Netanyahu A 'Chickenshit': The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here

yawn....not the first US president to get in a huff about their building Settlements

Israel Ignoring Bush Presses for Loan Guarantees - New York Times
Remind me how many presidents have referred to the Israeli PM (or any other PM) as "chickenshit".

Got a quote of who call him that?

Google this: "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway."

Hint, from the same administration that was upset about the building of Jewish Settlements.

But in reality it's the good cop, bad cop game we play with Israel and the Arab States..........

It DOES NOT matter who. Obama admin have not denied it and in fact are finally walking the comments back.

Obama Administration Officials Walk Back Chickens Comment About Netanyahu - ABC News
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.

The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.

This comment is representative of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown crisis. The relationship between these two administrations— dual guarantors of the putatively “unbreakable” bond between the U.S. and Israel—is now the worst it's ever been, and it stands to get significantly worse after the November midterm elections. By next year, the Obama administration may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, but even before that, both sides are expecting a showdown over Iran, should an agreement be reached about the future of its nuclear program.

The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu, and in particular, to the behavior of his cabinet. Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. For their part, Obama administration officials express, in the words of one official, a “red-hot anger” at Netanyahu for pursuing settlement policies on the West Bank, and building policies in Jerusalem, that they believe have fatally undermined Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process.

Over the years, Obama administration officials have described Netanyahu to me as recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and “Aspergery.” (These are verbatim descriptions; I keep a running list.) But I had not previously heard Netanyahu described as a “chickenshit.” I thought I appreciated the implication of this description, but it turns out I didn’t have a full understanding. From time to time, current and former administration officials have described Netanyahu as a national leader who acts as though he is mayor of Jerusalem, which is to say, a no-vision small-timer who worries mainly about pleasing the hardest core of his political constituency. (President Obama, in interviews with me, has alluded to Netanyahu’s lack of political courage.)

“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts.”

Much More: The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here - The Atlantic

Personally, I think referring to Nutanyahoo as "chickenshit" is far too kind.
^^^^. Look! A bigoted redskin.
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.

The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.

This comment is representative of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown crisis. The relationship between these two administrations— dual guarantors of the putatively “unbreakable” bond between the U.S. and Israel—is now the worst it's ever been, and it stands to get significantly worse after the November midterm elections. By next year, the Obama administration may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, but even before that, both sides are expecting a showdown over Iran, should an agreement be reached about the future of its nuclear program.

The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu, and in particular, to the behavior of his cabinet. Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. For their part, Obama administration officials express, in the words of one official, a “red-hot anger” at Netanyahu for pursuing settlement policies on the West Bank, and building policies in Jerusalem, that they believe have fatally undermined Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process.

Over the years, Obama administration officials have described Netanyahu to me as recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and “Aspergery.” (These are verbatim descriptions; I keep a running list.) But I had not previously heard Netanyahu described as a “chickenshit.” I thought I appreciated the implication of this description, but it turns out I didn’t have a full understanding. From time to time, current and former administration officials have described Netanyahu as a national leader who acts as though he is mayor of Jerusalem, which is to say, a no-vision small-timer who worries mainly about pleasing the hardest core of his political constituency. (President Obama, in interviews with me, has alluded to Netanyahu’s lack of political courage.)

“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts.”

Much More: The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here - The Atlantic

Personally, I think referring to Nutanyahoo as "chickenshit" is far too kind.
I'll take Bibi......anyday.
I wish Bibi was our President now.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
Democrats play the American Jews for chumps.
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Ted Nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from Michigan, was being

interviewed by a liberal journalist who is also an animal rights activist.

The discussion came around to deer hunting.

The journalist asked, "What do you think is the last thought in the head

of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, 'Are you my friend?' or is it 'Are

you the one who killed my brother?'"

Nugent replied, "Deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they

care about is what am I going to eat next, who am I going to screw next, and

can I run fast enough to get away. They are very much like Democrats."

The interview ended.
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.

The other day I was talking to a senior Obama administration official about the foreign leader who seems to frustrate the White House and the State Department the most. “The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” this official said, referring to the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, by his nickname.

This comment is representative of the gloves-off manner in which American and Israeli officials now talk about each other behind closed doors, and is yet another sign that relations between the Obama and Netanyahu governments have moved toward a full-blown crisis. The relationship between these two administrations— dual guarantors of the putatively “unbreakable” bond between the U.S. and Israel—is now the worst it's ever been, and it stands to get significantly worse after the November midterm elections. By next year, the Obama administration may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations, but even before that, both sides are expecting a showdown over Iran, should an agreement be reached about the future of its nuclear program.

The fault for this breakdown in relations can be assigned in good part to the junior partner in the relationship, Netanyahu, and in particular, to the behavior of his cabinet. Netanyahu has told several people I’ve spoken to in recent days that he has “written off” the Obama administration, and plans to speak directly to Congress and to the American people should an Iran nuclear deal be reached. For their part, Obama administration officials express, in the words of one official, a “red-hot anger” at Netanyahu for pursuing settlement policies on the West Bank, and building policies in Jerusalem, that they believe have fatally undermined Secretary of State John Kerry’s peace process.

Over the years, Obama administration officials have described Netanyahu to me as recalcitrant, myopic, reactionary, obtuse, blustering, pompous, and “Aspergery.” (These are verbatim descriptions; I keep a running list.) But I had not previously heard Netanyahu described as a “chickenshit.” I thought I appreciated the implication of this description, but it turns out I didn’t have a full understanding. From time to time, current and former administration officials have described Netanyahu as a national leader who acts as though he is mayor of Jerusalem, which is to say, a no-vision small-timer who worries mainly about pleasing the hardest core of his political constituency. (President Obama, in interviews with me, has alluded to Netanyahu’s lack of political courage.)

“The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official said, expanding the definition of what a chickenshit Israeli prime minister looks like. “The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states. The only thing he’s interested in is protecting himself from political defeat. He’s not [Yitzhak] Rabin, he’s not [Ariel] Sharon, he’s certainly no [Menachem] Begin. He’s got no guts.”

Much More: The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here - The Atlantic

Personally, I think referring to Nutanyahoo as "chickenshit" is far too kind.
I'll take Bibi......anyday.
I wish Bibi was our President now.

Me too.
Netenyahoo is a RW pos.

Obama is the piece of shit, Netanyahu has been there done that.

View attachment 33584
Smoked terrorists?


If you are referring to poor Palestinian farmers who were defending their land you are full of shit.


He's personally fought in 2 wars dipshit, Bammy has done NOTHING ever.

Palestinian farmers?

You and your chickenshit "Hamas" brothers like to hide behind women and children, you are some serious filth brotha.

You and your chickenshit "Conservative" brothers like to hide behind US Taxpayers and American GI's while slaughtering Palestinian farmers, women and childen.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.
Netenyahoo is a RW pos.

Obama is the piece of shit, Netanyahu has been there done that.

View attachment 33584
Smoked terrorists?


If you are referring to poor Palestinian farmers who were defending their land you are full of shit.


He's personally fought in 2 wars dipshit, Bammy has done NOTHING ever.

Palestinian farmers?

You and your chickenshit "Hamas" brothers like to hide behind women and children, you are some serious filth brotha.

You and your chickenshit "Conservative" brothers like to hide behind US Taxpayers and American GI's while slaughtering Palestinian farmers, women and childen.

(smile) I bet you looked good in your Cub Scout Uni kid.......the only Uni you had the balls to put on ;)
yawn....not the first US president to get in a huff about their building Settlements

Israel Ignoring Bush Presses for Loan Guarantees - New York Times
Remind me how many presidents have referred to the Israeli PM (or any other PM) as "chickenshit".

Got a quote of who call him that?

Google this: "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway."

Hint, from the same administration that was upset about the building of Jewish Settlements.

But in reality it's the good cop, bad cop game we play with Israel and the Arab States..........
Obama wants Israel to go back to 67' borders. Well, Obama doesn't believe in borders, but he knows that Israel would be committing a grave error if they did what he wants. (Sort of like the way Obama tells businesses to do things that are self-destructive)

The comment was about how chickenshit these people in the current administration thinks the PM is not to drop their guard so the terrorists can murder them. I wouldn't call it chickenshit. I'd call it being prudent. These people who run our government are actively attempting to bring Israel down. So Israel has decided that they have to go around Obama and his group of thugs, and go directly to the American people.

Kind of ironic, because Obama feels he needs to do that with Congress. I guess it's just Karma.
Netenyahoo is a RW pos.

Obama is the piece of shit, Netanyahu has been there done that.

View attachment 33584
Smoked terrorists?


If you are referring to poor Palestinian farmers who were defending their land you are full of shit.


He's personally fought in 2 wars dipshit, Bammy has done NOTHING ever.

Palestinian farmers?

You and your chickenshit "Hamas" brothers like to hide behind women and children, you are some serious filth brotha.

You and your chickenshit "Conservative" brothers like to hide behind US Taxpayers and American GI's while slaughtering Palestinian farmers, women and childen.
We slaughter those who stand with terrorists...tough shit.
Netanyahu is anything but a 'Chickenshit.' He served in Israel's Special Forces. He's actually a pretty tough brave dude. He's a hero in Israel. Meanwhile, what's our current President's biggest claim to fame? Oh yeah, he did drugs and was a Communist Organizer.

He never served a day in the Military. And neither did his Chickenshit lackeys who said this about Netanyahu. If our President had any honor, he would apologize to Netanyahu immediately. Period, end of story.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
Democrats play the American Jews for chumps.

Yeah, hard to fathom why so many American Jews continue to support a party that's so openly hostile towards Jews. The American and European Left despise them. Yet they rush out to vote for Democrats. I really do think it's fair to label them 'Uncle Toms.' They've turned their back on their own People.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.
Why would a native-born American turn on his own country?

Same reason.
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

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