Netanyahu A 'Chickenshit': The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here

Ah, RW propagandists making a mountain out of a molehill again. What a bunch of a-holes and dupes...

In diplomatic circles calling another world leader who is your country's ally "a chickenshit" is a freaking mountain.

Sure if the president does it. But if it's anonymous it's just silly.

By all means try to explain that to the world wide diplomatic community.

That boat won't float. Sorries. The Atlantic is highly respected. The author of the article is an exceptional writer. He is solid about his sources. The article has gone viral.

You must also understand that Jeffrey Goldberg the very author of the article is anti Netanyahu, anti Israel and pro Obama. You really need to read the whole article.

Goldberg agrees with the administration that Netanyahu is an asshole and the roadblock to John Kerry's feeble attempt at peace in the middle east.

This is sticking. As well it should.
The article is hardly about the quote, it's about what a-holes RWers in Israel are. That doesn't mean the writer or anyone else are anti-semitic or anti-Israel. RWers everywhere love wrapping themselves in their flags and assassinating character with lying bs. Treat Palestinians with respect and stop hiding behind the bs GOP.
yawn....not the first US president to get in a huff about their building Settlements

Israel Ignoring Bush Presses for Loan Guarantees - New York Times
Remind me how many presidents have referred to the Israeli PM (or any other PM) as "chickenshit".

Got a quote of who call him that?

Google this: "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway."

Hint, from the same administration that was upset about the building of Jewish Settlements.

But in reality it's the good cop, bad cop game we play with Israel and the Arab States..........

I never thought I would agree with what a far left former Harvard Professor said, but I completely agree with this statement he made.

"In the name of diplomacy, the White House needs to identify the person who made the remarks and fire them, according to Dershowitz. If the remarks were unauthorized, the person should be fired on those grounds, he said, and if they were authorized, then the person needs to go before Congress and identify the official who authorized it.

"The White House knows who did it," Dershowitz said. "If they don't know who did it, they could easily find out."

"The point is not whether or not somebody in the Obama administration regards Benjamin Netanyahu as a chicken or as a coward, which is absurd," he said, noting that Netanyahu fought as a member of the Israel Defense Forces "But even if people call each other cowards in private, this was an on-the-record interview. It had to have been authorized at a higher level and so the question you have to ask is why has somebody in the White House, whether it be the president or somebody below him, authorized a senior official to publically make those kinds of statements? Now they've distanced themselves from the statements because they've seen the public reaction to it."

Dershowitz Maine Ebola Nurse Extraordinarily Selfish
yawn....not the first US president to get in a huff about their building Settlements

Israel Ignoring Bush Presses for Loan Guarantees - New York Times
Remind me how many presidents have referred to the Israeli PM (or any other PM) as "chickenshit".

Got a quote of who call him that?

Google this: "Fuck the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway."

Hint, from the same administration that was upset about the building of Jewish Settlements.

But in reality it's the good cop, bad cop game we play with Israel and the Arab States..........

I never thought I would agree with what a far left former Harvard Professor said, but I completely agree with this statement he made.

"In the name of diplomacy, the White House needs to identify the person who made the remarks and fire them, according to Dershowitz. If the remarks were unauthorized, the person should be fired on those grounds, he said, and if they were authorized, then the person needs to go before Congress and identify the official who authorized it.

"The White House knows who did it," Dershowitz said. "If they don't know who did it, they could easily find out."

"The point is not whether or not somebody in the Obama administration regards Benjamin Netanyahu as a chicken or as a coward, which is absurd," he said, noting that Netanyahu fought as a member of the Israel Defense Forces "But even if people call each other cowards in private, this was an on-the-record interview. It had to have been authorized at a higher level and so the question you have to ask is why has somebody in the White House, whether it be the president or somebody below him, authorized a senior official to publically make those kinds of statements? Now they've distanced themselves from the statements because they've seen the public reaction to it."

Dershowitz Maine Ebola Nurse Extraordinarily Selfish
Just pay attention. The American and European Left openly express hate for Israel. This latest debacle is a good example of that.

I really don't see it. I think they kiss their butt less, but I don't see hate.

Just think if Netanyahu's Administration said things like this about our President. This is an ugly debacle. The President should apologize to Netanyahu immediately.

They couldn't say anything worse than the right is saying all the time. When the story is from an anonymous it seems it should just be ignored by all parties.

I believe we are discussing the current idiotic occupants of the White House and/or individuals within the administration.

Not just the "right or the left". It doesn't matter jack shit what anyone says on a message board or in a blog.

It matters big fucking time when a member of the head honcho's administration is freaking peeping off like this.

Get a grip.

Which member?

I already posted remarks from Alan Dershowitz, but here is an except of what he said.

In the name of diplomacy, the White House needs to identify the person who made the remarks and fire them, according to Dershowitz. If the remarks were unauthorized, the person should be fired on those grounds, he said, and if they were authorized, then the person needs to go before Congress and identify the official who authorized it.

"The White House knows who did it," Dershowitz said. "If they don't know who did it, they could easily find out."
"Chickenshit" has nothing to do with cowardice (i.e., being a "chicken"). It refers to the gold trim on the bill of a field-grade officer's saucer cap, and "chickenshit" is a disparaging description of a military officer (or person in a leadership position) who focuses on minutiae rather than what is truly important. Apparently neither the quoted anonymous source in the Administration nor most of the people posting here have any idea what the word actually means. Not surprising.

In any event, the Administration's problem with Bibi is that they are trying to create the illusion that they have a viable "roadmap" to a "2-state solution," and Bibi keeps doing things that outrage the so-called "Palestinians" and destroy that illusion. It makes War Hero Kerry look foolish and impotent.

You see, the Zionists utterly reject the concept of "occupied territories," and the ephemeral bifurcation of Jerusalem. It's all THEIR's, dad-gummit, and the ultimate objective is to make things so unpleasant for the Pallies that they just go to Syria or someplace and leave them alone.

Bibi even demands that the Pallies recognize Israel's "right to exist as a Jewish state."

I'm not holding my breath on that one. It's all about posturing and being made to look foolish.

Oh bite me you pompous asshole.

You didn't read the article before you decided to slag others for not being oh just so intelligent as you as to not understand the meaning of the word chickenshit.


Chickenshit was one word used. And I will put up the definition according to the dictionary.

Note: the term is regarded as vulgar

chick·en·shit (ch
) Vulgar Slang

1. Contemptibly petty, insignificant nonsense.
2. A coward.
1. Contemptibly unimportant; petty.
2. Cowardly; afraid.

The administration officials also claimed he was scared. And yes that's a plural. It was more than one idiotic official.

The Prime Minister was called a coward, had no guts, was scared, and then bluffing,

All in all comments unbecoming the highest office and officials in America.

Disgusting. Punks on the Potomac are making a laughing stock of America world wide.


Ah, RW propagandists making a mountain out of a molehill again. What a bunch of a-holes and dupes...

In diplomatic circles calling another world leader who is your country's ally "a chickenshit" is a freaking mountain.

Sure if the president does it. But if it's anonymous it's just silly.

By all means try to explain that to the world wide diplomatic community.

That boat won't float. Sorries. The Atlantic is highly respected. The author of the article is an exceptional writer. He is solid about his sources. The article has gone viral.

You must also understand that Jeffrey Goldberg the very author of the article is anti Netanyahu, anti Israel and pro Obama. You really need to read the whole article.

Goldberg agrees with the administration that Netanyahu is an asshole and the roadblock to John Kerry's feeble attempt at peace in the middle east.

This is sticking. As well it should.

I guess they are so mad they will stop taking our money?

I detest foreign aid. :lol: Don't get me going on that issue but at least they spend it more wisely than the quizzillions the west has been handing over to African dictators for decades.

Soooooooooo, with that out of the way we get back to this administrations continued vocal volcanic eruptions against Israel and her government.

First and foremost this is just not done in diplomatic circles. It reveals the juvenile and petulant attitude of Obama's people if they don't get their way.

They throw verbal temper tantrums. Not ready for prime time players.

Secondly and one day when the snow is flying and it's minus 50 c in my neck of the woods I'd love to drive a thread with the question "who does America truly desire as her ally in the Middle East?"

We really need to look at this.

Hell's bells the west helped overthrow Mubarak and gave the poor Egyptians hell on earth with Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So Egypt won't ever get close to the US again. Turkey? Will Turkey become a serious and strategic US ally? Can we trust Libya?

Hell no because Obama decided to oust Ghaddafi and hand over Libya to militias who now control one fifth of the worlds oil resources and are having freaking pool parties at the US Embassy in Tripoli.

Ok so Libya is screwed up. Jordan? Saudi Arabia? Do we really want to rely on them?

Qatar? Seriously?

So cut off Israel as an ally and who do you have as a trusted ally in the ME?

I don't get a warm and fuzzy about Yemen either. Trust Palestine?

I don't think so. :lmao:

It's a very valid question.
Classy bunch of folks in the White House these days.

Really classy.


Conservatives are a funny lot. For one thing, despite what they constantly claim, fidelity to American ideals and interests is not their bottom line. It's the pursuit of their political self-interests -- even at the cost of longstanding and oft stated American interests which has been expressed by multiple administrations of both parties.

A foreign leader (In this case, I'm referring to Netanyahu, obviously) comes here and disparages OUR (and their own) president who just so happens to be the president of the very country that is bankrolling HIS country with one hell of a lot of military aid, and the patriotic-minded (so we're constantly told) conservatives in America take the side of a foreign leader against their own president when Netenyahu's intention is to actually undermine the very gov't which makes the defense of his country possible in the first place.
I call bullshit reporting. I love the so called anonymous source stated this! Good story, impossible to disprove!

With all due respect Goldberg is the real deal. Left winger but the real deal. The Atlantic doesn't fuck around.

If you actually read the whole article, Goldberg is in like flint with the White House on blaming Netanyahu for freaking everything that goes wrong in the peace process. Rockets from Hamas be damned.

I have no doubt that these verbal temper tantrums are coming from the highest levels over Israel.

Obama and Kerry want their ME legacy.

Conservatives are a funny lot. For one thing, despite what they constantly claim, fidelity to American ideals and interests is not their bottom line. It's the pursuit of their political self-interests -- even at the cost of longstanding and oft stated American interests which has been expressed by multiple administrations of both parties.

A foreign leader (In this case, I'm referring to Netanyahu, obviously) comes here and disparages OUR (and their own) president who just so happens to be the president of the very country that is bankrolling HIS country with one hell of a lot of military aid, and the patriotic-minded (so we're constantly told) conservatives in America take the side of a foreign leader against their own president when Netenyahu's intention is to actually undermine the very gov't which makes the defense of his country possible in the first place.

Obama coddles our enemies and pisses in the face of our allies.

That's just Obama.

Apparently you approve.

Conservatives are a funny lot. For one thing, despite what they constantly claim, fidelity to American ideals and interests is not their bottom line. It's the pursuit of their political self-interests -- even at the cost of longstanding and oft stated American interests which has been expressed by multiple administrations of both parties.

A foreign leader (In this case, I'm referring to Netanyahu, obviously) comes here and disparages OUR (and their own) president who just so happens to be the president of the very country that is bankrolling HIS country with one hell of a lot of military aid, and the patriotic-minded (so we're constantly told) conservatives in America take the side of a foreign leader against their own president when Netenyahu's intention is to actually undermine the very gov't which makes the defense of his country possible in the first place.

Obama coddles our enemies and pisses in the face of our allies.

That's just Obama.

Apparently you approve.
Tell us what Israel has done lately to make you think it cares about "friendship" with the US or any other state?
Tell us what Israel has done lately to make you think it cares about "friendship" with the US or any other state?

Refrained from bombing Iran's nuclear program.

I suspect the the remarks of Fuckwad Obama's team might make them rethink that.

Obammy will be devastated if he can't deliver a Nuclear Iran.
Tell us what Israel has done lately to make you think it cares about "friendship" with the US or any other state?

Refrained from bombing Iran's nuclear program.

I suspect the the remarks of Fuckwad Obama's team might make them rethink that.

Obammy will be devastated if he can't deliver a Nuclear Iran.
You mean the heroic Bibi didn't drop any of his nukes on a state without a single illegal nuclear weapon to its name?
Tell us what Israel has done lately to make you think it cares about "friendship" with the US or any other state?

Refrained from bombing Iran's nuclear program.

I suspect the the remarks of Fuckwad Obama's team might make them rethink that.

Obammy will be devastated if he can't deliver a Nuclear Iran.
You mean the heroic Bibi didn't drop any of his nukes on a state without a single illegal nuclear weapon to its name?

Are you an expert on Iran?
Tell us what Israel has done lately to make you think it cares about "friendship" with the US or any other state?

Refrained from bombing Iran's nuclear program.

I suspect the the remarks of Fuckwad Obama's team might make them rethink that.

Obammy will be devastated if he can't deliver a Nuclear Iran.
You mean the heroic Bibi didn't drop any of his nukes on a state without a single illegal nuclear weapon to its name?

Are you an expert on Iran?
No, why would you think otherwise?
You mean the heroic Bibi didn't drop any of his nukes on a state without a single illegal nuclear weapon to its name?

If/When Israel takes out Iran's nukes, it will be with conventional munitions. Just like it was last time.
Israel illegally possess nuclear weapons, and Iran doesn't.
Which of the two nation states poses the greater threat to global peace?

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