Netanyahu's Chicken Little act.........I really mean it this time

Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?
Not like the warrior fanatics havn't tried...
USS Cole bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

SS Cole bombing ....Nuclear warhead ... same thing.

RW logic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


No. That was you simply lying.

I don't think so.


Reports that President Obama agrees Iran should be free to make a nuclear bomb in about 10 years put the lie to his repeated vow never to allow an Iranian nuke. The broken promise is the international twin to his domestic whopper that you “can keep your doctor.”

You can’t, but Iran can keep its enriched uranium, making this lie an even bigger bombshell. As in, bombs away.

It is impossible to overstate the potential catastrophe of the emerging deal. If the terms reported by the Associated Press, the Wall Street Journal and others become final, it would mean the United States and leading UN powers give their blessing for the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism to have the ultimate weapon, effectively rewarding Iran for decades of criminal behavior and acts of war against America, Israel and others.}

Obama s chilling Iran nuke lie New York Post

Isn't the traitor in chief saying that Iran is free to make nuclear weapons?
The irony here is seeing a right-wing religious cult in the USA and a different right-wing religious cult in Israel screaming how we need to declare holy war on yet another right-wing religious cult in Iran.

Hardliner religious cultists are irrational and violent no matter where they are, and they need to be marginalized. We're working on that in the USA, while the Israeli moderates and Iranian moderates are working on their end of it. It's the moral duty of rational people to oppose these religious cultists wherever they show up.

Isn't Al Qaeda a religious cult? Aren't you traitors aligning yourselves with a religious cult in your war against America?
The irony here is seeing a right-wing religious cult in the USA and a different right-wing religious cult in Israel screaming how we need to declare holy war on yet another right-wing religious cult in Iran.

Hardliner religious cultists are irrational and violent no matter where they are, and they need to be marginalized. We're working on that in the USA, while the Israeli moderates and Iranian moderates are working on their end of it. It's the moral duty of rational people to oppose these religious cultists wherever they show up.

What USA cult is calling for a holy war with Iran? Please name.
NONE of the people on this board that are trying to comprehend why Iran with it's well known bellicose position should be
given a nuclear bomb. None of us on the board trying to inject common sense with this administration's total naive approach
are to my knowledge "cultists" wanting a "holy war with Iran"!
That is totally stupid and I challenge you to provide sourcing for your totally ignorant statement!
SS Cole bombing ....Nuclear warhead ... same thing.

RW logic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


{It took some time for the Western countries to realize they’d been taken for suckers. When they did, they were more or less obliged to act with force – or acquiesce in Iran’s “right” to enrich uranium. Acquiesce they did until finally provoked to impose sanctions. They worked. Iran came to the negotiating table but failed to meet a deadline and last November got a reward for its intransigence – a seven month extension. And what more could we do to show goodwill? We relax the sanctions that underlay negotiations, having unwisely rejected a congressional vote to tighten them in the face of obduracy. We also give the Iranian theocracy access to $7 billion hard currency they will be able to use for their criminal purposes. Why do that when sanctions were demoralizing the country? Relaxation was a godsend for Iran’s staggering economy. It was the one pressure we had to force Iran to give up its pursuit of nuclear weapons and we have given it away.}

Obama Has Lost His Nerve in the Battle Against a Nuclear Iran - US News

Even leftwing media acknowledges that Obama has greenlighted an Iranian nuke.
Obama has repeatedly shown patience and a reluctance to overreact to the rightwing issue of the day

Remember Ebola?

Remember what an incompetent fuck Obama was in dealing with it?

Well no, but I do remember all the hyperbole the Republicans, Faux and the so called liberal Media were spreading.

"We're all gonna die"
Who actually said "We're all gonna die"?
Now SLASH LYRICS - We re All Gonna Die
Iggy Pop one of people like you heros.. sang this
"We're All Gonna Die"
(feat. Iggy Pop)

Gee, I really like your tits
I'll say anything that fits
We carry our vision
Wherever we go
If you keep your mouth shut
It's still gonna show
We're all gonna die
So let's get high
We're all gonna die
So let's be nice
I'm in the mood
So let's intrude
Pee on the ground
And jump around

We're all gonna die!

(We're all gonna die)
(We're all gonna die)
(I wanna, I wanna, I wanna whip it out and pee on the ground!)
(We're all gonna die)
Isn't Al Qaeda a religious cult

Yes, it's another right wing cult, more of your butt-buddies. The only thing that distinguishes you from them is what you name your god.

Aren't you traitors aligning yourselves with a religious cult in your war against America?

Like so many Republicans, you've never forgiven Obama for killing Osama, and never will.

This is a clash of civilizations. Across the world, the forces of rationality, the liberals, battle against the forces of barbarism, the conservatives. You've picked the losing side here. But at least you'll get your 40 virgins, or heaven, or whatever. All promises of eternal paradise look the same to rational people.
Nope. Just more lies.

I guess all the major media are in on it - and only you mindless sycophants at the Soros hate sites know the really real truth, huh BlindFool?

Bibi told the world 3 years ago that Iran could have a weapon in 1 year. So in 10 years they will be no closer than they were 3 years ago?

The MSM also rooted for the invasion and occupation of Iraq and parroted all the war-hawks propaganda too.
Israel has nukes....Iran doesn't

Who needs to be afraid?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?
Yes, it's another right wing cult, more of your butt-buddies. The only thing that distinguishes you from them is what you name your god.

Why would Obama and you follow a right wing cult?

Like so many Republicans, you've never forgiven Obama for killing Osama, and never will.

Obama killed Osama?

Dayum, here I thought it was a Navy Seal Team, but then you traitors have your own history and reality, doncha?

This is a clash of civilizations. Across the world, the forces of rationality, the liberals, battle against the forces of barbarism, the conservatives. You've picked the losing side here. But at least you'll get your 40 virgins, or heaven, or whatever. All promises of eternal paradise look the same to rational people.

Is is indeed a clash of civilizations, and you leftists have sided with the Muzzie Beasts. The enemy of America is your friend - always.
Bibi told the world 3 years ago that Iran could have a weapon in 1 year. So in 10 years they will be no closer than they were 3 years ago?

The MSM also rooted for the invasion and occupation of Iraq and parroted all the war-hawks propaganda too.

So what threw Iran off schedule? More importantly, what can Obama do to get them back on track?
Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?

democrats have an enemy whom they hate and wish to see dead.


No, it's not them - democrats LOVE them and share their goals.

It's these guys that democrats want to eradicate.

Yes, we actually still have a few liberal fanatics who believe that since Iran hasn't actually nuked anybody yet, they won't. And so we shouldn't worry about them getting the Bomb. Never mind that they have fomented and financed countless acts of terror that resulted in the deaths of thousands; and have announced numerous times that they want to wipe Israel off the map.

In a related announcement, these same liberal fanatics announced to day that a child who has set numerous brush fires over the last few years, and who boasts of wanting to make a really big bang, should nonetheless be trusted with matches in the powder magazine of a giant battleship. On grounds that since he hasn't actually blown up any battleships yet, he won't. And so we shouldn't worry about that particular child having matches in a powder magazine.

Can anybody possibly be as completely blind and obtuse as little rightwinger?

democrats have an enemy whom they hate and wish to see dead.

No, it's not them - democrats LOVE them and share their goals.

It's these guys that democrats want to eradicate.

Poor unhinged, still at war with Democrats and will propagate any lie that denigrates them, as anyone can see.
Poor unhinged, still at war with Democrats and will propagate any lie that denigrates them, as anyone can see.

What lie is that, Blindfool?

That you democrats have allied with radical Islam is irrefutable. That you hate the Tea Party and middle America is irrefutable.

So what "lie" do you allege?
Poor unhinged, still at war with Democrats and will propagate any lie that denigrates them, as anyone can see.

What lie is that, Blindfool?

That you democrats have allied with radical Islam is irrefutable. That you hate the Tea Party and middle America is irrefutable.

So what "lie" do you allege?

I disagree. Nobody hates the Tea party. Without them who would be the laughing stock of politics ? Watching them and the Republicans take shots at each other should be on TV ... oh wait, it is !

So what "lie" do you allege?

All of them. You're like some in the crowd at one of McCain's rallies in 2008.

But when one man said he was scared to raise his unborn child in a country that might be led by a President Obama, McCain disagreed.

“I have to tell you, he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States,” McCain said to boos and groans from supporters.

At one point, McCain grabbed the microphone from a woman who had begun to say she didn’t like Obama because he is an Arab. “No, ma’am. No, ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen who I just happen to have serious differences with on fundamental questions.”

McCain defends Obama The Seattle Times
All of them. You're like some in the crowd at one of McCain's rallies in 2008.

All of them that you can't quite articulate, Blindfool?

LOL, without demagoguery what would you leftists have to say?

But when one man said he was scared to raise his unborn child in a country that might be led by a President Obama, McCain disagreed.

“I have to tell you, he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States,” McCain said to boos and groans from supporters.

At one point, McCain grabbed the microphone from a woman who had begun to say she didn’t like Obama because he is an Arab. “No, ma’am. No, ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen who I just happen to have serious differences with on fundamental questions.”

McCain defends Obama The Seattle Times

So, guilt by non-association? :thup:

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