Netanyahu playing u.s. Politics


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Israel is trying to push us into war with Iran by interfering in U.S. politics and it is appalling and disgusting for an ally.. But what can you expect from a country that has always been at war.
Israel was against U.S. attacking Iran before it was against it.
Iran do not want war. Don’t want their country destroyed again with millions killed.
Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon and if they did would not use it unless they are provoked by Israel or U.S.
Obama will not do Netanyahu’s dirty work for him with a preemptive attack on Iran which would be bad for Israel and for us.
Iran is not led by a bunch of Crazies as Romney and the right would like for us to believe.
Israel’s way or the highway is not our way. So @*#&% you Netanyahu
Saying; “Israel should be wiped of the face of the earth” is not a threat. And we are not going to war with Iran because of Israel. Period.
If elected, Romney would be Netanyahu’s puppet.

Everyone’s religion should be respected. Jesus and Muhammad, Allah and Jehovah. National flags of each country.

Israel is a fake nation because GOD destroyed it in 607 BC. Israel is not a nation.


Why Israel Should Not Exist | Real Jew News

All Jewish records were lost in that holocaust. Today, there is not a single Jew who knows his tribal ancestry (McClintock and Strong 1969, 771). The physical nation of Israel is dead. The “Jews” that make up the State of Israel today (less than twenty-five percent of the world Jewish population) cannot legitimately be called a “nation.”
God and the Nation of Israel :
No redlines gives Iran a greenlight...
Expert: US rejection of red lines on Iran disturbing
9/18/2012: Senior Israeli arms control expert Landau tells 'Post' Obama has set red lines effectively already.
Israeli arms control expert Dr. Emily Landau says she is deeply uneasy over the unprecedented public dispute raging between Israel and the US over Iran’s nuclear program. “The very public display of the US and Israel undermining each other must cease. The only winner is Iran,” she told The Jerusalem Post over the Rosh Hashana holiday. Landau, of Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, is particularly disturbed by the Obama administration’s refusal to set red lines over Iran’s nuclear weapons program development, as well as the justifications coming out of Washington over this refusal.

Responding to comments made by US President Barak Obama and senior administration officials, who said last week that states do not set red lines, and that red lines limit their freedom of action, Landau said, “States do set red lines, and Obama himself has done so twice over the past year.” She added that Washington effectively set red lines in response to Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, and, more recently, “to Assad about moving chemical weapons in Syria or to Lebanon.” Red lines are routinely used in international diplomacy as effective ways to leverage pressure and means to deter the other side, she added.

Landau noted that Washington has repeatedly and publicly told Jerusalem it must refrain from attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities, but then implicitly mocked Israel for not setting a red line itself on Iran, a position she found “disturbingly cynical.” “Red lines should be understood as a lever of pressure on Iran to get it to – finally – be serious about a negotiation. While the US is a party to the negotiation with Iran, and setting a red line makes sense in this context, Israel most certainly is not, and therefore it would be inappropriate for it to set a red line. The responsibility for stopping Iran is on the shoulders of the P5, not Israel,” she said. Last week, The New York Times cited an Obama administration official as saying that America’s only red line on Iran is nuclear weapons.

But that position “is obviously not taken seriously enough by Iran,” Landau argued. With Tehran closely following the public tit-for-tat between Israel and the US, Iranian decision makers have concluded that “the US is projecting a sense that it does not want things to come to military force, and it will be willing to go to great lengths to avoid it.” This is further reinforced by the fact that, on the one hand the US is still publicly supporting diplomacy, but on the other, there is no sign of any negotiations on the horizon. Back in April, ahead of rounds of talks – that failed – in Istanbul, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that time was running out, “but time is now looking very elastic,” Landau said. “This is all bad news for a more effective negotiation. And the only thing moving right now is Iran’s nuclear activity, as evidenced by the latest IAEA report of August 30,” she added.

More Expert: US rejection of red line... JPost - Iranian Threat - News
Israel is trying to push us into war with Iran by interfering in U.S. politics and it is appalling and disgusting for an ally.. But what can you expect from a country that has always been at war.
Israel was against U.S. attacking Iran before it was against it.
Iran do not want war. Don’t want their country destroyed again with millions killed.
Iran will not develop a nuclear weapon and if they did would not use it unless they are provoked by Israel or U.S.
Obama will not do Netanyahu’s dirty work for him with a preemptive attack on Iran which would be bad for Israel and for us.
Iran is not led by a bunch of Crazies as Romney and the right would like for us to believe.
Israel’s way or the highway is not our way. So @*#&% you Netanyahu
Saying; “Israel should be wiped of the face of the earth” is not a threat. And we are not going to war with Iran because of Israel. Period.
If elected, Romney would be Netanyahu’s puppet.

Everyone’s religion should be respected. Jesus and Muhammad, Allah and Jehovah. National flags of each country.

What's really appalling is the way Ayatollah Obama has treated America's allies by stabbing them in the back....

Iran IS ruled by a bunch of lunatic religious morons...period...

Israel IS the only true democracy in the Middle East...Period...Any person can walk through Israel without fear...The only danger comes from the Islamist, who strangely enough IS muslim :eusa_whistle:

The day that muslims start respecting other religious beliefs, cultures and peoples will herald the end of medieval Islam...The sooner the better...Islam and the muslim demand that which it will never give to others and ultimately it will fail. :clap2:
Doubt if Iran is concerned about what so far has proved empty rhetoric...
Iran's time 'running out,' says U.N.
20 Sept.`12 - U.S. warns against approach of 'deny, deceive and obstruct'
In advance of next week’s General Assembly, the U.N. Security Council met and warned Iran that “time is running out” to comply with demands pertaining to Tehran’s nuclear “research” program. The meeting, to hear a previously scheduled quarterly report on sanctions implementation, was used by Washington and London to issue a new challenge to the Iranian leadership. Next week, all the principles are expected at United Nations headquarters. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama and the U.K.’s David Cameron will all travel to New York to attend the 2012 General Assembly. All have been invited to an annual “VIP lunch” hosted by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The council meeting was used to lay out a road map for Ahmadinejad to accept or face unspecified “consequences.”

U.S.-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice told members: “Iran continues to enrich uranium to near 20 percent, a step closer to bomb-grade enrichment….These activities are all contrary to multiple resolutions by the Security Council.” Rice continued: “Iran knows the steps it must take to be in full compliance with its international obligations…Iran knows the actions needed to demonstrate full compliance…Yet, still Iran’s approach remains to deny, deceive and obstruct.” The U.S. diplomat tacitly acknowledged that more than four years of punitive actions taken by the United Nations have fallen short when she explained: “The Security Council must redouble its efforts to ensure the sanctions we impose are fully and mutually implemented.” Aside from the controversial nuclear program, Rice told the council that Tehran has significantly contributed in propping up the embattled Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad, economically and militarily.

Reports of weapons smuggling by Iran and scattered instances of Iranian troops on the ground inside Syria have grown in recent weeks. Backing off from issuing a blunt threat of military action (something Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to do next week), Rice explained that Washington’s patience is limited: “We will not engage in an endless process of negotiations that fail to produce any results.” British Ambassador Sir Mark Lyall Grant echoed Rice’s concerns.

Grant explained that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N.’s atomic watchdog, reported to the council that Iran’s atomic program “continues to develop in a direction that offers no assurance of peaceful intentions.” The British diplomat laid responsibility for the worsening atmosphere clearly at the doorstep of the Iranian leadership: “Responsibility for this lack of progress lies firmly at Iran’s door. At every step Iran has been uncooperative and obstructive.” However, Grant, like Rice, stopped short of threatening any military action: “They (Iran) have a clear choice: to address international concerns through negotiation and action, or face further economic hardship and isolation.”


See also:

Iran official: 'Big war' means Mahdi's coming
20 Sept.`12 - Military leader ties 'last messiah' to regime's preparations for conflict
For the first time, Iran’s highest-ranking military official has tied the reappearance of the last Islamic messiah to the regime being prepared to go to a war based on ideology. “With having the treasure of the Holy Defense, Valayat (Guardianship of the Jurist) and martyrs, we are ready for a big war,” Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said, according to Mashregh news, which is run by the Revolutionary Guards. “Of course this confrontation has always continued; however, since we are in the era of The Coming, this war will be a significant war.” Shi’ites believe that at the end of time great wars will take place, and Imam Mahdi, the Shi’ites’ 12th imam, will reappear and kill all the infidels, raising the flag of Islam in all corners of the world.

Vahidi became the Revolutionary Guards intelligence officer after the 1979 Islamic revolution and later was promoted to chief commander of the Quds Forces. He is on the Interpol most-wanted list for the Jewish community center bombing in Buenos Aires in 1994 that killed 85 and injured hundreds. Vahidi also played a major role in the 1996 Khobar Tower bombing in Saudi Arabia that killed 19 U.S. servicemen. Speaking at a mosque in remembrance of the martyrs who died in service to Iran, Vahidi stated that, “The Islamic republic is going to create a new environment on the world stage, and without a doubt victory awaits those who continue the path of martyrs. … we can defeat the enemy at its home and our nation is ready for jihad. Martyrdom has taught us to avoid wrong paths and return to the right path. Martyrdom is the right path, it’s the path to God.”

Vahidi said Iran’s enemies would have taken action in Syria in the past couple of years if they had the capability. Iran is a much more formidable power than Syria, he said, and concluded that Tehran can easily wipe out the “Zionist regime” of Israel. Several U.S. officials, including Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, have called the officials of the Islamic regime “rational actors.” Meanwhile, a Revolutionary Guards report quoting the head of the Guards’ public relations, Ramezan Sharif, revealed that Iran has military assets in several countries. The presence of Quds Forces in Syria and Lebanon, Sharif said, is with the goal of supporting the Islamic nations and for the special situations that exist in those countries.

Sharif said Iranian presence is based on international laws and that, “Currently the Revolutionary Guards has presence in 15 countries, among them Syria and Lebanon, while the Iranian military also has presence in some other countries.” As revealed recently, terrorist assets of the Islamic regime have been put on high alert for attacks on Israeli and U.S. interests. This extends from the Middle East to Africa, Latin America and the United States. In a report Thursday in the Washington Times, Kevin L. Perkins, deputy director of the FBI, told a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that the agency considered Iran’s assets a “serious threat.” “Quds Forces, Hezbollah and others have shown they both have the capability and the willingness to extend beyond that (Middle East) region of the world and likely here into the homeland itself,” he testified. Guard commanders have openly stated that they have recruited assets from Latin America and even some from European countries to avoid suspicion by intelligence agencies and will target America should it get involved militarily against Iran.

Granny says, "Dat's right - Bible says God gonna bless friends of Israel too...
70 percent in U.S. like Israel
WASHINGTON, Sept. 29,`12 (UPI) -- Seven out of 10 U.S. residents describe Israel as one of the country's strongest allies, a poll indicates.
Israel was ranked behind only Britain in favorability, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported, with 70 percent of those surveyed for the Foreign Policy Initiative saying they have a favorable view of the country.

When asked which country is the best U.S. ally "in the word," 54 percent picked Britain while Israel was a distant second at 15.9 percent. Self-identified conservatives were more likely to have a favorable view of Israel, with 81 percent, compared to 68.5 percent of moderates and 63 percent of liberals.

The Foreign Policy Matters in 2012 poll was conducted Sept. 15-17 by Basswood Research. About 40 percent of respondents identified themselves as Republicans, another 40 percent said they were Democrats and 20 percent described themselves as independents. The margin of error is 3.1 percentage points.

Read more: 70 percent in U.S. like Israel -
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A great way to begin to solve this country's deficit is pulling all economic foreign aid to Israel. I'm very annoyed with how much that country interferes with American politics and all the deep rooted religious bullshit involved with that.

Israel is a fake nation because GOD destroyed it in 607 BC. Israel is not a nation.

Why Israel Should Not Exist | Real Jew News

All Jewish records were lost in that holocaust. Today, there is not a single Jew who knows his tribal ancestry (McClintock and Strong 1969, 771). The physical nation of Israel is dead. The “Jews” that make up the State of Israel today (less than twenty-five percent of the world Jewish population) cannot legitimately be called a “nation.”
God and the Nation of Israel :

(emphasis added)

So I suppose the whole world is a FAKE, since "God" destroyed it in 2348 BC?
A great way to begin to solve this country's deficit is pulling all economic foreign aid to Israel. I'm very annoyed with how much that country interferes with American politics and all the deep rooted religious bullshit involved with that.

Well, if we all stopped giving billions to the countries that hate us and our way of life and started plowing it back into our own economies and helping one another out, we'd soon see a difference...
As for Israel?? It's the only true ally we have in the Middle East and it's also the only real Democracy there too :eusa_hand:

You're just another Jew hater....Israel has given much to the world, unlike some I could mention who just take.....
A great way to begin to solve this country's deficit is pulling all economic foreign aid to Israel. I'm very annoyed with how much that country interferes with American politics and all the deep rooted religious bullshit involved with that.

Israel gets about $2B a year. That is enough to fund the gov't for about 20 minutes.
Fuck you, asshole.
Iranian commander threatens swift death to Israel...
Senior Iranian Commander: Attack on Iran Will Bring ‘Swift Death’ to Israel
October 1, 2012 -- A senior commander in Iran’s armed forces stressed the military preparedness of the country, and said that if Israel launched an attack on Iran, it would bring about Israel’s “swift death.”
The commander added that Iran has a series of contingency plans if it is ever attacked that he described as “decisive, vast and several times bigger” than an initial invasion by Israel. “The entire occupied lands [Israel] and all the United States' illegitimate interests in the region are within reach [of Iranian missiles], and based on the doctrine of providing a threatening response to threats, once a potential invasion is made [against Iran], the premeditated scenarios will be staged,” said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Basij and Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri, as reported by Fars News.

“The Quds occupying regime [Israel] not only lacks the potential and capability to take a military action against our country, but also knows well that it will cause its swift death after triggering the first bullet,” he said. Last Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the need to establish a “clear, red line” against Iran’s uranium enrichment to deter Iran from building a nuclear bomb, saying, “In fact, it’s the failure to place red lines that’s often invited aggression.”

If a clear red line is not set, Netanyahi predicted that by spring or late summer Iran will have enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon.

A great way to begin to solve this country's deficit is pulling all economic foreign aid to Israel. I'm very annoyed with how much that country interferes with American politics and all the deep rooted religious bullshit involved with that.

Well, if we all stopped giving billions to the countries that hate us and our way of life and started plowing it back into our own economies and helping one another out, we'd soon see a difference...
As for Israel?? It's the only true ally we have in the Middle East and it's also the only real Democracy there too :eusa_hand:

You're just another Jew hater....Israel has given much to the world, unlike some I could mention who just take.....

We should cut off foreign aid to most countries, including Israel. In neo-conland cutting off aid to Americans is called "encouraging personal responsibility", but cutting off aid from Israel is called "turning our backs on an ally".
CaféAuLait;6079194 said:

Israel is a fake nation because GOD destroyed it in 607 BC. Israel is not a nation.

Why Israel Should Not Exist | Real Jew News

All Jewish records were lost in that holocaust. Today, there is not a single Jew who knows his tribal ancestry (McClintock and Strong 1969, 771). The physical nation of Israel is dead. The “Jews” that make up the State of Israel today (less than twenty-five percent of the world Jewish population) cannot legitimately be called a “nation.”
God and the Nation of Israel :

(emphasis added)

So I suppose the whole world is a FAKE, since "God" destroyed it in 2348 BC?

Did I miss it...Oh...hahaha...did you see what I just said!!??
Iranian commander threatens swift death to Israel...
Senior Iranian Commander: Attack on Iran Will Bring ‘Swift Death’ to Israel
October 1, 2012 -- A senior commander in Iran’s armed forces stressed the military preparedness of the country, and said that if Israel launched an attack on Iran, it would bring about Israel’s “swift death.”
The commander added that Iran has a series of contingency plans if it is ever attacked that he described as “decisive, vast and several times bigger” than an initial invasion by Israel. “The entire occupied lands [Israel] and all the United States' illegitimate interests in the region are within reach [of Iranian missiles], and based on the doctrine of providing a threatening response to threats, once a potential invasion is made [against Iran], the premeditated scenarios will be staged,” said Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces for Basij and Brigadier General Massoud Jazzayeri, as reported by Fars News.

“The Quds occupying regime [Israel] not only lacks the potential and capability to take a military action against our country, but also knows well that it will cause its swift death after triggering the first bullet,” he said. Last Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasized the need to establish a “clear, red line” against Iran’s uranium enrichment to deter Iran from building a nuclear bomb, saying, “In fact, it’s the failure to place red lines that’s often invited aggression.”

If a clear red line is not set, Netanyahi predicted that by spring or late summer Iran will have enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon.


It might be "The Mother Of All Battles"

Israel has a tremendous amount of influence in American politics, no doubt.

And Israeli POLS have always depended on the USA to help keep Israel from being overwhelmed by the Arabs so naturally they're going to insinuate themselves into our politics.

What I find most annoying isn't that Israel does this, but that any nation AT ALL gets to play in our poltical process.

Would Clinton have become POTUS had it not been for CHINESE CAMPAIGN funds?

America is now acting like a third world nation, no longer master of its own political process.

And who allows that?

The internationalists MASTERS of CAPITAL.

The whole concept of nation is, in their minds, a mere tool they use to control their own populations.

These people have no patriotic fervor for this or any other nation, really.

Nations are merely instruments they use to get things done on somebody else's dime.

Israel is a fake nation because GOD destroyed it in 607 BC. Israel is not a nation.


Why Israel Should Not Exist | Real Jew News

All Jewish records were lost in that holocaust. Today, there is not a single Jew who knows his tribal ancestry (McClintock and Strong 1969, 771). The physical nation of Israel is dead. The “Jews” that make up the State of Israel today (less than twenty-five percent of the world Jewish population) cannot legitimately be called a “nation.”
God and the Nation of Israel :

Why are you such a hater?

You hate most people in America
You hate the Jews

But you'll defend Islam. What's wrong with you?
Granny says, "Hmmm - mebbe we oughta think dis thing through...
War With Iran : Geopolitics Of The Hormuz Chokepoint
Iran has repeatedly asserted that it will shut down the Strait of Hormuz in case there is an attack by the US and Israel. Currently 40% of the world’s oil supply passes through this strait. A closure of the Strait Of Hormuz will almost certainly cast the world into a depression. The consequences could be more serious.
In order to decapitate Iran and finish it’s strike capacity at least 11,000 targets have to be immediately struck. This will be a major war. In particular, the Shahab missile sites have to destroyed immediately because it is a near certainty that at least some of these 2, 000 kilometre range missiles have been programmed to destroy the oil refining capacity of Saudi Arabia.


After years of U.S. threats, Iran is taking steps which suggest that is both willing and capable of closing the Strait of Hormuz. On December 24, 2011 Iran started its Velayat-90 naval drills in and around the Strait of Hormuz and extending from the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman (Oman Sea) to the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea.

Since the conduct of these drills, there has been a growing war of words between Washington and Tehran. Nothing the Obama Administration or the Pentagon have done or said so far, however, has deterred Tehran from continuing its naval drills.

The Geo-Politics of the Strait of Hormuz: Could the U.S. Navy be defeated by Iran in the Persian Gulf? | Global Research

See also:

The Geo-Political Nature of the Strait of Hormuz
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya is a Sociologist and award-winning author. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal. He specializes on the Middle East and Central Asia. He has been a contributor and guest discussing the broader Middle East on numerous programs and international networks such as Al Jazeera, Press TV and Russia Today. Nazemroaya was also a witness to the “Arab Spring” in action in North Africa. While on the ground in Libya during the NATO bombing campaign, he reported out of Tripoli for several media outlets. He sent key field dispatches from Libya for Global Research and was Special Correspondent for Pacifica’s syndicated investigative program Flashpoints, broadcast out of Berkeley, California. His writings have been published in more than ten languages. He also writes for the Strategic Culture Foundation (SCF) in Moscow, Russia.
Besides the fact that it is a vital transit point for global energy resources and a strategic chokepoint, two additional issues should be addressed in regards to the Strait of Hormuz and its relationship to Iran. The first concerns the geography of the Strait of Hormuz. The second pertains to the role of Iran in co-managing the strategic strait in accordance with international law and its sovereign national rights.


The maritime traffic that goes through the Strait of Hormuz has always been in contact with Iranian naval forces, which are predominantly composed of the Iranian Regular Force Navy and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Navy. In fact, Iranian naval forces monitor and police the Strait of Hormuz along with the Sultanate of Oman via the Omani enclave of Musandam. More importantly, to transit through the Strait of Hormuz all maritime traffic, including the U.S. Navy, must sail through Iranian territorial waters. Almost all entrances into the Persian Gulf are made through Iranian waters and most exits are through Omani waters.

Iran allows foreign ships to use its territorial waters in good faith and on the basis of Part III of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea’s maritime transit passage provisions that stipulate that vessels are free to sail through the Strait of Hormuz and similar bodies of water on the basis of speedy and continuous navigation between an open port and the high seas. Although Tehran in custom follows the navigation practices of the Law of the Sea, Tehran is not legally bound by them. Like Washington, Tehran signed this international treaty, but never ratified it.


Israel is a fake nation because GOD destroyed it in 607 BC. Israel is not a nation.


Why Israel Should Not Exist | Real Jew News

All Jewish records were lost in that holocaust. Today, there is not a single Jew who knows his tribal ancestry (McClintock and Strong 1969, 771). The physical nation of Israel is dead. The “Jews” that make up the State of Israel today (less than twenty-five percent of the world Jewish population) cannot legitimately be called a “nation.”
God and the Nation of Israel :

Why are you such a hater?

You hate most people in America
You hate the Jews

But you'll defend Islam. What's wrong with you?

Muslims are raised and taught that Jews are monkeys, animals.. not worthy of breath much less land and their own identity. There is such hatred that is pumped in to a young Muslim's mind.. BRAINWASHING. Lil-Ole-Racist is a posterchild for that bigotry. Every person that God gives life to has a right to exist. She's a horrible old shrew filled with vile and hatred.

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