Netanyahu Rebukes US, Declares No Pause and No Fuel Before Hostages are Released


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.
- Ulysses S Grant

Success in war depends on the golden rules of war: speed, simplicity, and boldness.
- George Patton

If you’re worried about the Gaza civilians who elected these monsters and continue to support them and never even sent a text warning an attack was coming, tell them to shoot all Hamas and it’ll all be over.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is actually saving the residents of Gaza grief by pressing his advantage now. The idea is to conclude the war and have Hamas surrender so the two parties can move on.

Much like in Germany in the spring of 1945. If Eisenhower had given Hitler a chance to recover and repair in that conflict, how many more would have died in the medium to long run?
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.
- Ulysses S Grant

Success in war depends on the golden rules of war: speed, simplicity, and boldness.
- George Patton

If you’re worried about the Gaza civilians who elected these monsters and continue to support them and never even sent a text warning an attack was coming, tell them to shoot all Hamas and it’ll all be over.

This is why Israel needs Netanyahu now. You can bet that behind eh scenes Blinken is making threats to try to bully Netanyahu into granting a cease fire to try to quiet Biden's left wing and antisemitic voters who are enraged that he was backing Israel. When Obama tried to bully Israel into agreeing to a Palestinian state without considering Israel's security, Netanyahu stood up to him, and when President Bush tried to force Sharon out of area A during the second intifada, Sharon stood up to him.
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.
- Ulysses S Grant

Success in war depends on the golden rules of war: speed, simplicity, and boldness.
- George Patton

If you’re worried about the Gaza civilians who elected these monsters and continue to support them and never even sent a text warning an attack was coming, tell them to shoot all Hamas and it’ll all be over.

Israel is trying to provoke another war like they did in 1967. They want southern Lebanon.
Goddamn Biden and his fucking party! Shut the fuck up and let Israel do what they have to do!!

Anyone surprised though? This just shows you the growth of radicals that now infest his stinking party!
I told you in the first 48 hours of the attack that I gave the American Far Left & Left TWO WEEKS tops until they were demanding Sanctions and Divestment from Israel .
Newsflash: Hamas declared war on 10/7.
Now they shall be annihilated.

Hamas works for Bibi.

Guess Bibi has killed the Abraham Accords.
Israel is trying to provoke another war like they did in 1967. They want southern Lebanon.
Israel is trying to provoke another war like they did in 1967. They want southern Lebanon.
Haha um they were attacked…they are trying to provoke a war by being attacked? Haha

Wow you pro-hamas bots are beyond belief
Hamas works for Bibi.

Guess Bibi has killed the Abraham Accords.
Haha yeah Israel funded Hamas not Iran

Biden should let Israel make the decision on a ceasefire.

Why doesn't Hamas and their Iranian financiers just surrender if they are concerned about a humanitarian crisis?

Just give the people real peace, instead of a tenuous "cease fire".
There is an argument to be made for a well-publicized, short term "pause" in the IDF's ground operation as well as the air strikes, inviting a similar cease fire from Hamas and its supporters.

And if Hamas doesn't reciprocate, all bets are off.

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