Latest CBS Poll Has Bush In The Lead. Anyone Buying It? CBS Is Credible?

Will be interesting to see the battle of Rubio and Bush for the Florida primary. I dont remember seeing a primary with two locals running for President. but will put my money on Rubio.
Yeah, nothing to this voter fraud at all. Of course not. Yeah, nothing to it at all.

That is minor league.

The major league voter fraud is being conducted on a wholesale level by the GOP. They are effectively disenfranchising minorities, students and the poor by obstructing their constitutional right to vote.

They have even openly admitted that much when they reduced Obama's vote totals in 2012.
Where do you spend your food stamps then? The Jewish Deli? Wait, you don't go there either...

I can afford my own food, thanks, Double Wide.

I'm trying to be insulted by your insinuation that I am a rich, corporation loving libertarian because I live in a trailer and I'm broke, really I am. But I'm too confused by how that is supposed to make sense to be insulted. I'll keep working on it though.

Joe: Wow, you make a hundred K? No way, that's a freaking amount of money

Kaz: You think a hundred K is a lot of money? LOL, I thought you made your old employer money "hand over fist" and you think a hundred K is a lot of money?

Joe: What? I don't think it's a lot of money. I have a million dollar property in Wisconsin.

Kaz: You have a million dollar property? Then why is a hundred K a lot of money?

Joe: Well, like 40 of us own it.

LOL, can't make the shit up you actually say and believe
Like it or not, Jeb Bush is your candidate with the broadest appeal (right now). Conservatives may like other candidates more intensely, but Jeb has the widest range of some like.

Dont know where your from but here in Texas Jeb is not the leader by any stretch.
I'm trying to be insulted by your insinuation that I am a rich, corporation loving libertarian because I live in a trailer and I'm broke, really I am. But I'm too confused by how that is supposed to make sense to be insulted. I'll keep working on it though.

You shouldn't really bother, Double Wide. YOu'll still be a stupid tool of the Koch Brothers when you are done.
i can still remember how a lot of us were worried that Obama was going to win (thanks to "The Stupid Vote) I, like many Americans just sat on the couch in total panic mode knowing that the nation was about to go down like the titanic. and again in 2012, half the country went into full panic mode knowing what was going to happen, and knowing it was going to be far worse in the next four years. And look at where we are now! who would ever think we would see the day when over Half of Americans voted for a Muslim Sympathizer?

In 2008, i was one of you guys who was panicking.

Now i realize the guy who fucked everything up was Bush.

I don't worry that there's a Muslim under my bed like you do. I worry that someone at the corporate office might move my job to a Muslim country becuase those people will work for peanuts.
China is a muslim country? India? Damned...
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:

Sure I buy it. This early it's about name recognition

Yes...that's why Mittens was leading in all the polls until he dropped out. He was "safe". People who aren't mired in this stuff all day (and that's most people) have no idea who most of these people even are, let alone what they espouse.

Bush doesn't just have the name though. Like Romney, he has the donors...and that's what wins elections anymore.
Maybe in your world. Where I live, loads of folks pay attention. But then, our definition of "income equality" is: work as hard as I do, earn what I do. We don't rob those who work to pay off those who don't.

I don't worry that there's a Muslim under my bed like you do. I worry that someone at the corporate office might move my job to a Muslim country becuase those people will work for peanuts.
China is a muslim country? India? Damned...

Most of the jobs at my plant have been moved to Malaysia in the last six years. Which is a Muslim country, you stupid fuck.
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:
A Glenn Beck poll? Are you kidding me?
Wow, you voted for Romney. You still denying there is wide spread voter fraud with liberals?


Are you fucking stupid?

You still denying many conservatives did not show up to polls?


Are you fucking stupid?

7, 8,12, 100 incidents of voter fraud.


You aren't very good at math, are you s0n?

Which explains why you believe this bullshit that conservatives didn't show up at the polls.

Even though more conservatives voted for Romney than any other Republican candidate in history.

The Conservative Presidential Vote US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Duh! Math is hard. Duh!

Bush may be ahead now, give it another 4 weeks, then either Walker or Cruz will take the lead, and Bush will tank back to 4th or 5th place.
Bush may be ahead now, give it another 4 weeks, then either Walker or Cruz will take the lead, and Bush will tank back to 4th or 5th place.

I think you are assuming everyone is as informed as you, and those on a forum like this, about the various politicians in the running.

I don't. I think most of the people polled have no idea what any of the candidates stand for. Thus, it doesn't surprise me that Bush is in the lead, because of name recognition.

Winning Campaigns Learn From The Experts Articles Never Underestimate The Value of Name Recognition

Here's a guy who works for campaigns, describing how to just get your name known, and it will help you win.

Professors and students study name recognition voting - The Vanderbilt Hustler Science And Medicine

"Our study offers fairly conclusive evidence that, in low-information races, a candidate’s name recognition alone positively affects voter support,”

You are still thinking of voting, as being all about the issues and policies and such. But in a democracy, where every joe blow has a vote, most people pick the name they know.

I lost all my idealism about 'voting' when in 2000, Al Gore kissed his wife, and suddenly he gained 5 points in the polls. People had actually changed their vote, simply based on him giving a kiss. Not policy, not ideology, not character quality, not truthfulness, not honesty or following the law. Nope... he kissed her. He gets my vote.

So my advice to you.... the poll means absolutely nothing. Completely irrelevant. I never follow the polls, or who is ahead of whom, because none of it matters. The inmates are running the asylum. That's how we ended up with Obama to begin with. Maybe Bush will kiss his wife, and gain 10 points. Maybe Biden will fart, and lose 10 points. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers. Who knows what will happen with this population.
Bush may be ahead now, give it another 4 weeks, then either Walker or Cruz will take the lead, and Bush will tank back to 4th or 5th place.

I'm not entirely sure about that. I don't think Cruz will ever be a real contender. Walker might be.

Bush is raising incredible amounts of money. That with his name recognition makes him a formidable candidate.
And three years later, you are still whining about what a meanyhead I am because I won't do business with Mormons.

Where do you spend your food stamps then? The Jewish Deli? Wait, you don't go there either...
'Course not, a jewish deli would be down range for non-terrorist muslims.

She objects, yet her vote is totally for sale and will go to the highest bidder, who of course will be the Democrat
:slap: Again, we have another left leaning network keeping Bush ahead in the polls and the real contenders at the bottom of the list. Bush 49%, Huckabee 46%, Walker 30%, and Cruz did not register within the top 5.
But Jeb Bush is ahead? Or maybe CBS is already choosing our candidate for us again?
:wtf:Did they even take notice of the massive poll Glenn Beck took about a week or so ago? Bush was at the Bottom!! Cruz and Walker were the top two. Carson and Rubio were not far behind. So does anyone take the latest CBS poll seriously? Did they only poll people in Blue States?:tongue-44:

Bush is all about leaving an open southern border; growing the size of government; kowtowing to our Chinese masters; and bending the knee to the wealthiest special interest groups. I see no reason why CBS wouldn't make him their love child.
Bush may be ahead now, give it another 4 weeks, then either Walker or Cruz will take the lead, and Bush will tank back to 4th or 5th place.

I'm not entirely sure about that. I don't think Cruz will ever be a real contender. Walker might be.

Bush is raising incredible amounts of money. That with his name recognition makes him a formidable candidate.

Cruz isn't a real contender. Walker will be.

Walker will have a very good shot at beating Bush.

I think the Republican party will look at Clinton and wonder if their best bet is to go back to the past or find a fresh, new face.
Bush may be ahead now, give it another 4 weeks, then either Walker or Cruz will take the lead, and Bush will tank back to 4th or 5th place.

I'm not entirely sure about that. I don't think Cruz will ever be a real contender. Walker might be.

Bush is raising incredible amounts of money. That with his name recognition makes him a formidable candidate.

Cruz will pick up a few of the kookier primaries. Walker will give Jebbie a fight, but it's Jebbie's wad of cash that will give him the staying power.

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