Nevada Governor vetoes offensive Gun control bill.

I don't think it's possible for you to be any more dense than you are. Still, for some reason I try to get through to you.

Because criminals don't obey laws, background checks don't work. That leaves backgroundchecks only serving to infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens without any benefit to safety at all.

Now, if I didn't make that simple enough for you to understand, then I'm sorry, I cannot help you.

If a background check keeps a criminal or somebody suffering from mental illness from getting a gun, then they work. Is that simple enough for you?
You fail to regognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
Don't feel bad - you are very much not alone.

Right. So, do away with all laws because people break them. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
If a background check keeps a criminal or somebody suffering from mental illness from getting a gun, then they work. Is that simple enough for you?
You fail to regognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
Don't feel bad - you are very much not alone.
Right. So, do away with all laws because people break them. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Non sequitur -- that is, your statement does not follow logicallly from mine.

Criminal law exists as a means to punish people who commit a crime, not prevent crime -- indeed, criminal law -cannot- prevernt crime.

Thus, your statement makes no sense, especially in response to mine.
Please do try again.
If a background check keeps a criminal or somebody suffering from mental illness from getting a gun, then they work. Is that simple enough for you?
You fail to regognize that it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent someone from breaking the law.
Don't feel bad - you are very much not alone.

Right. So, do away with all laws because people break them. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Loser argument. There are 20000 laws on the books concerning weapons. Some are not even enforced. We do not need background checks on private sales, we do not need restrictions on magazine sizes, we do not need restrictions on supposed assault weapons.

It is Unconstitutional to ban assault weapons, it is Unconstitutional to place a restrictive tax on firearms ammo or magazines.

You don't like the 2nd? get an amendment through Congress and 37 States.

Once again if it is an infringement on the right to vote for a poll tax to exist, it is an infringement on my right to own firearms for there to be a fee on my background check or a permit to buy a firearm.
Maybe you're a fucking douche nozzle. No, definitely.

That doesn't change the fact that you don't have an argument, or that you aren't smart enough to admit it, does it?

That you fail to grasp the concept of my argument doesn't translate to me having no argument. Nor does it make you smart. Now go stroke your gun in the mirror, tough guy.

The concept of your argument is that you are afraid crazy people might get guns unless we make it illegal for them to do something that is already illegal.

Did I miss something?
That doesn't change the fact that you don't have an argument, or that you aren't smart enough to admit it, does it?

That you fail to grasp the concept of my argument doesn't translate to me having no argument. Nor does it make you smart. Now go stroke your gun in the mirror, tough guy.

The concept of your argument is that you are afraid crazy people might get guns unless we make it illegal for them to do something that is already illegal.

Did I miss something?

that boils it down nicely
Do you even understand the meaning of the word "infringe"?

To deny, advance upon, or otherwise deprive a person of the right to exercise a lawfully granted right or privilege. (Quoted from memory)

No is denying anyone the ability to purchase a gun. Unless you're a deranged lunatic. Are you a deranged lunatic?

No? Then nothing is being infringed.

Restricting magazine sizes? Banning assault weapons? A gun registry?

Can you come back to this plane of reality please?
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Definition of infringe (v)
Bing Dictionary
in·fringe [ in frínj ] 1.disobey or disregard something: to fail to obey a law or regulation or observe the terms of an agreement
2.encroach on somebody's rights or property: to take over land, rights, privileges, or activities that belong to somebody else, especially in a minor or gradual way
Synonyms: encroach on, intrude on, interfere with, impinge on, trespass, invade, overstep.

Definition of INFRINGE
transitive verb
1: to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another <infringe a patent>
2obsolete : defeat, frustrate

in·fringe/&#618;n&#712;fr&#618;nd&#658;/ Show Spelled [in-frinj] Show IPA verb, in·fringed, in·fring·ing.
verb (used with object)
1. to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: to infringe a copyright; to infringe a rule.
verb (used without object)
2. to encroach or trespass (usually followed by on or upon ): Don't infringe on his privacy.

in·fringe (n-frnj)
v. in·fringed, in·fring·ing, in·fring·es
1. To transgress or exceed the limits of; violate: infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
2. Obsolete To defeat; invalidate.
To encroach on someone or something; engage in trespassing: an increased workload that infringed on his personal life.

See? See?
I'm talking about any person who should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun -- felons, violent criminals, people with mental illness, straw purchasers. I'm irresponsible because I don't want those people to be able to legally obtain guns? How the fuck do YOU know what I have the balls to do, champ? Because I advocate for common sense gun regulations that a majority of Americans -- including REPUBLICANS -- support, I'm a coward? Take your strawman BS and pound sand.

I'm talking about any person who should not be allowed to legally purchase a gun -- felons, violent criminals, people with mental illness, straw purchasers.

you were stressing the Mentally impaired or guys with a record....i was talking about the Active criminal element....and i told you this......they dont need to go to a gun shop.....

People other than the "active criminal element", or gangs, commit gun violence

The Sandy Hook killer and the Aurora killer were in gangs and/or part of the "active criminal element"?


How the fuck do YOU know what I have the balls to do, champ?

but you can say this about me....right CHAMP?....

I asked you first. Champ.

It turns out that people like you just want to own/sell/trade any weapon you choose under the guise of "protecting your 2nd amendment right" without regard to public safety.

if i was like that why would i be for exterminating violent gangs?.....why would i state that i am for Zero tolerance for using guns Illegally and the jail time should be long? far as i am concerned own a gun and you are negligent with it or use it to commit a pay the price.....and that price will be one you may not take your bullshit and go pound your own pile of it CHAMP?.....

Do I get your inability to use common sense? No, i don't get it. Get back to stroking your gun, tough guy.

The Sandy Hook killer and the Aurora killer were in gangs and/or part of the "active criminal element"?

do you wanna show me were i said that?.....

Do I get your inability to use common sense? No, i don't get it. Get back to stroking your gun, tough guy.

i think your the guy not using common sense JED.....saying this instead of answering what i said above kinda proves that......get back to doing what you do best Jed....stroke your dont seem to be doing very good in this thread...

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