Netanyahu A 'Chickenshit': The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here

Netanyahu, a brave Soldier who served in Israel's Special Forces and Israeli hero, a 'Chickenshit?' Wow, what does that make our current President? All he's done is, do drugs, be a Communist Organizer, and bring Ebola to America. What a resume. How bout a trade?
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.
Netanyahu, a brave Soldier who served in Israel's Special Forces and Israeli hero, a 'Chickenshit?' Wow, what does that make our current President? All he's done is, do drugs, be a Communist Organizer, and bring Ebola to America. What a resume. How bout a trade?

I'm not familiar with Israel politics, what has Netanyahu done for Israel?
The American and European Left have been viciously Anti-Semetic for years. That's why i'm always dismayed so many American Jews continue to vote Democrat. They really could be labeled 'Uncle Toms.' The Democratic Party is no friend of Jews.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.
Obama and his likeminded stupid Administration have stirred up a destructive hornet's nest in the world like never before.
They still can not see the errors in their way of thinking...."do it our ridiculous naive way ...or you are utter chickenshit."

In other words, Netanyahu and Israel are expected to commit suicide to keep Obama happy.

Netanyahu's stubborn refusal to do the best by his country has really made the Obama mob angry.!!

If Netanyahu is chickenshit,what does that make the incompetent Obama ,Kerry and all Obama's hand maidens?

The answer would be something much larger, smellier and corrosive than harmless chickenshit!

The Looters Credo is that someone must be sacrificed. ISIS seeks clear passage all the way to Egypt, so Obama demands that Israel be sacrificed.

Coddle the enemy, piss on the ally - it is the way of the democrats.
You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.
Obama is throwing a tantrum.
No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.
Obama is throwing a tantrum.

Well it would be nice if something changed over there. We have been trying to broker some peace for as long as I can remember. If Netanyahu is so great how about he makes this happen?
What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.
It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.

Different issue. It would not be received well if Netanyahu's Administration said this about our President. It's very ugly and amateurish.
Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.

Different issue. It would not be received well if Netanyahu's Administration said this about our President. It's very ugly and amateurish.

If we knew who said it I would agree that person should apologize. But if an anonymous message came out of Israel I really don't think I'd care. Seems silly to blow it up like a big deal.
Got a quote of who call him that?

Google this: "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway."

Hint, from the same administration that was upset about the building of Jewish Settlements.

But in reality it's the good cop, bad cop game we play with Israel and the Arab States..........

The enemy of America is your friend.

The friend of America is your enemy.

You continue to be absolutely clueless. It's always been the RW haters, militarists, and Nazis, just like here. Brainwashed functional morons like you.

No, it's actually you wingnuts on the Left who are the vicious Antisemites at this point. The Democratic Party is no friend to Jews. Not sure why so many American Jews still support it. It doesn't make much sense.

What have they done that makes you think this?

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.
Being against blind support for Israeli right wingers is not anti-semitism, brainwashed dingbat.
Ah another display of serious lack of diplomacy from the punks in Chicago on the Potomac.

Good grief. What an embarrassing group of boorish clods.

It's mostly hateful Left Wingers attacking Israel and Jews these days. This is especially true of Left Wingers in America and Europe. American Jews really do need to reconsider their support of the Democratic Party. It's not the Party it once was. It's been hijacked by hateful Communists/Progressives who are no friends to Jews.

Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.

I believe we are discussing the current idiotic occupants of the White House and/or individuals within the administration.

Not just the "right or the left". It doesn't matter jack shit what anyone says on a message board or in a blog.

It matters big fucking time when a member of the head honcho's administration is freaking peeping off like this.

Get a grip.
Ah, RW propagandists making a mountain out of a molehill again. What a bunch of a-holes and dupes...
Don't you think the right tries to go too far the other direction? I get they are allies, but why are we sending them money. Seems like we have done a lot for Israel, but what do we get in return? Shouldn't have to buy your allies.

What is a good example of some left wing hate on them? I haven't really noticed it.

Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.

I believe we are discussing the current idiotic occupants of the White House and/or individuals within the administration.

Not just the "right or the left". It doesn't matter jack shit what anyone says on a message board or in a blog.

It matters big fucking time when a member of the head honcho's administration is freaking peeping off like this.

Get a grip.

Which member?
Ah, RW propagandists making a mountain out of a molehill again. What a bunch of a-holes and dupes...

In diplomatic circles calling another world leader who is your country's ally "a chickenshit" is a freaking mountain.

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