Netanyahu's unwelcome visit to the U.S.

They were terrorists long before that. Lol.
No they weren't. They were indigenous residents, living in that area for centuries. None of the violence was present in that area until the Zionists showed up.

You are wrong. The ME has never been a peaceful place. Learn some history!!!
What Billo the Palestinian ass kisser forgets to mention is that it was the Arabs who started with the violence.
How strange must have short AND LONG TERM MEMORY LOSS.............steve....Trust you and Yours are Well.

Medina ring any bells, or mecca perhaps
They were terrorists long before that. Lol.
No they weren't. They were indigenous residents, living in that area for centuries. None of the violence was present in that area until the Zionists showed up.

You are wrong. The ME has never been a peaceful place. Learn some history!!!
What Billo the Palestinian ass kisser forgets to mention is that it was the Arabs who started with the violence.
How strange must have short AND LONG TERM MEMORY LOSS.............steve....Trust you and Yours are Well.

Medina ring any bells, or mecca perhaps

Former Jewish cities.
Terrorists are the problem, and Palestine is a recognized terrorist state. They don't have any good will toward anyone else because all they do is teach hatred. Their religion is not just a religion, but more cult like in that it encompasses their entire lives and views, especially in small little isolated areas in the world where they are oppressed by dictators. The dictators and their imams, etc., teach them to hate Americans, to hate Jews, to hate the western world . . . and all of this hatred they are instilling (brainwashing actually) takes the pressure off of the leadership in these places. Their hatred runs deep, and I'm pretty sure you would not want it unleashed on the world. They need to work on improving themselves before they even THINK about becoming a legitimate and recognized "state."
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?
You are Right pbel and the person aka "ChrisL" is, the Palestinian political party could well be asked to support either of the main two political Jewish parties to form a government,in the upcoming Israeli Elections.........this last happened when the Palestinians in Israel,in support of Y Rabin was given a vote of NO CONFIDENCE by the Kennesit sic......and Rabin remained Prime Minister....Keep Watching....steve....I love your contribution,but I doubt the Zionist Terrorist Possee DO.....keep up the Great work and truth against these Rewriters of history and the facts.
Stevie, go soak your head until you're sober.
Thanks Hoss,trouble is I could well be go soak your the way,I hope you are well,even if you are grumpy today.....I think you need a drink..LOL.steve
I've needed a drink for 21 years,but alas, one is too many and 20 is not enough. On the wagon.
Is this the Wagon before the Hoss? LOL
It's almost like if the Mexicans started warring with us over California. Lol.

Could you imagine that? Terrorists lobbing bombs into California, killing women, kids, men, whomever happens to be in the way. Also, sending terrorists to night clubs, etc., where all the young people are hanging out and blowing the place up, killing kids on purpose.
We would all have to go a long way to meet such a Cretin like you.........your summation on everything is soaked in Zionist Terrorism Mantra's......your thoughts that Israelis most Zionistas are good,is only founded on your indoctorination sic and sullied mind,but they are not,not by a long mile.Well over 100 UN Violations.......

But you persist in your inaccurate statements,you really have become a Bore.

Do explain why islam as a whole is engaged in more civil wars than any other religion, why islam has murdered 1 million innocents this year since the year started. Why islam has w3armongered with Israel over the last 66 years and has attacked it for no other reason than it exists as an oasis of modern democracy in a desert of brutal dictatorships and Islamic theocracies
Again you spread lies as usual...Islam is a religion not a nation...If you compare Islamic wars to Christian wars you may again look like the lying buffoon you always project.

Ever hear of the "Hundred Years' War in Christian Europe?" Probably, but your role here is to lie.

Is it now, then why do muslims say the Nation of Islam when they want to refer to the whole of islam. Why does the FBI have a dossier on the Nation of Islam an African-American cult that is anti American and violent
FBI Nation of Islam
So no LIES spread other than yours.

Yes lets compare Islamic wars to Christian wars starting in 2015 and going back to 620 C.E.

The Syrian war that is terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not I.S. in the name of their gods and religion. Boko Haram again terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not of their cult in the name of their gods and religion. and so we go back in time 1,000 years or more before we come across a Christian war ( a war fought by Christians on the pretext of being a command from god ). In that time there have been thousands of Islamic wars all for the same purpose, WORLD DOMINATION and LAND THEFT.

Ever heard of the genocide of the Jews in Medina, probably but you are told to ignore any Islamic mass murder.
Ever heard of the genocide of the Palestinians by Jews 1927 onwards........but you were told that any Zionist Terrorists MASS MURDERED should be ignored.................................You are Fcuked in the Head Pussy

NO I doubt that anyone else has either, we have heard of the genocide of the Armenians, the Kurds, the Ahmadi, the Hindu's, the Christians and the Jews at muslim hands but not the genocide of the Palestinians by themselves. You see arab muslims only became Palestinians in 1964 when Arafat told them they were
We would all have to go a long way to meet such a Cretin like you.........your summation on everything is soaked in Zionist Terrorism Mantra's......your thoughts that Israelis most Zionistas are good,is only founded on your indoctorination sic and sullied mind,but they are not,not by a long mile.Well over 100 UN Violations.......

But you persist in your inaccurate statements,you really have become a Bore.

Do explain why islam as a whole is engaged in more civil wars than any other religion, why islam has murdered 1 million innocents this year since the year started. Why islam has w3armongered with Israel over the last 66 years and has attacked it for no other reason than it exists as an oasis of modern democracy in a desert of brutal dictatorships and Islamic theocracies
Again you spread lies as usual...Islam is a religion not a nation...If you compare Islamic wars to Christian wars you may again look like the lying buffoon you always project.

Ever hear of the "Hundred Years' War in Christian Europe?" Probably, but your role here is to lie.

Is it now, then why do muslims say the Nation of Islam when they want to refer to the whole of islam. Why does the FBI have a dossier on the Nation of Islam an African-American cult that is anti American and violent
FBI Nation of Islam
So no LIES spread other than yours.

Yes lets compare Islamic wars to Christian wars starting in 2015 and going back to 620 C.E.

The Syrian war that is terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not I.S. in the name of their gods and religion. Boko Haram again terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not of their cult in the name of their gods and religion. and so we go back in time 1,000 years or more before we come across a Christian war ( a war fought by Christians on the pretext of being a command from god ). In that time there have been thousands of Islamic wars all for the same purpose, WORLD DOMINATION and LAND THEFT.

Ever heard of the genocide of the Jews in Medina, probably but you are told to ignore any Islamic mass murder.
Ever heard of the genocide of the Palestinians by Jews 1927 onwards........but you were told that any Zionist Terrorists MASS MURDERED should be ignored.................................You are Fcuked in the Head Pussy

NO I doubt that anyone else has either, we have heard of the genocide of the Armenians, the Kurds, the Ahmadi, the Hindu's, the Christians and the Jews at muslim hands but not the genocide of the Palestinians by themselves. You see arab muslims only became Palestinians in 1964 when Arafat told them they were
Yawn 1964 how strange you are ..................try -1000 BC.......whilst you are on the point of Genocide.........It was the Christians that Eliminated the Jews + Arab Moors,from Spain,It was the Christians that banished and slaughtered Jews from Russia,It was the Christians that wiped out the Jews in Germany(with Zionist help),It was Turks that wiped out the Armenian Christians........It was the Jews that wiped out the Caananites,Moabites and later attempted to wipe out the Palestinians.So your SILLY POINT WAS ???????????????????????
The UN recognized Palestine as an observer state...Can you link who has deemed Palestine as a "terrorist state' as you say?
You are Right pbel and the person aka "ChrisL" is, the Palestinian political party could well be asked to support either of the main two political Jewish parties to form a government,in the upcoming Israeli Elections.........this last happened when the Palestinians in Israel,in support of Y Rabin was given a vote of NO CONFIDENCE by the Kennesit sic......and Rabin remained Prime Minister....Keep Watching....steve....I love your contribution,but I doubt the Zionist Terrorist Possee DO.....keep up the Great work and truth against these Rewriters of history and the facts.
Stevie, go soak your head until you're sober.
Thanks Hoss,trouble is I could well be go soak your the way,I hope you are well,even if you are grumpy today.....I think you need a drink..LOL.steve
I've needed a drink for 21 years,but alas, one is too many and 20 is not enough. On the wagon.
Is this the Wagon before the Hoss? LOL
Outstanding Retort pbel, Hoss you have to give it to him..........That was one very funny and clever REPLY.........pleb,I bow to your superior Wit.......steve
Do explain why islam as a whole is engaged in more civil wars than any other religion, why islam has murdered 1 million innocents this year since the year started. Why islam has w3armongered with Israel over the last 66 years and has attacked it for no other reason than it exists as an oasis of modern democracy in a desert of brutal dictatorships and Islamic theocracies
Again you spread lies as usual...Islam is a religion not a nation...If you compare Islamic wars to Christian wars you may again look like the lying buffoon you always project.

Ever hear of the "Hundred Years' War in Christian Europe?" Probably, but your role here is to lie.

Is it now, then why do muslims say the Nation of Islam when they want to refer to the whole of islam. Why does the FBI have a dossier on the Nation of Islam an African-American cult that is anti American and violent
FBI Nation of Islam
So no LIES spread other than yours.

Yes lets compare Islamic wars to Christian wars starting in 2015 and going back to 620 C.E.

The Syrian war that is terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not I.S. in the name of their gods and religion. Boko Haram again terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not of their cult in the name of their gods and religion. and so we go back in time 1,000 years or more before we come across a Christian war ( a war fought by Christians on the pretext of being a command from god ). In that time there have been thousands of Islamic wars all for the same purpose, WORLD DOMINATION and LAND THEFT.

Ever heard of the genocide of the Jews in Medina, probably but you are told to ignore any Islamic mass murder.
Ever heard of the genocide of the Palestinians by Jews 1927 onwards........but you were told that any Zionist Terrorists MASS MURDERED should be ignored.................................You are Fcuked in the Head Pussy

NO I doubt that anyone else has either, we have heard of the genocide of the Armenians, the Kurds, the Ahmadi, the Hindu's, the Christians and the Jews at muslim hands but not the genocide of the Palestinians by themselves. You see arab muslims only became Palestinians in 1964 when Arafat told them they were
Yawn 1964 how strange you are ..................try -1000 BC.......whilst you are on the point of Genocide.........It was the Christians that Eliminated the Jews + Arab Moors,from Spain,It was the Christians that banished and slaughtered Jews from Russia,It was the Christians that wiped out the Jews in Germany(with Zionist help),It was Turks that wiped out the Armenian Christians........It was the Jews that wiped out the Caananites,Moabites and later attempted to wipe out the Palestinians.So your SILLY POINT WAS ???????????????????????

STOP LYING as the Zionist had nothing to do with the holocaust, your brothers had a big hand in it though through the Grand Mufti. All the others were muslims acting in accordance with the false prophets commands. And what did he prophesy that was not already known to mankind ?
You are wrong. The ME has never been a peaceful place. Learn some history!!!
There is no recorded incidents of major violence in that area until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century. Before that, Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived in relative peace with each other. But that all changed when Zionists migrated in with their racist, apartheid laws and ideology.
The poetic Justice being heaped upon Nut&Yahoo by the Israeli electorate is heaven sent...A week from now champagne will be flowing world-wide if he is defeated...

Netanyahu s fortunes fall following GOP partnership MSNBC

When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress, the plan was intended to boost their collective ambitions. Boehner would use Netanyahu to undermine President Obama and his foreign policy, while Netanyahu would use Boehner to improve his own re-election prospects and condemn international nuclear talks he opposes.
Almost immediately, the gambit backfired. In the United States, Republicans created a real controversy by partnering with a foreign official to undercut an American president. In Israel, Netanyahu divided the public by jeopardizing the country’s relationship with its most reliable ally.
The consequences of the misstep are still unfolding. Take the latest poll of Israeli voters, less than a week from their national elections, for example.
Isaac Herzog’s Zionist Union has maintained its 24-to-21-seat lead against Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud in the Knesset Channel’s latest poll, suggesting that the prime minister’s speech to Congress last week hasn’t buoyed his party before the March 17 election. […]
You are wrong. The ME has never been a peaceful place. Learn some history!!!
There is no recorded incidents of major violence in that area until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century. Before that, Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived in relative peace with each other. But that all changed when Zionists migrated in with their racist, apartheid laws and ideology.

You do not know what you are talking about as these massacres show

Hebron 1518
Safed 1834
Bagdad 1838
Basra 1776
Tabris 1830

All before Zionism was invented and all showing the state of play in the M.E. with the volatile arab muslims

As the great Tunisian-Jewish writer Albert Memmi has written: "coexistence with the Arabs was not just uncomfortable, it was marked by threats periodically carried out."

And how about this

Did Jews and Arab Muslims live in peace before 1948 the state establishment of Israel Yahoo Answers

In Moorish Spain,there was the 1066 Granada massacre, when more than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day, and in Fez in 1033, when 6,000 Jews were killed. There were further massacres in Fez in 1276 and 1465.
Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300,000 Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.
Blowing up school buses and tea shops, is.
So is targeting hospitals and civilian infrastructure.

Palestinians are illegally occupying Israel land.
Over 100 UN resolutions and the rest of the free world say you're wrong.

Which is what the arab muslims do without justification. Israel returns fire and if the fire is coming from hospitals or civilian structures then under the Geneva conventions they become military targets.

Strange how the rest of the free world is you, your fellow neo Marxist stooges and a handful of islamonazi liars. And not the free thinkers who see the real problem and put the blame on the arab muslims.
Again you spread lies as usual...Islam is a religion not a nation...If you compare Islamic wars to Christian wars you may again look like the lying buffoon you always project.

Ever hear of the "Hundred Years' War in Christian Europe?" Probably, but your role here is to lie.

Is it now, then why do muslims say the Nation of Islam when they want to refer to the whole of islam. Why does the FBI have a dossier on the Nation of Islam an African-American cult that is anti American and violent
FBI Nation of Islam
So no LIES spread other than yours.

Yes lets compare Islamic wars to Christian wars starting in 2015 and going back to 620 C.E.

The Syrian war that is terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not I.S. in the name of their gods and religion. Boko Haram again terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not of their cult in the name of their gods and religion. and so we go back in time 1,000 years or more before we come across a Christian war ( a war fought by Christians on the pretext of being a command from god ). In that time there have been thousands of Islamic wars all for the same purpose, WORLD DOMINATION and LAND THEFT.

Ever heard of the genocide of the Jews in Medina, probably but you are told to ignore any Islamic mass murder.
Ever heard of the genocide of the Palestinians by Jews 1927 onwards........but you were told that any Zionist Terrorists MASS MURDERED should be ignored.................................You are Fcuked in the Head Pussy

NO I doubt that anyone else has either, we have heard of the genocide of the Armenians, the Kurds, the Ahmadi, the Hindu's, the Christians and the Jews at muslim hands but not the genocide of the Palestinians by themselves. You see arab muslims only became Palestinians in 1964 when Arafat told them they were
Yawn 1964 how strange you are ..................try -1000 BC.......whilst you are on the point of Genocide.........It was the Christians that Eliminated the Jews + Arab Moors,from Spain,It was the Christians that banished and slaughtered Jews from Russia,It was the Christians that wiped out the Jews in Germany(with Zionist help),It was Turks that wiped out the Armenian Christians........It was the Jews that wiped out the Caananites,Moabites and later attempted to wipe out the Palestinians.So your SILLY POINT WAS ???????????????????????

STOP LYING as the Zionist had nothing to do with the holocaust, your brothers had a big hand in it though through the Grand Mufti. All the others were muslims acting in accordance with the false prophets commands. And what did he prophesy that was not already known to mankind ?
It is rather SAD that a RABID Jew like Phonecall cannot admit the truth..........Trouble is like all Zionists, Phonecalls entire life is a must think Sentinels like me are some how a mirror image of you...That's right A FCUKING IDIOT........but keep Bullshitting(LYING) it's all you ever had.
The poetic Justice being heaped upon Nut&Yahoo by the Israeli electorate is heaven sent...A week from now champagne will be flowing world-wide if he is defeated...

Netanyahu s fortunes fall following GOP partnership MSNBC

When House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress, the plan was intended to boost their collective ambitions. Boehner would use Netanyahu to undermine President Obama and his foreign policy, while Netanyahu would use Boehner to improve his own re-election prospects and condemn international nuclear talks he opposes.
Almost immediately, the gambit backfired. In the United States, Republicans created a real controversy by partnering with a foreign official to undercut an American president. In Israel, Netanyahu divided the public by jeopardizing the country’s relationship with its most reliable ally.
The consequences of the misstep are still unfolding. Take the latest poll of Israeli voters, less than a week from their national elections, for example.
Isaac Herzog’s Zionist Union has maintained its 24-to-21-seat lead against Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud in the Knesset Channel’s latest poll, suggesting that the prime minister’s speech to Congress last week hasn’t buoyed his party before the March 17 election. […]

Don't count your chickens
You are wrong. The ME has never been a peaceful place. Learn some history!!!
There is no recorded incidents of major violence in that area until the Zionist migration at the turn of the last century. Before that, Palestinian-Jews and Palestinian-Arabs lived in relative peace with each other. But that all changed when Zionists migrated in with their racist, apartheid laws and ideology.

You do not know what you are talking about as these massacres show

Hebron 1518
Safed 1834
Bagdad 1838
Basra 1776
Tabris 1830

All before Zionism was invented and all showing the state of play in the M.E. with the volatile arab muslims

As the great Tunisian-Jewish writer Albert Memmi has written: "coexistence with the Arabs was not just uncomfortable, it was marked by threats periodically carried out."

And how about this

Did Jews and Arab Muslims live in peace before 1948 the state establishment of Israel Yahoo Answers

In Moorish Spain,there was the 1066 Granada massacre, when more than 1,500 Jewish families, numbering 4,000 persons, fell in one day, and in Fez in 1033, when 6,000 Jews were killed. There were further massacres in Fez in 1276 and 1465.
Other mass murders of Jews in Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in 1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300,000 Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.
Actually the Moors and Jews fought together against the Christians in much for your ignorant and inane diatribe..........later the Spanish Inquision sic was a rouse to eliminate the remaining Jews and Moors left in Spain........Christians have slaughtered more Jews that any other religious or ethnic community throughout history.....................I don't expect you to have my superior knowledge but for fcuk sake try to keep up to speed and stop the Bullshit.
Is it now, then why do muslims say the Nation of Islam when they want to refer to the whole of islam. Why does the FBI have a dossier on the Nation of Islam an African-American cult that is anti American and violent
FBI Nation of Islam
So no LIES spread other than yours.

Yes lets compare Islamic wars to Christian wars starting in 2015 and going back to 620 C.E.

The Syrian war that is terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not I.S. in the name of their gods and religion. Boko Haram again terrorist insurgents mass murdering anyone that is not of their cult in the name of their gods and religion. and so we go back in time 1,000 years or more before we come across a Christian war ( a war fought by Christians on the pretext of being a command from god ). In that time there have been thousands of Islamic wars all for the same purpose, WORLD DOMINATION and LAND THEFT.

Ever heard of the genocide of the Jews in Medina, probably but you are told to ignore any Islamic mass murder.
Ever heard of the genocide of the Palestinians by Jews 1927 onwards........but you were told that any Zionist Terrorists MASS MURDERED should be ignored.................................You are Fcuked in the Head Pussy

NO I doubt that anyone else has either, we have heard of the genocide of the Armenians, the Kurds, the Ahmadi, the Hindu's, the Christians and the Jews at muslim hands but not the genocide of the Palestinians by themselves. You see arab muslims only became Palestinians in 1964 when Arafat told them they were
Yawn 1964 how strange you are ..................try -1000 BC.......whilst you are on the point of Genocide.........It was the Christians that Eliminated the Jews + Arab Moors,from Spain,It was the Christians that banished and slaughtered Jews from Russia,It was the Christians that wiped out the Jews in Germany(with Zionist help),It was Turks that wiped out the Armenian Christians........It was the Jews that wiped out the Caananites,Moabites and later attempted to wipe out the Palestinians.So your SILLY POINT WAS ???????????????????????

STOP LYING as the Zionist had nothing to do with the holocaust, your brothers had a big hand in it though through the Grand Mufti. All the others were muslims acting in accordance with the false prophets commands. And what did he prophesy that was not already known to mankind ?
It is rather SAD that a RABID Jew like Phonecall cannot admit the truth..........Trouble is like all Zionists, Phonecalls entire life is a must think Sentinels like me are some how a mirror image of you...That's right A FCUKING IDIOT........but keep Bullshitting(LYING) it's all you ever had.

How many more times IDIOT I am not a Jew, but to admit that would mean that you are wrong about everything. Now about the holocaust who was it asked Hitler for more Jews as he had ran out, and toured the death camps laughing as he had Jews murdered for his own amusement. A clue he was not a Zionist but he was an educated muslim........................

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