way disagreed with the importance of preserving a free and open Internet; nor did it close the door to other methods for achieving this important end.”

“Other methods” obliquely refer to either Congress passing a law giving it the power (a process that would likely take years) or the FCC reclassifying broadband as a telecommunications service — in legal terms, moving broadband from Title I to Title II of the Telecommunications Act.

Read More Court Drives FCC Towards Nuclear Option to Regulate Broadband | Epicenter | Wired.com

Dear T., this is what the Constitution allows.


However? Some dissented to the premise that they MUST or *else*.

And where is Title I and Title II of the 'Telecommunications Act' Contained in the Constitution...and what *DO* they say first off?

And to wit? Something YOU just posted?

..."But the Court in no way disagreed with the importance of preserving a free and open Internet; "

What is 'Free and OPEN' when a Government entity forces YOU to provide something, or practice something that you deem dangerous such as "TORRENT" to the Security of *YOUR* Network?


That isn't "Freedom"...that's Tyranny.

torrents aren't dangerous it was a cop out
You're retarded. That's not what he said at all.

There has to be a balance between regulation and private property rights or we all lose in the end.

I see. And where in the Constitution does it address Government telling a private entity what it must do with it's own resources...and services they MUST provide?

I'll say the same to you... Google 'TORRENT'

Comcast saw it as a Security RISK. And the Government is gonna tell them that they have to allow it on their intellectual property [servers]?

You gonna stay with this answer? Seriously?

it wasn't and is not a security risk. they just didn't want to supply the bandwith necessary for it.

And YOU wish to FORCE it. That about sum it up? Business doesn't work that way. Government cannot FORCE IT.
I need some help here. I'm searching and searching the Constitution and I just can't find it.

Does the right to internet access come after the right to healthcare? Or is it before the right to have someone murder your unborn baby?

You know since it's a connection maybe it's in the section where one has the right to marry anyone they want even if their parts don't connect.
Too bad not enough people understand this. It's not just their servers they want to control (ISPs).

ISPs are the enemy.

They have left America behind.

AT&T sued over NSA spy program - CNET News
NSA granted Net location-tracking patent. September 21, 2005 ... a class action lawsuit that claims the telecommunications company illegally cooperated with ...
news.cnet.com/ATT-sued-over.../2100-1028_3-6033501.html - Cached - Similar
ECT News: News: Vonage, Others Sued by Sprint Nextel Over VoIP Patents
Sprint Nextel has filed suit against Vonage Holdings and other voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) startups, claiming those companies infringed on patents ...
Spam Daily News | AT&T sued over NSA eavesdropping
Jan 31, 2006 ... Reporting has also indicated that those same companies—and AT&T ... to the phone and Internet communications passing over its network, ...
www.spamdailynews.com/.../ATT_sued_over_NSA_eavesdropping.asp - Cached - Similar
Comcast Sued Over Internet Blocking
Nov 15, 2007 ... Comcast Sued Over Internet Blocking. ... while largely granting the every wish of telecom companies such as Verizon and AT&T, which are now ...
www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2007/.../comcast_suit.html - Cached - Similar

Isn't that what I said?
did you? :lol:
Net Neutrality taking it on the chin is a setback for all Americans who love freedom.
Freedom of/From what?

The Government telling a private entity what they must provide? That's called intrusion where the government doesn't belong.

Network neutrality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Network neutrality (also net neutrality, Internet neutrality) is a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions on content, sites, or platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and on the modes of communication allowed, as well as communication that is not unreasonably degraded by other traffic.[1][2][3]
here's a thing that explains it all, minus the conservative spin

Telecoms and many internet activists have long argued that the internet is a developing technology that was innovating so quickly that strict regulations would hamper it.
no argument there.

... the FCC simply issued a set of four priniciples of net freedom that it said it expected broadband companies to follow. They promised that broadband users could plug-in whatever devices they wanted to their connection and then use whatever software or online application that they liked — without interference from their provider. Those principles never went through a rulemaking period, and when the FCC went after Comcast for blocking peer-to-peer file sharing services, the company sued the commission in court.

And, on Tuesday, won.

Read More Court Drives FCC Towards Nuclear Option to Regulate Broadband | Epicenter | Wired.com

And WHOM exactly is the FCC to establish such a thing? -And you DO realize that the Director of the FCC is an appointment, do you not?

-And guess what that means-?

Obama was trying to take it over. He lost.
It's been pointed out to you at least twice that this case began under Bush when a Republican was the head of the FCC. You are a liar and an idiot.
what is "net neutrality" code for?
Chinese internet in America.

uh really? net neutrality is GOOD! I will see how happy you are once net neutrality is defeated and your ISP decides that this board isn't worth carrying or that you have to pay an extra $20 a month to access your web-based email

Cause there is such a big problem with that right now. Shucks. That free email is so dang expensive.

I dont think im ever going to reach my less sarcasm goals at this rate:-/
Again, I'm perplexed how many Americans are upset with the phrase "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech"

The Federal government cant regulate speech. It's illegal. The courts upholding this principle is not bad.
Net Neutrality taking it on the chin is a setback for all Americans who love freedom.

Yes because The Federal Government violating the Constitution and regulating speech is beneficial for Freedom.
The big government stooges lose.

Get used to that, you will soon see a lot more of it.
Um, no, they win. Corporations can dictate what we see on line.

Apparently your dream come true.

Wow. What an argument. Shame no one will ever see it. I mean after all if corporations arent trying silence people who are fighting their evil power, who are they going to silence?

I must have simply imagined your response because clearly these corporations are evil.
here's a thing that explains it all, minus the conservative spin

no argument there.


And WHOM exactly is the FCC to establish such a thing? -And you DO realize that the Director of the FCC is an appointment, do you not?

-And guess what that means-?

Obama was trying to take it over. He lost.
It's been pointed out to you at least twice that this case began under Bush when a Republican was the head of the FCC. You are a liar and an idiot.

It's been pointed out to him before that he is an idiot. It has little to no effect.

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