Netanyahu Results Way Off Predictions.Does This Mean Bush&Hillary Polls Are Also Being Fabricated?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:tongue-44: Anyone else thinking the same? The far left media made us all believe that Bibi's chances were not looking good and he was likely to be overthrown. And look at what happened. Just like with Scott Walker and the Mid-Term Elections. Now we really have to be suspicious of any polls showing Bush within the top three and Hillary "Way Way ahead of all the GOP Contenders". And no one really takes any poll by Gallup and those other left leaning establishments seriously. Big Deal! so they called 1500 to 2000 people! and thats out of over 120 to 140 Million potential voters come 2016.:meow:
It means what it has always meant. That the only poll that matters is the one that happens on election day.
and just like when the left predicted that Georgia would turn blue last November.
It seems so but it didn't work out for us in 2012 so who knows. I think they poll for the answer they want and sometimes get it right but it's just pure luck.
no one on the right actually believes that Bush is ahead of Cruz (thats cause the left FEARS CRUZ).
It's March of 2015. It doesn't matter what the polls say about Hillary and Jeb. They're irrelevant this early in the game.
no one on the right actually believes that Bush is ahead of Cruz (thats cause the left FEARS CRUZ).

Nobody with a brain actually believes Cruz will be president some day.
:tongue-44: Anyone else thinking the same? The far left media made us all believe that Bibi's chances were not looking good and he was likely to be overthrown.

He obviously won through fraud. All the dead Palestinians in Ashkelon voted Likud.
I didnt predict Romney would win in a landslide, more like a nail-biter. even I was worried that not enough republicans were gonna show up.

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