Netanyahu Seeks Immunity from Prosecution

Prosecution by politically-motivated innuendo ... it's so hot right now.

Prosecution by politically-motivated innuendo ... it's so hot right now.


You think politicians should have immunity? I bet you think Clinton should be in jail yet she's never even been indicted.
I think the man has a lot of nerve to ask for and expect immunity from prosecution.

I hope the Israel parliament doesn't give it to him.

Israel's Netanyahu says he will seek immunity in graft cases
Your link:

"Netanyahu was indicted in November on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of trust over allegations he granted state favors worth hundreds of millions of dollars to Israeli media barons in return for gifts and favorable coverage.

"He denies any wrongdoing, saying he is the victim of a witch hunt by the media and left to oust a popular right-wing leader."

Perhaps Bibi is like Trump in that he can't be prosecuted to the full extent of the law as long as he's in office?

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