Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran: CNN

This isn't just a US deal or Obama's deal.
This is a deal negotiated by the largest powers in the world.
Great Britain

NetanYAHOO makes himself and Isreal look like ridiculous losers. If they had any brains they would have added themselves to that list.
They all left two days before John Kerry sat alone in a room and made it all up. Everyone will be back in June so that France can bitch slap Kerry one more time.

Why do you think obama insisted that this agreement which was never an agreement not be written?
So you're saying there really are no international partners? It's all a front right?
It's a framework for negotiating a deal. There is no deal until It's done.
Please keep showing us what quality leadership looks like Mr Netanyahu

We're listening


Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran: CNN


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a statement to the media in Jerusalem April 1, 2015.

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the United States on Sunday to seek a better deal to curb Iran's nuclear program and said he would press American lawmakers not give Tehran "a free path to the bomb."

Netanyahu, in the first of several appearances on U.S. Sunday news programs, said he has spoken with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress - nearly two thirds of House of Representatives members and a similar number in the U.S. Senate - about the Iran nuclear issue.

The Israeli prime minister has been strongly critical of the framework agreement struck on Thursday between world powers and Iran, saying it does not do enough to protect Israel.

"This is not a partisan issue. This is not solely an Israeli issue," Netanyahu said on CNN's "State of the Union" program.

"This is a world issue because everyone is going to be threatened by the pre-eminent terrorist state of our time, keeping the infrastructure to produce not one nuclear bomb but many, many nuclear bombs down the line."

Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran CNN Reuters
Ya thats nice nuttyyahoo but you are not the commander and chief

Muslim Obama - Barack Hussein Obama Muslim Turban & Garb.jpg
This isn't just a US deal or Obama's deal.
This is a deal negotiated by the largest powers in the world.
Great Britain

NetanYAHOO makes himself and Isreal look like ridiculous losers. If they had any brains they would have added themselves to that list.
They all left two days before John Kerry sat alone in a room and made it all up. Everyone will be back in June so that France can bitch slap Kerry one more time.

Why do you think obama insisted that this agreement which was never an agreement not be written?
So you're saying there really are no international partners? It's all a front right?
It's a framework for negotiating a deal. There is no deal until It's done.

and the deal wont be done until June..... plenty of time for RW's to have a stroke and a heart attack over something they know nothing about.
Bibbi and Israel have every right to Press world leaders not to make a deal that he thinks is wrong.........

His country and people are the ones fighting the proxy groups of Hamas and Hezballah daily...........and it is his country that gets hit all the time by Iranian made rockets.

Iran will never honor the deal..............they have lied in the past............and will Lie in the future...........Their goal is to acquire Nuclear Weapons and destroy Israel................and NO DAMNED PIECE OF PAPER is going to change that.
Bibbi and Israel have every right to Press world leaders not to make a deal that he thinks is wrong.........

His country and people are the ones fighting the proxy groups of Hamas and Hezballah daily...........and it is his country that gets hit all the time by Iranian made rockets.

Iran will never honor the deal..............they have lied in the past............and will Lie in the future...........Their goal is to acquire Nuclear Weapons and destroy Israel................and NO DAMNED PIECE OF PAPER is going to change that.
giphy (4).gif
Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the United States on Sunday to seek a better deal to curb Iran's nuclear program and said he would press American lawmakers not give Tehran "a free path to the bomb."
Why doesn't Bibi tell us about Israel's free path to the bomb?
"Let us suppose for a moment that Iran has a nuclear weapons program, capable of producing effective nuclear warheads and the means of delivering them to Israel, within a few years. Would that make Iran a serious threat to Israel, as Obama said? Of course not.

"Rulers of Iran don’t want their cities devastated and they know that if Iran were to make a nuclear strike on Israel, it is absolutely certain that Israel would retaliate by making multiple nuclear strikes on Iran and raze many Iranian cities to the ground — so Iran won’t do it. Israel possesses a nuclear arsenal, and the ruthlessness to use it, that is more than adequate to deter Iran from making a nuclear strike on the country."

Iran has called for a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East.

Why don't Bibi and his racist US elephants agree?

The elephant in the room Israel s nuclear weapons The Electronic Intifada
The GOP will break the deal, and prove to the world they care little about peace, only about stopping Obama.
Please keep showing us what quality leadership looks like Mr Netanyahu

We're listening


Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran: CNN


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a statement to the media in Jerusalem April 1, 2015.

(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the United States on Sunday to seek a better deal to curb Iran's nuclear program and said he would press American lawmakers not give Tehran "a free path to the bomb."

Netanyahu, in the first of several appearances on U.S. Sunday news programs, said he has spoken with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress - nearly two thirds of House of Representatives members and a similar number in the U.S. Senate - about the Iran nuclear issue.

The Israeli prime minister has been strongly critical of the framework agreement struck on Thursday between world powers and Iran, saying it does not do enough to protect Israel.

"This is not a partisan issue. This is not solely an Israeli issue," Netanyahu said on CNN's "State of the Union" program.

"This is a world issue because everyone is going to be threatened by the pre-eminent terrorist state of our time, keeping the infrastructure to produce not one nuclear bomb but many, many nuclear bombs down the line."

Netanyahu presses U.S. to seek better deal on Iran CNN Reuters
This is the best deal evah....Obama said so...and he never lies.

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