Netflix Jeffrey Dahmer show, is it morally wrong?

Iā€™m not telling anyone what to watch, but I think producing these kind of shows is sleazy. Itā€™s also not a matter of being squeamish, I choose not to support this show out of respect for the families affected.

Well, some consider topless bars and burlesque shows to be sleazy as well, but they still make lots of money as there are lots of people interested in them (even if they won't admit it in public).

And, choosing not to support them is your right, just like it's the right of others to produce and watch those shows. Takes all kinds to make a world (or a nation), even if you don't agree with all of them.
I think so. His sick crimes should not be exploited for profit or glorified at all. Feel free to call me a snowflake, but Iā€™m not an insensitive prick like the people at Netflix.
I tend to agree. Frankly, I used to be overly-interested inmurder cases myself.. I asked myself WHY because really, I would much rather watch news on "politics" or current events than on murders but when there was no news shows to watch (bc I'd already watched them), I would turn to some crime station. I don't do that today because today I am more like you appear to be: turned off by that kind of thing, although I never did have any kind of serious interest in BIZARRE stuff like Dahmer.. I was always more interested in "love interest" murders.. because, well... I really don't know except that I've had some seriously bad relationships before so I could relate to.. you know.. serious anger or jealousy, etc. This all reminds me of how getting close to Jesus through the rosary, Mass attendance, etc.. healed me of wanting to be in a "relationship" so - called (though I wouldn't mind a healthy one, ofcourse).

Yay, Jesus, who saves!

The lies Netflix tells is what is fucking sickening.
yeh... that video you have there

is a prime example...

a lie can also be something that is NOT even mentioned.. (an absense of info)

like how the Left stole the election

But that video is the best reminder of ------just how freaking LIED TO we all are! You wonder: what the hell else are "they" lying to us about?

you wonder..

Our country has been taken over by very sick individuals
Its our history. I dont have a problem with it.
That being said, I enjoyed the show. And Even Peters freaking NAILED it.
Its super dark and im a bit morbid :dunno:
Its our history. I dont have a problem with it.
That being said, I enjoyed the show. And Even Peters freaking NAILED it.
Its super dark and im a bit morbid :dunno:
a bit?

I don't even want to think about weirdos like Dahmer. I have enough weirdos "in my life" or in my head (now and again) to last more than a lifetime..

Believe it or not, praying to Mary helps, along w/ other prayers but she helps an awful lot--:)
They did a couple of movies on Bundy, at least one on Gacy and one on the female serial killer Wornos. Why not Dahmer?
I saw the one on Wornos. She was a creepy assed gold digging chick who had zero respect for life.
Wuornos was a serial killer who played the part of a helpless female hitchhiker. Her defense was that she was sexually assaulted by the (at least) seven men who picked her up. The jury didn't buy it and Florida is a bad place for serial killers. Bundy was one of the last to be executed on the hot seat and Wuronos didn't have much time to spend on death row

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